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Building framework JARs from platform sources

Michael Hoisie edited this page Mar 18, 2022 · 5 revisions

Robolectric uses a set of Android framework JARs that are compiled from platform sources. Robolectric itself is compiled against the latest framework JAR. During runtime, tests can specify an SDK version to use, and Robolectric will create a sandbox and use the corresponding JAR to resolve Android framework classes.

You can see all of the framework JARs that have been used by Robolectric here:

The current set of framework JARs used by Robolectric is also contained in AndroidSdk.groovy.

The process to build these framework JARs usable by Robolectric is straightforward. The build rule for the JAR is the robolectric-host-android_all target in the robolectric-shadows Android.bp file.

After executing this build rule, a file android-all-robolectric.jar

In more details, to check out AOSP and build this JAR, install the repo program, and run:

mkdir aosp-master
cd aosp-master
repo init -u -b master
repo sync -cq -j 64
export ANDROID_ROOT=/path/to/aosp-master
export LUNCH=sdk_phone_armv7
export DIST_DIR=$ANDROID_ROOT/out/dist
. build/
lunch $LUNCH-eng
m -j robolectric-host-android_all

Alternatively, the Robolectric framework JAR is generated as a dist artifact for the sdk target, so you can also run m -j sdk, and locate the Robolectric JAR in out/dist/android-all-robolectric.jar.

The JAR files that get used by Robolectric originate from an internal Google continuous integration tool for Android for simplicity. These are equivalent to the AOSP version after the AOSP branch is synced with the internal Google branch, which happens as part of the Android release process.

Note also that Robolectric by default uses preinstrumented framework jars. The preinstrumented jars are simply the original framework JARs that have undergone Robolectric instrumentation (i.e. bytecode transformation to support the JVM and shadowing, see ClassInstrumentor. This reduces the amount of overhead required to load Android classes.