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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[v0.5.0] - 2018-05-11


  • DebugMonitor and SecureFault variants to the Exception enumeration.

  • An optional "inline-asm" feature


  • [breaking-change] This crate now requires arm-none-eabi-gcc to be installed and available in $PATH when built with the "inline-asm" feature disabled (which is disabled by default).

  • [breaking-change] The register::{apsr,lr,pc} modules are now behind the "inline-asm" feature.

  • [breaking-change] Some variants of the Exception enumeration are no longer available on thumbv6m-none-eabi. See API docs for details.

  • [breaking-change] fixed typo in shcrs field of scb::RegisterBlock; it was previously named shpcrs.

  • [breaking-change] removed several fields from scb::RegisterBlock on ARMv6-M. These registers are not available on that sub-architecture.

  • [breaking-change] changed the type of scb::RegisterBlock.shpr from RW<u8> to RW<u32> on ARMv6-M. These registers are word accessible only on that sub-architecture.

  • [breaking-change] renamed the mmar field of scb::RegisterBlock to mmfar to match the CMSIS name.

  • [breaking-change] removed the iabr field from scb::RegisterBlock on ARMv6-M. This register is not available on that sub-architecture.

  • [breaking-change] removed several fields from cpuid::RegisterBlock on ARMv6-M. These registers are not available on that sub-architecture.


  • [breaking-change] The exception module has been removed. A replacement for Exception::active can be found in SCB::vect_active. A modified version exception::Exception can be found in the peripheral::scb module.

v0.4.3 - 2018-01-25


  • The initial value of a singleton! no longer needs to be evaluable in const context; it can now be a value computed at runtime, or even a capture of some other local variable.

v0.4.2 - 2018-01-17


  • Added a missing Send implementation to all the peripherals.

v0.4.1 - 2018-01-16


  • peripheral::Peripherals is now re-exported at the root of the crate.

v0.4.0 - 2018-01-15


  • Formatter and Flush Control register (FFCR) accessor to the TPIU register block.

  • A singleton! macro that creates mutable reference to a statically allocated variable.

  • A Cargo feature, cm7-r0p1, to work around a silicon erratum that affects writes to BASEPRI on Cortex-M7 r0p1 devices.


  • [breaking-change] All peripherals are now exposed as scoped singletons and they need to be taken into scope to become accessible.

  • [breaking-change] The signatures of methods exposed by peripheral proxies have changed to better match the new scoped singletons semantics.

  • All the thin wrappers around assembly instructions now panic when executed on non-ARM devices.


  • [breaking-change] APIs specific to ARMv7-M (peripheral::{cbp, fpb, fpu, itm, tpiu}, itm) when compiling for thumb6m-none-eabi.

v0.3.1 - 2017-07-20


  • {basepri,basepri_max}::write are now compiler barriers for the same reason that interrupt::{disable,enable} are: they are used to create critical sections.

v0.3.0 - 2017-07-07


  • [breaking-change] Renamed StackedRergisters to ExceptionFrame to better reflect the ARM documentation.

  • [breaking-change] Renamed the variants of Exception to better match the ARM documentation.

  • [breaking-change] Renamed Exception::current to Exception::active and changed the signature to return None when no exception is being serviced.

  • Moved bits non specific to the Cortex-M architecture into the bare-metal crate with the goal of sharing code between this crate and crates tailored for other (microcontroller) architectures.


  • [breaking-change] The ctxt module along with the exception "tokens" in the exception module. The cortex-m-rt crate v0.3.0 provides a more ergonomic mechanism to add state to interrupts / exceptions; replace your uses of Local with that.

  • [breaking-change] default_handler, DEFAULT_HANDLERS and Handlers from the exception module as well as Reserved from the root of the crate. cortex-m-rt v0.3.0 provides a mechanism to override exceptions and the default exception handler. Change your use of these Handlers and others to that.


  • interrupt::{enable,disable} are now compiler barriers. The compiler should not reorder code around these function calls for memory safety; that is the case now.

v0.2.11 - 2017-06-16


  • An API to maintain the different caches (DCache, ICache) on Cortex M7 devices.


  • the definition of the ehprint! macro.
  • the implementation of the FPU API.

v0.2.10 - 2017-06-05


  • Functions for the instructions DMB, ISB and DSB


  • All the functions in the asm module are now inline(always)

v0.2.9 - 2017-05-30


  • A bug in itm::write_all where it would ignore the length of the buffer and serialize contents that come after the buffer.

v0.2.8 - 2017-05-30 - YANKED


  • An itm::write_aligned function to write 4 byte aligned buffers to an ITM port. This function is faster than itm::write_all for small buffers but requires the buffer to be aligned.

v0.2.7 - 2017-05-23


  • Dwt.enable_cycle_counter

v0.2.6 - 2017-05-08


  • [breaking-change]. MEMORY UNSAFETY. Mutex could be used as a channel to send interrupt tokens from one interrupt to other thus breaking the context Local abstraction. See reproduction case below. This has been fixed by making Mutex Sync only if the protected data is Send.

extern crate cortex_m;
extern crate cortex_m_rt;
extern crate stm32f30x;

use core::cell::RefCell;

use cortex_m::ctxt::Local;
use cortex_m::interrupt::Mutex;
use stm32f30x::interrupt::{self, Exti0, Exti1};

fn main() {
    // ..

    // trigger exti0
    // then trigger exti0 again

static CHANNEL: Mutex<RefCell<Option<Exti0>>> = Mutex::new(RefCell::new(None));
// Supposedly task *local* data
static LOCAL: Local<i32, Exti0> = Local::new(0);

extern "C" fn exti0(mut ctxt: Exti0) {
    static FIRST: Local<bool, Exti0> = Local::new(true);

    let first = *FIRST.borrow(&ctxt);

    // toggle
    if first {
        *FIRST.borrow_mut(&mut ctxt) = false;

    if first {
            |cs| {
                let channel = CHANNEL.borrow(cs);

                // BAD: transfer interrupt token to another interrupt
                *channel.borrow_mut() = Some(ctxt);

    let _local = LOCAL.borrow_mut(&mut ctxt);

    // ..

    // trigger exti1 here

    // ..

    // `LOCAL` mutably borrowed up to this point

extern "C" fn exti1(_ctxt: Exti1) {
    cortex_m::interrupt::free(|cs| {
        let channel = CHANNEL.borrow(cs);
        let mut channel = channel.borrow_mut();

        if let Some(mut other_task) = channel.take() {
            // BAD: `exti1` has access to `exti0`'s interrupt token
            // so it can now mutably access local while `exti0` is also using it
            let _local = LOCAL.borrow_mut(&mut other_task);

#[link_section = ".rodata.interrupts"]
static INTERRUPTS: interrupt::Handlers = interrupt::Handlers {
    Exti0: exti0,
    Exti1: exti1,

v0.2.5 - 2017-05-07 - YANKED


  • Higher level API for the SysTick and FPU peripherals


  • [breaking-change]. MEMORY UNSAFETY. interrupt::enable was safe to call inside an interrupt::free critical section thus breaking the preemption protection. The interrupt::enable method is now unsafe.

v0.2.4 - 2017-04-20 - YANKED


  • [breaking-change]. MEMORY UNSAFETY. interrupt::free leaked the critical section making it possible to access a Mutex when interrupts are enabled (see below). This has been fixed by changing the signature of interrupt::free.
static FOO: Mutex<bool> = Mutex::new(false);

fn main() {
    let cs = cortex_m::interrupt::free(|cs| cs);
    // interrupts are enabled at this point
    let foo = FOO.borrow(&cs);

v0.2.3 - 2017-04-11 - YANKED


  • [breaking-change]. MEMORY UNSAFETY. Some concurrency models that use "partial" critical sections (cf. BASEPRI) can be broken by changing the priority of interrupts or by changing BASEPRI in some scenarios. For this reason NVIC.set_priority and register::basepri::write are now unsafe.

v0.2.2 - 2017-04-08 - YANKED


  • [breaking-change]. MEMORY UNSAFETY. The Mutex.borrow_mut method has been removed as it can be used to bypass Rust's borrow checker and get, for example, two mutable references to the same data.
static FOO: Mutex<bool> = Mutex::new(false);

fn main() {
    cortex_m::interrupt::free(|mut cs1| {
        cortex_m::interrupt::free(|mut cs2| {
            let foo: &mut bool = FOO.borrow_mut(&mut cs1);
            let and_foo: &mut bool = FOO.borrow_mut(&mut cs2);

v0.2.1 - 2017-03-12 - YANKED


  • The default exception handler now identifies the exception that's being serviced.

v0.2.0 - 2017-03-11 - YANKED


  • Semihosting functionality in the semihosting module.

  • exception::Handlers struct that represent the section of the vector table that contains the exception handlers.

  • A default exception handler

  • A high level API for the NVIC peripheral.

  • Context local data.

  • borrow/borrow_mut methods to Mutex that replace lock.

  • API and macros to send bytes / (formatted) strings through ITM


  • [breaking-change] StackFrame has been renamed to StackedRegisters and moved into the exceptions module.

  • [breaking-change] Core peripherals can now be modified via a &- reference and are no longer Sync.

  • [breaking-change] interrupt::free's closure now includes a critical section token, CriticalSection.

  • [breaking-change] the core register API has been revamped for type safety.

  • The safety of assembly wrappers like wfi and interrupt::free has been reviewed. In many cases, the functions are no longer unsafe.

  • [breaking-change] bkpt! has been turned into a function. It no longer accepts an immediate value.


  • vector_table and its associated struct, VectorTable. It's not a good idea to give people a simple way to call the exception handlers.

  • Mutex's lock method as it's unsound. You could use it to get multiple &mut - references to the wrapped data.

v0.1.6 - 2017-01-22


  • Exception a enumeration of the kind of exceptions the processor can service. There's also a Exception::current constructor that returns the Exception that's currently being serviced.


  • interrupt::Mutex, a "mutex" based on critical sections.


  • The closure that interrupt::free takes can now return a value.


  • asm::nop, a wrapper over the NOP instruction


  • a StackFrame data structure

v0.1.2 - 2016-10-04


  • Read/write Operations on registers (lr, cr, msp, etc.) which were reversed.

v0.1.1 - 2016-10-03 - YANKED


  • Small, non user visible change to make this crate compile further for $HOST (e.g. x86_64) with the goal of making it possible to test, on the HOST, downstream crates that depend on this one.

v0.1.0 - 2016-09-27 - YANKED


  • Functions to access core peripherals like NVIC, SCB and SysTick.
  • Functions to access core registers like CONTROL, MSP and PSR.
  • Functions to enable/disable interrupts
  • Functions to get the vector table
  • Wrappers over miscellaneous instructions like bkpt