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Releases: sass/dart-sass-embedded

Dart Sass Embedded 1.58.1

14 Feb 01:07
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  • Emit a unitless hue when serializing hsl() colors. The deg unit is incompatible with IE, and while that officially falls outside our compatibility policy, it's better to lean towards greater compatibility.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

Dart Sass Embedded 1.58.0

01 Feb 23:54
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  • Remove sourcemap comments from Sass sources. The generated sourcemap comment for the compiled CSS output remains unaffected.

  • Fix a bug in @extend logic where certain selectors with three or more combinators were incorrectly considered superselectors of similar selectors with fewer combinators, causing them to be incorrectly trimmed from the output.

  • Produce a better error message for a number with a leading + or -, a decimal point, but no digits.

  • Produce a better error message for a nested property whose name starts with --.

  • Fix a crash when a selector ends in an escaped backslash.

  • Add the relative length units from CSS Values 4 and CSS Contain 3 as known units to validate bad computation in calc.

Command Line Interface

  • The --watch flag will now track loads through calls to meta.load-css() as long as their URLs are literal strings without any interpolation.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

Dart Sass Embedded 1.57.1

20 Dec 00:05
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  • No user-visible changes.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

Dart Sass Embedded 1.56.2

08 Dec 21:49
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Embedded Sass

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

sass_embedded 1.56.1

09 Nov 02:05
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Embedded Sass

  • Importer results now validate that contents is actually a string and whether sourceMapUrl is an absolute URL.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

sass_embedded 1.55.0

22 Sep 22:46
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  • Potentially breaking bug fix: Sass numbers are now universally stored as 64-bit floating-point numbers, rather than sometimes being stored as integers. This will generally make arithmetic with very large numbers more reliable and more consistent across platforms, but it does mean that numbers between nine quadrillion and nine quintillion will no longer be represented with full accuracy when compiling Sass on the Dart VM.

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: Sass equality is now properly transitive. Two numbers are now considered equal (after doing unit conversions) if they round to the same 1e-11th. Previously, numbers were considered equal if they were within 1e-11 of one another, which led to some circumstances where $a == $b and $b == $c but $a != $b.

  • Potentially breaking bug fix: Various functions in sass:math no longer treat floating-point numbers that are very close (but not identical) to integers as integers. Instead, these functions now follow the floating-point specification exactly. For example, math.pow(0.000000000001, -1) now returns 1000000000000 instead of Infinity.

  • Emit a deprecation warning for $a -$b and $a +$b, since these look like they could be unary operations but they're actually parsed as binary operations. Either explicitly write $a - $b or $a (-$b). See for more details.

Dart API

  • Add an optional argumentName parameter to SassScriptException() to make it easier to throw exceptions associated with particular argument names.

  • Most APIs that previously returned num now return double. All APIs continue to accept num, although in Dart 2.0.0 these APIs will be changed to accept only double.


  • Fix a bug in which certain warning spans would not have their properties accessible by the JS API.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

sass_embedded 1.54.9

07 Sep 21:46
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  • Fix an incorrect span in certain @media query deprecation warnings.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

sass_embedded 1.54.8

31 Aug 22:05
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  • No user-visible changes.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

sass_embedded 1.54.7

31 Aug 00:14
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  • Add support for 32-bit ARM releases on Linux.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.

sass_embedded 1.54.6

29 Aug 23:38
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  • Fix a bug where a @media query could be incorrectly omitted from a stylesheet if it had multiple levels of nested @media queries within it and the inner queries were mergeable but the outer query was not.

See the full changelog for changes in earlier releases.