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Creating test cases

This section describes the overall test case syntax. Organizing test cases into test suites using test case files and test suite directories is discussed in the next section.

When using Robot Framework for other automation purposes than test automation, it is recommended to create tasks instead of tests. The task syntax is for most parts identical to the test syntax, and the differences are explained in the Creating tasks section.

Test case syntax

Basic syntax

Test cases are constructed in test case sections from the available keywords. Keywords can be imported from test libraries or resource files, or created in the keyword section of the test case file itself.

The first column in the test case section contains test case names. A test case starts from the row with something in this column and continues to the next test case name or to the end of the section. It is an error to have something between the section headers and the first test.

The second column normally has keyword names. An exception to this rule is setting variables from keyword return values, when the second and possibly also the subsequent columns contain variable names and a keyword name is located after them. In either case, columns after the keyword name contain possible arguments to the specified keyword.

* Test Cases* Valid Login Open Login Page Input Username demo Input Password mode Submit Credentials Welcome Page Should Be Open

Setting Variables

Do Something first argument second argument ${value} = Get Some Value Should Be Equal ${value} Expected value


Although test case names can contain any character, using ? and especially * is not generally recommended because they are considered to be wildcards when selecting test cases. For example, trying to run only a test with name Example * like --test 'Example *' will actually run any test starting with Example.

Settings in the Test Case section

Test cases can also have their own settings. Setting names are always in the second column, where keywords normally are, and their values are in the subsequent columns. Setting names have square brackets around them to distinguish them from keywords. The available settings are listed below and explained later in this section.


Used for specifying a test case documentation.


Used for tagging test cases.

[Setup], [Teardown]

Specify test setup and teardown.


Specifies the template keyword to use. The test itself will contain only data to use as arguments to that keyword.


Used for setting a test case timeout. Timeouts are discussed in their own section.


Setting names are case-insensitive, but the format used above is recommended. Settings used to be also space-insensitive, but that was deprecated in Robot Framework 3.1 and trying to use something like [T a g s] causes an error in Robot Framework 3.2. Possible spaces between brackets and the name (e.g. [ Tags ]) are still allowed.

Example test case with settings:


* Test Cases* Test With Settings [Documentation] Another dummy test [Tags] dummy owner-johndoe Log Hello, world!

The Setting section can have the following test case related settings. These settings are mainly default values for the test case specific settings listed earlier.

Force Tags, Default Tags

The forced and default values for tags.

Test Setup, Test Teardown

The default values for test setup and teardown.

Test Template

The default template keyword to use.

Test Timeout

The default value for test case timeout. Timeouts are discussed in their own section.

Using arguments

The earlier examples have already demonstrated keywords taking different arguments, and this section discusses this important functionality more thoroughly. How to actually implement user keywords and library keywords with different arguments is discussed in separate sections.

Keywords can accept zero or more arguments, and some arguments may have default values. What arguments a keyword accepts depends on its implementation, and typically the best place to search this information is keyword's documentation. In the examples in this section the documentation is expected to be generated using the Libdoc tool, but the same information is available on documentation generated by generic documentation tools such as pydoc.

Positional arguments

Most keywords have a certain number of arguments that must always be given. In the keyword documentation this is denoted by specifying the argument names separated with a comma like first, second, third. The argument names actually do not matter in this case, except that they should explain what the argument does, but it is important to have exactly the same number of arguments as specified in the documentation. Using too few or too many arguments will result in an error.

The test below uses keywords Create Directory and Copy File from the OperatingSystem library. Their arguments are specified as path and source, destination, which means that they take one and two arguments, respectively. The last keyword, No Operation from BuiltIn, takes no arguments.


* Test Cases* Example Create Directory ${TEMPDIR}/stuff Copy File ${CURDIR}/file.txt ${TEMPDIR}/stuff No Operation

Default values

Arguments often have default values which can either be given or not. In the documentation the default value is typically separated from the argument name with an equal sign like name=default value. It is possible that all the arguments have default values, but there cannot be any positional arguments after arguments with default values.

Using default values is illustrated by the example below that uses Create File keyword which has arguments path, content=, encoding=UTF-8. Trying to use it without any arguments or more than three arguments would not work.


* Test Cases* Example Create File ${TEMPDIR}/empty.txt Create File ${TEMPDIR}/utf-8.txt Hyvä esimerkki Create File ${TEMPDIR}/iso-8859-1.txt Hyvä esimerkki ISO-8859-1

Variable number of arguments

It is also possible that a keyword accepts any number of arguments. These so called varargs can be combined with mandatory arguments and arguments with default values, but they are always given after them. In the documentation they have an asterisk before the argument name like *varargs.

For example, Remove Files and Join Paths keywords from the OperatingSystem library have arguments *paths and base, *parts, respectively. The former can be used with any number of arguments, but the latter requires at least one argument.


* Test Cases* Example Remove Files ${TEMPDIR}/f1.txt ${TEMPDIR}/f2.txt ${TEMPDIR}/f3.txt @{paths} = Join Paths ${TEMPDIR} f1.txt f2.txt f3.txt f4.txt

Named arguments

The named argument syntax makes using arguments with default values more flexible, and allows explicitly labeling what a certain argument value means. Technically named arguments work exactly like keyword arguments in Python.

Basic syntax

It is possible to name an argument given to a keyword by prefixing the value with the name of the argument like arg=value. This is especially useful when multiple arguments have default values, as it is possible to name only some the arguments and let others use their defaults. For example, if a keyword accepts arguments arg1=a, arg2=b, arg3=c, and it is called with one argument arg3=override, arguments arg1 and arg2 get their default values, but arg3 gets value override. If this sounds complicated, the named arguments example below hopefully makes it more clear.

The named argument syntax is both case and space sensitive. The former means that if you have an argument arg, you must use it like arg=value, and neither Arg=value nor ARG=value works. The latter means that spaces are not allowed before the = sign, and possible spaces after it are considered part of the given value.

When the named argument syntax is used with user keywords, the argument names must be given without the ${} decoration. For example, user keyword with arguments ${arg1}=first, ${arg2}=second must be used like arg2=override.

Using normal positional arguments after named arguments like, for example, | Keyword | arg=value | positional |, does not work. The relative order of the named arguments does not matter.

Named arguments with variables

It is possible to use variables in both named argument names and values. If the value is a single scalar variable, it is passed to the keyword as-is. This allows using any objects, not only strings, as values also when using the named argument syntax. For example, calling a keyword like arg=${object} will pass the variable ${object} to the keyword without converting it to a string.

If variables are used in named argument names, variables are resolved before matching them against argument names.

The named argument syntax requires the equal sign to be written literally in the keyword call. This means that variable alone can never trigger the named argument syntax, not even if it has a value like foo=bar. This is important to remember especially when wrapping keywords into other keywords. If, for example, a keyword takes a variable number of arguments like @{args} and passes all of them to another keyword using the same @{args} syntax, possible named=arg syntax used in the calling side is not recognized. This is illustrated by the example below.


* Test Cases* Example Run Program shell=True # This will not come as a named argument to Run Process

* Keywords* Run Program [Arguments] @{args} Run Process @{args} # Named arguments are not recognized from inside @{args}

If keyword needs to accept and pass forward any named arguments, it must be changed to accept free named arguments. See free named argument examples for a wrapper keyword version that can pass both positional and named arguments forward.

Escaping named arguments syntax

The named argument syntax is used only when the part of the argument before the equal sign matches one of the keyword's arguments. It is possible that there is a positional argument with a literal value like foo=quux, and also an unrelated argument with name foo. In this case the argument foo either incorrectly gets the value quux or, more likely, there is a syntax error.

In these rare cases where there are accidental matches, it is possible to use the backslash character to escape the syntax like foo=quux. Now the argument will get a literal value foo=quux. Note that escaping is not needed if there are no arguments with name foo, but because it makes the situation more explicit, it may nevertheless be a good idea.

Where named arguments are supported

As already explained, the named argument syntax works with keywords. In addition to that, it also works when importing libraries.

Naming arguments is supported by user keywords and by most test libraries. The only exceptions are Python keywords explicitly using positional-only arguments.

Named arguments example

The following example demonstrates using the named arguments syntax with library keywords, user keywords, and when importing the Telnet test library.


* Settings* Library Telnet prompt=$ default_log_level=DEBUG

* Test Cases* Example Open connection port=${PORT} alias=example List files options=-lh List files path=/tmp options=-l

* Keywords* List files [Arguments] ${path}=. ${options}= Execute command ls ${options} ${path}

Free named arguments

Robot Framework supports free named arguments, often also called free keyword arguments or kwargs, similarly as Python supports **kwargs. What this means is that a keyword can receive all arguments that use the named argument syntax (name=value) and do not match any arguments specified in the signature of the keyword.

Free named arguments are supported by same keyword types than normal named arguments. How keywords specify that they accept free named arguments depends on the keyword type. For example, Python based keywords simply use **kwargs and user keywords use &{kwargs}.

Free named arguments support variables similarly as named arguments. In practice that means that variables can be used both in names and values, but the escape sign must always be visible literally. For example, both foo=${bar} and ${foo}=${bar} are valid, as long as the variables that are used exist. An extra limitation is that free argument names must always be strings.


As the first example of using free named arguments, let's take a look at Run Process keyword in the Process library. It has a signature command, *arguments, **configuration, which means that it takes the command to execute (command), its arguments as variable number of arguments (*arguments) and finally optional configuration parameters as free named arguments (**configuration). The example below also shows that variables work with free keyword arguments exactly like when using the named argument syntax.


* Test Cases* Free Named Arguments Run Process arg1 arg2 cwd=/home/user Run Process argument shell=True env=${ENVIRON}

See Free keyword arguments (**kwargs) section under Creating test libraries for more information about using the free named arguments syntax in your custom test libraries.

As the second example, let's create a wrapper user keyword for running the in the above example. The wrapper keyword Run Program accepts all positional and named arguments and passes them forward to Run Process along with the name of the command to execute.


* Test Cases* Free Named Arguments Run Program arg1 arg2 cwd=/home/user Run Program argument shell=True env=${ENVIRON}

* Keywords* Run Program [Arguments] @{args} &{config} Run Process @{args} &{config}

Named-only arguments

Starting from Robot Framework 3.1, keywords can accept argument that must always be named using the named argument syntax. If, for example, a keyword would accept a single named-only argument example, it would always need to be used like example=value and using just value would not work. This syntax is inspired by the keyword-only arguments syntax supported by Python 3.

For most parts named-only arguments work the same way as named arguments. The main difference is that libraries implemented with Python 2 using the static library API do not support this syntax.

As an example of using the named-only arguments with user keywords, here is a variation of the Run Program in the above free named argument examples that only supports configuring `shell`:


* Test Cases* Named-only Arguments Run Program arg1 arg2 # 'shell' is False (default) Run Program argument shell=True # 'shell' is True

* Keywords* Run Program [Arguments] @{args} ${shell}=False Run Process @{args} shell=${shell}

Arguments embedded to keyword names

A totally different approach to specify arguments is embedding them into keyword names. This syntax is supported by both test library keywords and user keywords.


When test case fails

A test case fails if any of the keyword it uses fails. Normally this means that execution of that test case is stopped, possible test teardown is executed, and then execution continues from the next test case. It is also possible to use special continuable failures if stopping test execution is not desired.

Error messages

The error message assigned to a failed test case is got directly from the failed keyword. Often the error message is created by the keyword itself, but some keywords allow configuring them.

In some circumstances, for example when continuable failures are used, a test case can fail multiple times. In that case the final error message is got by combining the individual errors. Very long error messages are automatically cut from the middle to keep reports easier to read, but full error messages are always visible in log files as messages of the failed keywords.

By default error messages are normal text, but they can contain HTML formatting. This is enabled by starting the error message with marker string *HTML*. This marker will be removed from the final error message shown in reports and logs. Using HTML in a custom message is shown in the second example below.


* Test Cases* Normal Error Fail This is a rather boring example...

HTML Error

${number} = Get Number Should Be Equal ${number} 42 HTML Number is not my <b>MAGIC</b> number.

Test case name and documentation

The test case name comes directly from the Test Case section: it is exactly what is entered into the test case column. Test cases in one test suite should have unique names. Pertaining to this, you can also use the automatic variable ${TEST_NAME} within the test itself to refer to the test name. It is available whenever a test is being executed, including all user keywords, as well as the test setup and the test teardown.

Starting from Robot Framework 3.2, possible variables in the test case name are resolved so that the final name will contain the variable value. If the variable does not exist, its name is left unchanged.


* Variables* ${MAX AMOUNT} ${5000000}

* Test Cases* Amount cannot be larger than ${MAX AMOUNT} # ...

The [Documentation] setting allows you to set a free documentation for a test case. That text is shown in the command line output, as well as the resulting test logs and test reports. It is possible to use simple HTML formatting in documentation and variables can be used to make the documentation dynamic. Possible non-existing variables are left unchanged.

If documentation is split into multiple columns, cells in one row are concatenated together with spaces. If documentation is split into multiple rows, the created documentation lines themselves are concatenated using newlines. Newlines are not added if a line already ends with a newline or an escaping backslash.


* Test Cases* Simple [Documentation] Simple documentation No Operation


[Documentation] This is bold, _this is italic and here is a link: No Operation


[Documentation] Executed at ${HOST} by ${USER} No Operation


[Documentation] This documentation is split into multiple columns No Operation

Many lines

[Documentation] Here we have ... an automatic newline No Operation

It is important that test cases have clear and descriptive names, and in that case they normally do not need any documentation. If the logic of the test case needs documenting, it is often a sign that keywords in the test case need better names and they are to be enhanced, instead of adding extra documentation. Finally, metadata, such as the environment and user information in the last example above, is often better specified using tags.

Tagging test cases

Using tags in Robot Framework is a simple, yet powerful mechanism for classifying test cases and also user keywords. Tags are free text and Robot Framework itself has no special meaning for them except for the reserved tags discussed below. Tags can be used at least for the following purposes:

  • They are shown in test reports, logs and, of course, in the test data, so they provide metadata to test cases.
  • Statistics about test cases (total, passed, failed and skipped) are automatically collected based on them.
  • They can be used to include and exclude as well as to skip test cases.

There are multiple ways how to specify tags for test cases explained below:

Test Tags in the Setting section

All tests in a test case file with this setting always get specified tags. If this setting is used in a suite initialization file, all tests in child suites get these tags.

[Tags] with each test case

Tests get these tags in addition to tags specified using the Test Tags setting.

--settag command line option

All tests get tags set with this option in addition to tags they got elsewhere.

Set Tags, Remove Tags, Fail and Pass Execution keywords

These BuiltIn keywords can be used to manipulate tags dynamically during the test execution.



* Settings* Test Tags requirement: 42 smoke

* Variables* ${HOST}

* Test Cases* No own tags [Documentation] This test has tags 'requirement: 42' and 'smoke'. No Operation

Own tags

[Documentation] This test has tags 'requirement: 42', 'smoke' and 'not ready'. [Tags] not ready No Operation

Own tags with variable

[Documentation] This test has tags 'requirement: 42', 'smoke' and 'host:'. [Tags] host: ${HOST} No Operation

Set Tags and Remove Tags keywords

[Documentation] This test has tags 'smoke', 'example' and 'another'. Set Tags example another Remove Tags requirement: *

As the example shows, tags can be created using variables, but otherwise they preserve the exact name used in the data. When tags are compared, for example, to collect statistics, to select test to be executed, or to remove duplicates, comparisons are case, space and underscore insensitive.


The Test Tags setting is new in Robot Framework 6.0. Earlier versions support Force Tags and Default Tags settings discussed below.

Deprecation of Force Tags and Default Tags

Prior to Robot Framework 6.0, tags could be specified to tests in the Setting section using two different settings:

Force Tags

All tests unconditionally get these tags. This is exactly the same as Test Tags nowadays.

Default Tags

All tests get these tags by default. If a test has [Tags], it will not get these tags.

Both of these settings still work, but they are considered deprecated. A visible deprecation warning will be added in the future, most likely in Robot Framework 7.0, and eventually these settings will be removed. Tools like Tidy can be used to ease transition.

Robot Framework 6.1 will introduce a new way for tests to indicate they should not get certain globally specified tags. Instead of using a separate setting that tests can override, tests can use syntax -tag with their [Tags] setting to tell they should not get a tag named tag. This syntax does not yet work in Robot Framework 6.0, but using [Tags] with a literal value like -tag is now deprecated. If such tags are needed, they can be set using Test Tags or escaped syntax -tag can be used with [Tags].

Reserved tags

Users are generally free to use whatever tags that work in their context. There are, however, certain tags that have a predefined meaning for Robot Framework itself, and using them for other purposes can have unexpected results. All special tags Robot Framework has and will have in the future have the robot: prefix. To avoid problems, users should thus not use any tag with this prefixes unless actually activating the special functionality. The current reserved tags are listed below, but more such tags are likely to be added in the future.

robot:continue-on-failure and robot:recursive-continue-on-failure

Used for enabling the continue-on-failure mode.

robot:stop-on-failure and robot:recursive-stop-on-failure

Used for disabling the continue-on-failure mode.


Mark test to be skipped if it fails.


Mark test to be unconditionally skipped.


Mark test to be unconditionally excluded.


Mark keyword to be private.


Mark keyword not to be executed in the dry run mode.


Added to tests automatically when execution is stopped gracefully.

As of RobotFramework 4.1, reserved tags are suppressed by default in tag statistics. They will be shown when they are explicitly included via the --tagstatinclude robot:* command line option.

Test setup and teardown

Robot Framework has similar test setup and teardown functionality as many other test automation frameworks. In short, a test setup is something that is executed before a test case, and a test teardown is executed after a test case. In Robot Framework setups and teardowns are just normal keywords with possible arguments.

Setup and teardown are always a single keyword. If they need to take care of multiple separate tasks, it is possible to create higher-level user keywords for that purpose. An alternative solution is executing multiple keywords using the BuiltIn keyword Run Keywords.

The test teardown is special in two ways. First of all, it is executed also when a test case fails, so it can be used for clean-up activities that must be done regardless of the test case status. In addition, all the keywords in the teardown are also executed even if one of them fails. This continue on failure functionality can be used also with normal keywords, but inside teardowns it is on by default.

The easiest way to specify a setup or a teardown for test cases in a test case file is using the Test Setup and Test Teardown settings in the Setting section. Individual test cases can also have their own setup or teardown. They are defined with the [Setup] or [Teardown] settings in the test case section and they override possible Test Setup and Test Teardown settings. Having no keyword after a [Setup] or [Teardown] setting means having no setup or teardown. It is also possible to use value NONE to indicate that a test has no setup/teardown.


* Settings* Test Setup Open Application App A Test Teardown Close Application

* Test Cases* Default values [Documentation] Setup and teardown from setting section Do Something

Overridden setup

[Documentation] Own setup, teardown from setting section [Setup] Open Application App B Do Something

No teardown

[Documentation] Default setup, no teardown at all Do Something [Teardown]

No teardown 2

[Documentation] Setup and teardown can be disabled also with special value NONE Do Something [Teardown] NONE

Using variables

[Documentation] Setup and teardown specified using variables [Setup] ${SETUP} Do Something [Teardown] ${TEARDOWN}

The name of the keyword to be executed as a setup or a teardown can be a variable. This facilitates having different setups or teardowns in different environments by giving the keyword name as a variable from the command line.


Test suites can have a setup and teardown of their own. A suite setup is executed before any test cases or sub test suites in that test suite, and similarly a suite teardown is executed after them.

Test templates

Test templates convert normal keyword-driven test cases into data-driven tests. Whereas the body of a keyword-driven test case is constructed from keywords and their possible arguments, test cases with template contain only the arguments for the template keyword. Instead of repeating the same keyword multiple times per test and/or with all tests in a file, it is possible to use it only per test or just once per file.

Template keywords can accept both normal positional and named arguments, as well as arguments embedded to the keyword name. Unlike with other settings, it is not possible to define a template using a variable.

Basic usage

How a keyword accepting normal positional arguments can be used as a template is illustrated by the following example test cases. These two tests are functionally fully identical.


* Test Cases* Normal test case Example keyword first argument second argument

Templated test case

[Template] Example keyword first argument second argument

As the example illustrates, it is possible to specify the template for an individual test case using the [Template] setting. An alternative approach is using the Test Template setting in the Setting section, in which case the template is applied for all test cases in that test case file. The [Template] setting overrides the possible template set in the Setting section, and an empty value for [Template] means that the test has no template even when Test Template is used. It is also possible to use value NONE to indicate that a test has no template.

If a templated test case has multiple data rows in its body, the template is applied for all the rows one by one. This means that the same keyword is executed multiple times, once with data on each row. Templated tests are also special so that all the rounds are executed even if one or more of them fails. It is possible to use this kind of continue on failure mode with normal tests too, but with the templated tests the mode is on automatically.


* Settings* Test Template Example keyword

* Test Cases* Templated test case first round 1 first round 2 second round 1 second round 2 third round 1 third round 2

Using keywords with default values or accepting variable number of arguments, as well as using named arguments and free named arguments, work with templates exactly like they work otherwise. Using variables in arguments is also supported normally.

Templates with embedded arguments

Templates support a variation of the embedded argument syntax. With templates this syntax works so that if the template keyword has variables in its name, they are considered placeholders for arguments and replaced with the actual arguments used with the template. The resulting keyword is then used without positional arguments. This is best illustrated with an example:


* Test Cases* Normal test case with embedded arguments The result of 1 + 1 should be 2 The result of 1 + 2 should be 3

Template with embedded arguments

[Template] The result of ${calculation} should be ${expected} 1 + 1 2 1 + 2 3

* Keywords* The result of ${calculation} should be ${expected} ${result} = Calculate ${calculation} Should Be Equal ${result} ${expected}

When embedded arguments are used with templates, the number of arguments in the template keyword name must match the number of arguments it is used with. The argument names do not need to match the arguments of the original keyword, though, and it is also possible to use different arguments altogether:


* Test Cases* Different argument names [Template] The result of ${foo} should be ${bar} 1 + 1 2 1 + 2 3

Only some arguments

[Template] The result of ${calculation} should be 3 1 + 2 4 - 1

New arguments

[Template] The ${meaning} of ${life} should be 42 result 21 * 2

The main benefit of using embedded arguments with templates is that argument names are specified explicitly. When using normal arguments, the same effect can be achieved by naming the columns that contain arguments. This is illustrated by the data-driven style example in the next section.

Templates with FOR loops

If templates are used with FOR loops, the template is applied for all the steps inside the loop. The continue on failure mode is in use also in this case, which means that all the steps are executed with all the looped elements even if there are failures.


* Test Cases* Template with FOR loop [Template] Example keyword FOR ${item} IN @{ITEMS} ${item} 2nd arg END FOR ${index} IN RANGE 42 1st arg ${index} END

Templates with IF/ELSE structures

IF/ELSE structures can be also used together with templates. This can be useful, for example, when used together with FOR loops to filter executed arguments.


* Test Cases* Template with FOR and IF [Template] Example keyword FOR ${item} IN @{ITEMS} IF ${item} < 5 ${item} 2nd arg END END

Different test case styles

There are several different ways in which test cases may be written. Test cases that describe some kind of workflow may be written either in keyword-driven or behavior-driven style. Data-driven style can be used to test the same workflow with varying input data.

Keyword-driven style

Workflow tests, such as the Valid Login test described earlier, are constructed from several keywords and their possible arguments. Their normal structure is that first the system is taken into the initial state (Open Login Page in the Valid Login example), then something is done to the system (Input Name, Input Password, Submit Credentials), and finally it is verified that the system behaved as expected (Welcome Page Should Be Open).

Data-driven style

Another style to write test cases is the data-driven approach where test cases use only one higher-level keyword, often created as a user keyword, that hides the actual test workflow. These tests are very useful when there is a need to test the same scenario with different input and/or output data. It would be possible to repeat the same keyword with every test, but the test template functionality allows specifying the keyword to use only once.


* Settings* Test Template Login with invalid credentials should fail

* Test Cases* USERNAME PASSWORD Invalid User Name invalid ${VALID PASSWORD} Invalid Password ${VALID USER} invalid Invalid User Name and Password invalid invalid Empty User Name ${EMPTY} ${VALID PASSWORD} Empty Password ${VALID USER} ${EMPTY} Empty User Name and Password ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY}


Naming columns like in the example above makes tests easier to understand. This is possible because on the header row other cells except the first one are ignored.

The above example has six separate tests, one for each invalid user/password combination, and the example below illustrates how to have only one test with all the combinations. When using test templates, all the rounds in a test are executed even if there are failures, so there is no real functional difference between these two styles. In the above example separate combinations are named so it is easier to see what they test, but having potentially large number of these tests may mess-up statistics. Which style to use depends on the context and personal preferences.


* Test Cases* Invalid Password [Template] Login with invalid credentials should fail invalid ${VALID PASSWORD} ${VALID USER} invalid invalid whatever ${EMPTY} ${VALID PASSWORD} ${VALID USER} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY}

Behavior-driven style

It is also possible to write test cases as requirements that also non-technical project stakeholders must understand. These executable requirements are a corner stone of a process commonly called Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) or Specification by Example.

One way to write these requirements/tests is Given-When-Then style popularized by Behavior Driven Development (BDD). When writing test cases in this style, the initial state is usually expressed with a keyword starting with word Given, the actions are described with keyword starting with When and the expectations with a keyword starting with Then. Keyword starting with And or But may be used if a step has more than one action.


* Test Cases* Valid Login Given login page is open When valid username and password are inserted and credentials are submitted Then welcome page should be open

Ignoring Given/When/Then/And/But prefixes

Prefixes Given, When, Then, And and But are dropped when matching keywords are searched, if no match with the full name is found. This works for both user keywords and library keywords. For example, Given login page is open in the above example can be implemented as user keyword either with or without the word Given. Ignoring prefixes also allows using the same keyword with different prefixes. For example Welcome page should be open could also used as And welcome page should be open.


These prefixes can be localized. See the Translations appendix for supported translations.

Embedding data to keywords

When writing concrete examples it is useful to be able to pass actual data to keyword implementations. User keywords support this by allowing embedding arguments into keyword name.