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Azure DevOps Personal Access Token Issuer


This provides a CLI and package to issue Azure DevOps Personal Access Tokens for the calling user. The calling user will be authenticated using MSAL (OIDC) Interactive login.


Listing PATs

> patissuer --aad-tenant-id <your-aad-tenant-id> --aad-client-id <your-aad-client-id> --org-url <your Azure DevOps organization URL> list

Issue PATs

> patissuer --aad-tenant-id <your-aad-tenant-id> --aad-client-id <your-aad-client-id> --org-url <your Azure DevOps organization URL> issue --token-scope <pat-token-access-scopes> --token-ttl 

Environment variables

All command line flags can be replaced with env variables. The format is: PATISSUER_<flag-with-underscore>, so for example --aad-tenant-id can be replaced with the PATISSUER_AAD_TENANT_ID env variable

Output formats

Using the --output flag, you can control the ouput format. Supported values are:

  • raw - plain text format
  • json - result formatted as json

Getting Started with development

Tools needed

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Remote - Containers extension for VS Code: ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers
  • [windows/amd64] Cascadia Code PL (Powerline) font needed for the VS Code terminal (Download).
    In VS Code type Ctrl+, to bring up Settings, then search for terminal.integrated.fontFamily and enter 'Cascadia Code PL' with quotes.

Open the repo

The complete toolchain and environment needed to develop is defined in a DevContainer in the .devcontainer folder.

  1. Open the repo in VSCode
  2. Hit F1 and type/select Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container

Note: The first time you open the container (or when it has been updated) it may take a while because the container needs to be built.

Build and Test

Building is done using Mage

To build

> mage build

To install tool dependencies (ginkgo, mockgen etc.)

This will be done by default when building.

> mage toolinstall

To run the tests

> mage test

To run the tests in watch mode (rebuild and test on save)

> mage watch

To check other available targets

> mage

Structure and guidelines

This repo is structured to conform with the Go Language Standard Project Layout

Furthermore, linting is required and enabled by default.

Development Tools