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Tracking Issue for proc_macro::Span::{before, after} #87552

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m-ou-se opened this issue Jul 28, 2021 · 0 comments
1 of 3 tasks

Tracking Issue for proc_macro::Span::{before, after} #87552

m-ou-se opened this issue Jul 28, 2021 · 0 comments
A-proc-macros Area: Procedural macros C-tracking-issue Category: A tracking issue for an RFC or an unstable feature. T-libs-api Relevant to the library API team, which will review and decide on the PR/issue.


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m-ou-se commented Jul 28, 2021

Feature gate: #![feature(proc_macro_span_shrink)]

This feature adds span.before() and span.after() which give empty spans right at the start and end of the span. (Just like shrink_to_lo() and shrink_to_hi() inside rustc.)

Public API

// proc_macro

impl Span {
     pub fn before(&self) -> Span;
     pub fn after(&self) -> Span;

Steps / History

Unresolved Questions

  • None yet.
@m-ou-se m-ou-se added T-libs-api Relevant to the library API team, which will review and decide on the PR/issue. C-tracking-issue Category: A tracking issue for an RFC or an unstable feature. A-proc-macros Area: Procedural macros labels Jul 28, 2021
bors bot pushed a commit to stackabletech/operator-rs that referenced this issue Nov 4, 2022
[![Mend Renovate](](

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Type | Update | Change |
| [Swatinem/rust-cache]( | action | patch | `v2.0.0` -> `v2.0.2` |
| [clap]( | dependencies | patch | `3.2.17` -> `3.2.23` |
| [const_format]( | dependencies | patch | `0.2.26` -> `0.2.30` |
| [darling]( | dependencies | patch | `0.14.1` -> `0.14.2` |
| [futures]( ([source]( | dependencies | patch | `0.3.23` -> `0.3.25` |
| [proc-macro2]( | dependencies | patch | `1.0.43` -> `1.0.47` |
| [serde]( ([source]( | dependencies | patch | `1.0.144` -> `1.0.147` |
| [serde_json]( | dependencies | patch | `1.0.85` -> `1.0.87` |
| [serde_yaml]( | dependencies | patch | `0.9.10` -> `0.9.14` |
| [snafu]( | dependencies | patch | `0.7.1` -> `0.7.3` |
| [syn]( | dependencies | patch | `1.0.99` -> `1.0.103` |
| [thiserror]( | dependencies | patch | `1.0.32` -> `1.0.37` |
| [tokio]( ([source]( | dependencies | patch | `1.21.1` -> `1.21.2` |
| [tracing]( ([source]( | dependencies | patch | `0.1.36` -> `0.1.37` |
| [tracing-subscriber]( ([source]( | dependencies | patch | `0.3.15` -> `0.3.16` |


### Release Notes


### [`v2.0.2`](

[Compare Source](

-   Avoid calling cargo metadata on pre-cleanup.

### [`v2.0.1`](

[Compare Source](

-   Primarily just updating dependencies to fix GitHub deprecation notices.



### [`v3.2.23`](

[Compare Source](

#### \[3.2.23] - 2022-10-24

##### Fixes

-   Upgrade to `textwrap` 0.16

### [`v3.2.22`](

[Compare Source](

##### \[3.2.22] - 2022-09-16

##### Fixes

-   Unify dependencies on `terminal_size` to the 0.2 release

### [`v3.2.21`](

[Compare Source](

#### \[3.2.21] - 2022-09-12

##### Features

-   `TypedValueParser::map` to allow reusing existing value parsers for other purposes

### [`v3.2.20`](

[Compare Source](

#### \[3.2.20] - 2022-09-02

##### Features

-   `ArgMatches::get_count` help for `ArgAction::Count`
-   `ArgMatches::get_flag` help for `ArgAction::SetTrue` / `ArgAction::SetFalse`

### [`v3.2.19`](

[Compare Source](

#### \[3.2.19] - 2022-08-30

##### Fixes

-   *(help)* Ensure required arguments for parent commands aren't shown in their subcommands when using `args_conflicts_with_subcommand`

### [`v3.2.18`](;3218---2022-08-29)

[Compare Source](

##### Fixes

-   *(help)* `Command::print_help` now respects `Command::colored_help`
-   *(derive)* Improved error messages



### [`v0.2.29`](;0229)

Added lowercase hexadecimal formatting support.

Breaking: to add lowercase hexadecimal formatting, this crate changed the uppercase hexadecimal formatter from `{:x}` to `{:X}`

### [`v0.2.27`](;0227)

Replacing existing features with these:

-   `"rust_1_64"`: superceeding the soft-deprecated `"more_str_macros"` feature.
-   `"rust_1_51"`: superceeding the soft-deprecated `"const_generics"` feature.
    The new features are enabled by the feature they superceede.

Now the `"fmt"` feature enables the `"rust_1_64"` feature.



### [`v0.14.2`](

[Compare Source](

-   Derived impls of `FromMeta` will now error on literals, rather than silently ignoring them. [#&#8203;193](
-   Don't include property paths in compile errors when spans are available. [#&#8203;203](



### [`v0.3.25`](;0325---2022-10-20)

[Compare Source](

-   Fix soundness issue in `join!` and `try_join!` macros ([#&#8203;2649](
-   Implement `Clone` for `sink::Drain` ([#&#8203;2650](

### [`v0.3.24`](;0324---2022-08-29)

[Compare Source](

-   Fix incorrect termination of `select_with_strategy` streams ([#&#8203;2635](



### [`v1.0.47`](

[Compare Source](

-   Fix integer overflow when nesting depth of nested comments exceeds 4 billion ([#&#8203;357](

### [`v1.0.46`](

[Compare Source](

-   Make proc_macro2::TokenStream's `FromStr` impl consistent with proc_macro::TokenStream's on strings that begin with a byte order mark `\u{feff}` ([#&#8203;353](

### [`v1.0.45`](

[Compare Source](

-   Fix panic on parsing disallowed raw identifiers such as `r#self` ([#&#8203;351](

### [`v1.0.44`](

[Compare Source](

-   Expose `span.before()` and `span.after()` to access an empty `Span` located immediately before or after the input span ([#&#8203;348](, upstream tracking issue: [rust-lang/rust#87552)



### [`v1.0.147`](

[Compare Source](

-   Add `serde::de::value::EnumAccessDeserializer` which transforms an `EnumAccess` into a `Deserializer` ([#&#8203;2305](

### [`v1.0.146`](

[Compare Source](

-   Allow internally tagged newtype variant to contain unit ([#&#8203;2303](, thanks [@&#8203;tage64](

### [`v1.0.145`](

[Compare Source](

-   Allow RefCell\<T>, Mutex\<T>, and RwLock\<T> to be serialized regardless of whether T is `Sized` ([#&#8203;2282](, thanks [@&#8203;ChayimFriedman2](



### [`v1.0.87`](

[Compare Source](

-   Add `write_i128` and `write_u128` methods to `serde_json::Formatter` to control the formatting of 128-bit integers ([#&#8203;940](, thanks [@&#8203;Lucretiel](

### [`v1.0.86`](

[Compare Source](

-   Support `arbitrary_precision` feature even in no-std mode ([#&#8203;928](, thanks [@&#8203;kvinwang](



### [`v0.9.14`](

[Compare Source](

-   Implement `Deserializer` for `TaggedValue` and `&TaggedValue` ([#&#8203;339](

### [`v0.9.13`](

[Compare Source](

-   Recognize `True`, `TRUE`, `False`, `FALSE` as booleans, `Null`, `NULL` as null ([#&#8203;330](

### [`v0.9.12`](

[Compare Source](

-   Support deserializing tagged literal scalar into primitive ([#&#8203;327](

    "foo": !!int |-

### [`v0.9.11`](

[Compare Source](

-   Serialize strings on a single line when they do not already contain a newline character, regardless of string length ([#&#8203;321](, [#&#8203;322](



### [`v0.7.3`](;073---2022-10-20)

[Compare Source](

##### Fixed

-   The macro no longer generates invalid code when implicitly-generated
    types (such as backtraces) were used in conjunction with
    `#[snafu(source(from))]` and the type before transformation does not
    implement `std::error::Error`.


### [`v0.7.2`](;072---2022-10-09)

[Compare Source](

##### Added

-   `Report` can be returned from `main` or test functions to provide a
    user-friendly display of errors.

-   A cheat sheet for the most common `#[snafu(...)]` attribute usages
    has been added to the `Snafu` macro's documentation.

-   Optional support for using the standard library's
    `std::backtrace::Backtrace` type via the `backtraces-impl-std`
    feature flag.

-   Optional support for implementing the Provider API using the
    `std::error::Error::provide` method via the `unstable-provider-api`
    feature flag.

-   Optional support for implementing the `core::error::Error` trait
    instead of `std::error::Error` via the `unstable-core-error` feature

-   `GenerateImplicitData` has a new method `generate_with_source`.

##### Changed

-   `ErrorCompat::iter_chain` and `ChainCompat` are now available in
    no_std environments.

-   `ChainCompat` now implements `Clone`.

-   The `Debug` implementation for `Location` no longer shows some
    irrelevant internal details.




### [`v1.0.103`](

[Compare Source](

-   Implement `PartialOrd` for `Cursor` ([#&#8203;1236](, [#&#8203;1237](, thanks [@&#8203;CAD97](

### [`v1.0.102`](

[Compare Source](

-   More efficient internal representation for `TokenBuffer` ([#&#8203;1223](, thanks [@&#8203;CAD97](
-   Fix parsing of a left shift after macro metavariable in type position ([#&#8203;1229](

### [`v1.0.101`](

[Compare Source](

-   Eliminate a bunch of redundant work done by LitStr::parse ([#&#8203;1221](

### [`v1.0.100`](

[Compare Source](

-   Parse closures with explicit empty lifetime parameter list `for<> || -> T {…}` ([#&#8203;1212](, [rust-lang/rust#97362)
-   Parse `dyn*` provisional syntax ([#&#8203;1213](, [rust-lang/rust#91611)
-   Parse attributes on the "rest" pattern of a struct in pattern position, `Struct { #[attr] .. }` ([#&#8203;1214](
-   Parse `static async` and `static async move` closures ([#&#8203;1215](, [rust-lang/rust#62290)



### [`v1.0.37`](

[Compare Source](

-   Documentation improvements

### [`v1.0.36`](

[Compare Source](

-   Documentation improvements ([#&#8203;195](, thanks [@&#8203;matklad](

### [`v1.0.35`](

[Compare Source](

-   More work on integrating [std::any::Provider]( for backtrace support
-   Fix *"Multiple applicable `provide` methods in scope"* error when the caller has both std::error::Error and std::any::Provide traits in scope ([#&#8203;185](

### [`v1.0.34`](

[Compare Source](

-   Tweak "generic member access" based Backtrace implementation ([#&#8203;184](

### [`v1.0.33`](

[Compare Source](

-   Expose backtraces via the new "generic member access" API on the Error trait ([rust-lang/rust#99301, [rust-lang/rust#96024)



### [`v1.21.2`](

[Compare Source](

### 1.21.2 (September 27, 2022)

This release removes the dependency on the `once_cell` crate to restore the MSRV of 1.21.x, which is the latest minor version at the time of release. ([#&#8203;5048])




### [`v0.1.37`](

[Compare Source](

This release of `tracing` incorporates changes from `tracing-core`
[v0.1.30][core-0.1.30] and `tracing-attributes` [v0.1.23][attrs-0.1.23],
including the new `Subscriber::on_register_dispatch` method for performing late
initialization after a `Subscriber` is registered as a `Dispatch`, and bugfixes
for the `#[instrument]` attribute. Additionally, it fixes instances of the
`bare_trait_objects` lint, which is now a warning on `tracing`'s MSRV and will
become an error in the next edition.

##### Fixed

-   **attributes**: Incorrect handling of inner attributes in `#[instrument]`ed
    functions ([#&#8203;2307])
-   **attributes**: Incorrect location of compiler diagnostic spans generated for
    type errors in `#[instrument]`ed `async fn`s ([#&#8203;2270])
-   **attributes**: Updated `syn` dependency to fix compilation with `-Z
    minimal-versions` ([#&#8203;2246])
-   `bare_trait_objects` warning in `valueset!` macro expansion ([#&#8203;2308])

##### Added

-   **core**: `Subscriber::on_register_dispatch` method ([#&#8203;2269])
-   **core**: `WeakDispatch` type and `Dispatch::downgrade()` function ([#&#8203;2293])

##### Changed

-   `tracing-core`: updated to [0.1.30][core-0.1.30]
-   `tracing-attributes`: updated to [0.1.23][attrs-0.1.23]

##### Documented

-   Added [`tracing-web`][tracing-web] and [`reqwest-tracing`][reqwest-tracing] to related crates ([#&#8203;2283],

Thanks to new contributors [@&#8203;compiler-errors](, [@&#8203;e-nomem](, [@&#8203;WorldSEnder](, [@&#8203;Xiami2012](,
and [@&#8203;tl-rodrigo-gryzinski](, as well as [@&#8203;jswrenn]( and [@&#8203;CAD97](, for contributing to
this release!















### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "after 5:00 and before 6:00 every weekday" in timezone Europe/Berlin, Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get [config help]( if that's undesired.


 - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box


This PR has been generated by [Mend Renovate]( View repository job log [here](
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A-proc-macros Area: Procedural macros C-tracking-issue Category: A tracking issue for an RFC or an unstable feature. T-libs-api Relevant to the library API team, which will review and decide on the PR/issue.
None yet

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