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AWS ServiceCatalogAppRegistry Construct Library

cfn-resources: Stable

All classes with the Cfn prefix in this module (CFN Resources) are always stable and safe to use.

cdk-constructs: Experimental

The APIs of higher level constructs in this module are experimental and under active development. They are subject to non-backward compatible changes or removal in any future version. These are not subject to the Semantic Versioning model and breaking changes will be announced in the release notes. This means that while you may use them, you may need to update your source code when upgrading to a newer version of this package.

AWS Service Catalog App Registry enables organizations to create and manage repositories of applications and associated resources.

Table Of Contents

The @aws-cdk/aws-servicecatalogappregistry package contains resources that enable users to automate governance and management of their AWS resources at scale.

import * as appreg from '@aws-cdk/aws-servicecatalogappregistry';


An AppRegistry application enables you to define your applications and associated resources. The application name must be unique at the account level and it's immutable.

const application = new appreg.Application(this, 'MyFirstApplication', {
  applicationName: 'MyFirstApplicationName',
  description: 'description for my application', // the description is optional

An application that has been created outside of the stack can be imported into your CDK app. Applications can be imported by their ARN via the Application.fromApplicationArn() API:

const importedApplication = appreg.Application.fromApplicationArn(


If you want to create an Application named MyAssociatedApplication in account 123456789012 and region us-east-1 and want to associate all stacks in the App scope to MyAssociatedApplication, then use as shown in the example below:

const app = new App();
const associatedApp = new appreg.ApplicationAssociator(app, 'AssociatedApplication', {
  applications: [appreg.TargetApplication.createApplicationStack({
    applicationName: 'MyAssociatedApplication',
    // 'Application containing stacks deployed via CDK.' is the default
    applicationDescription: 'Associated Application description',
    stackName: 'MyAssociatedApplicationStack',
    // AWS Account and Region that are implied by the current CLI configuration is the default
    env: { account: '123456789012', region: 'us-east-1' },

This will create an application MyAssociatedApplication with the TagKey as managedBy and TagValue as CDK_Application_Associator.

If you want to re-use an existing Application with ARN: arn:aws:servicecatalog:us-east-1:123456789012:/applications/applicationId and want to associate all stacks in the App scope to your imported application, then use as shown in the example below:

const app = new App();
const associatedApp = new appreg.ApplicationAssociator(app, 'AssociatedApplication', {
  applications: [appreg.TargetApplication.existingApplicationFromArn({
    applicationArnValue: 'arn:aws:servicecatalog:us-east-1:123456789012:/applications/applicationId',
    stackName: 'MyAssociatedApplicationStack',

If you are using CDK Pipelines to deploy your application, the application stacks will be inside Stages, and ApplicationAssociator will not be able to find them. Call associateStage on each Stage object before adding it to the Pipeline, as shown in the example below:

import * as cdk from "@aws-cdk/core";
import * as codepipeline from "@aws-cdk/pipelines";
import * as codecommit from "@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit";
declare const repo: codecommit.Repository;
declare const pipeline: codepipeline.CodePipeline;
declare const beta: cdk.Stage;
class ApplicationPipelineStack extends cdk.Stack {
  constructor(scope: cdk.App, id: string, props: ApplicationPipelineStackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);

   //associate the stage to application associator.

interface ApplicationPipelineStackProps extends cdk.StackProps {
  application: appreg.ApplicationAssociator;

const app = new App();
const associatedApp = new appreg.ApplicationAssociator(app, 'AssociatedApplication', {
  applications: [appreg.TargetApplication.createApplicationStack({
    applicationName: 'MyPipelineAssociatedApplication',
    stackName: 'MyPipelineAssociatedApplicationStack',
    env: { account: '123456789012', region: 'us-east-1' },

const cdkPipeline = new ApplicationPipelineStack(app, 'CDKApplicationPipelineStack', {
    application: associatedApp,
    env: {account: '123456789012', region: 'us-east-1'},

Attribute Group

An AppRegistry attribute group acts as a container for user-defined attributes for an application. Metadata is attached in a machine-readable format to integrate with automated workflows and tools.

const attributeGroup = new appreg.AttributeGroup(this, 'MyFirstAttributeGroup', {
  attributeGroupName: 'MyFirstAttributeGroupName',
  description: 'description for my attribute group', // the description is optional,
  attributes: {
    project: 'foo',
    team: ['member1', 'member2', 'member3'],
    public: false,
    stages: {
      alpha: 'complete',
      beta: 'incomplete',
      release: 'not started'

An attribute group that has been created outside of the stack can be imported into your CDK app. Attribute groups can be imported by their ARN via the AttributeGroup.fromAttributeGroupArn() API:

const importedAttributeGroup = appreg.AttributeGroup.fromAttributeGroupArn(


You can associate your appregistry application with attribute groups and resources. Resources are CloudFormation stacks that you can associate with an application to group relevant stacks together to enable metadata rich insights into your applications and resources. A Cloudformation stack can only be associated with one appregistry application. If a stack is associated with multiple applications in your app or is already associated with one, CDK will fail at deploy time.

Associating application with an attribute group

You can associate an attribute group with an application with the associateAttributeGroup() API:

declare const application: appreg.Application;
declare const attributeGroup: appreg.AttributeGroup;

Associating application with a Stack

You can associate a stack with an application with the associateStack() API:

const app = new App();
const myStack = new Stack(app, 'MyStack');

declare const application: appreg.Application;


You can share your AppRegistry applications and attribute groups with AWS Organizations, Organizational Units (OUs), AWS accounts within an organization, as well as IAM roles and users. AppRegistry requires that AWS Organizations is enabled in an account before deploying a share of an application or attribute group.

Sharing an application

import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';
declare const application: appreg.Application;
declare const myRole: iam.IRole;
declare const myUser: iam.IUser;
  accounts: ['123456789012'],
  organizationArns: ['arn:aws:organizations::123456789012:organization/o-my-org-id'],
  roles: [myRole],
  users: [myUser],

E.g., sharing an application with multiple accounts and allowing the accounts to associate resources to the application.

import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';
declare const application: appreg.Application;
  accounts: ['123456789012', '234567890123'],
  sharePermission: appreg.SharePermission.ALLOW_ACCESS,

Sharing an attribute group

import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';
declare const attributeGroup: appreg.AttributeGroup;
declare const myRole: iam.IRole;
declare const myUser: iam.IUser;
  accounts: ['123456789012'],
  organizationArns: ['arn:aws:organizations::123456789012:organization/o-my-org-id'],
  roles: [myRole],
  users: [myUser],

E.g., sharing an application with multiple accounts and allowing the accounts to associate applications to the attribute group.

import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';
declare const attributeGroup: appreg.AttributeGroup;
  accounts: ['123456789012', '234567890123'],
  sharePermission: appreg.SharePermission.ALLOW_ACCESS,