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39 lines (28 loc) · 1.47 KB

File metadata and controls

39 lines (28 loc) · 1.47 KB


When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issues with the owners of this repository before making a change.

Pull Request Process

  1. yarn lint and yarn test your commit before creating a pr
  2. please follow conventional commit conventions¹


# here are some examples for the most common commands
# have a look at the linked ressource to get a full picture
git commit -m "fix: <function> now returns correct value" # will result in a patch 1.0.x
git commit -m "docs: enhance usage docs for <function>"
git commit -m "feat: add sth great" # will result in a minor release 1.x.0

# if your commit is breaking, you might either describe it in the commit message
git commit -m "perf: speedup <function> calculation

BREAKING CHANGE: While this doesn't alter functionality it alters the return type,
which might potentially be breaking" # will result in a major x.0.0
# or you can just indicate it with an `!`
git commit -m "fix!: <function> types now reflect the actual output" # will result in a major x.0.0

Release process

To propose a new release you have to create a branch, run yarn release:prod and create a pr for that branch. Once the branch is merged to master a npm release will be published automatically.

# make sure you're on latest master before doing this
git checkout -b <branch>
yarn release:prod
git push origin <branch>