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410 lines (268 loc) · 16.1 KB

Release History

1.8.0-beta.1 (Unreleased)

Features Added

  • Receiver.DeleteMessages can delete messages in batches, service-side. This allows you to quickly purge messages in a queue or subscription. (PR#TBD)

Breaking Changes

Bugs Fixed

Other Changes

1.7.0 (2024-04-02)

Features Added

  • Add in ability to handle emulator connection strings. (PR#22663)

1.6.1 (2024-03-05)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed case where closing a Receiver/Sender after an idle period would take > 20 seconds. (PR#22509)
  • Fixed a potential memory leak when receiving a message on one receiver and attempting to settle with another. (PR#22431)

1.6.0 (2024-01-17)

Features Added

  • ReceiverOptions.TimeAfterFirstMessage lets you configure the amount of time, after the first message in a batch is received, before we return messages. (PR#22154)

Bugs Fixed

  • Settling a message (using CompleteMessage, AbandonMessage, etc..) on a different Receiver instance than you received on no longer leaks memory. (PR#22253)

1.5.0 (2023-10-10)

Features Added

  • Added (Queue|Subscription|Topic)Name fields to appropriate responses in the admin.Client. PR#21632

1.4.1 (2023-09-12)

Features Added

  • ReceivedMessage can be converted to a Message for easier re-sending, using ReceivedMessage.Message(). PR#21472

Bugs Fixed

  • admin.Client properly populates the request body when retrying operations. PR#21496
  • Senders could potentially hang forever on SendMessage() calls due to a race condition. Fixed by upgrading to go-amqp v1.0.2. PR#21465

1.4.0 (2023-06-06)

Features Added

  • admin.SubscriptionProperties now allow for a DefaultRule to be set. This allows Subscriptions to be created with an immediate filter/action. Contributed by @StrawbrryFlurry. (PR#20888)

1.3.0 (2023-05-09)

Features Added

  • Authentication errors are indicated with an azservicebus.Error, with a Code of azservicebus.CodeUnauthorizedAccess. (PR#20447)

Bugs Fixed

  • Authentication errors could cause unnecessary retries, making calls taking longer to fail. (PR#20447)
  • Recovery now includes internal timeouts and also handles restarting a connection if AMQP primitives aren't closed cleanly.
  • Potential leaks for $cbs and $management when there was a partial failure. (PR#20564)
  • Sending a message to an entity that is full will no longer retry. (PR#20722)
  • Sending a message that is larger than what the link supports now returns ErrMessageTooLarge. (PR#20721)
  • Latest go-amqp changes have been merged in with fixes for robustness.

1.2.1 (2023-03-07)

Bugs Fixed

  • Prevent over-requesting credit (#19965) or requesting negative/zero credits (#19743), both of which could cause issues with go-amqp. (PR#19992)
  • Recover the connection when the $cbs Receiver/Sender is not closed properly. This would cause clients to return an error saying "$cbs node has already been opened." (PR#20334)

1.2.0 (2023-02-07)

Bugs Fixed

  • Links could hang when closing, preventing recovery from completing and making a link appear stalled. (PR#19886)

1.1.4 (2023-01-10)

Bugs Fixed

  • User-Agent was incorrectly formatted in our AMQP-based clients. (PR#19712)

1.1.3 (2022-11-16)

Bugs Fixed

  • Removing changes for client-side idle timer and closing without timeout. Combined these are causing issues with links not properly recovering or closing. Investigating an alternative for a future release.

1.1.2 (2022-11-08)

Features Added

  • Added a client-side idle timer which will reset Receiver links, transparently, if the link is idle for 5 minutes.

Bugs Fixed

  • $cbs link is properly closed, even on cancellation (#19492)

1.1.1 (2022-10-11)

Bugs Fixed

  • AcceptNextSessionForQueue and AcceptNextSessionForSubscription now return an azservicebus.Error with Code set to CodeTimeout when they fail due to no sessions being available. Examples for this have been added for AcceptNextSessionForQueue. PR#19113.
  • Retries now respect cancellation when they're in the "delay before next try" phase.

1.1.0 (2022-08-09)

Features Added

  • Full access to send and receive all AMQP message properties. (#18413)
    • Send AMQP messages using the new AMQPAnnotatedMessage type and Sender.SendAMQPAnnotatedMessage().
    • AMQP messages can be added to MessageBatch's as well using MessageBatch.AddAMQPAnnotatedMessage().
    • AMQP messages can be scheduled using Sender.ScheduleAMQPAnnotatedMessages.
    • Access the full set of AMQP message properties when receiving using the ReceivedMessage.RawAMQPMessage property.

Bugs Fixed

  • Changed receive messages algorithm to avoid messages being excessively locked in Service Bus without being transferred to the client. (PR#18657)
  • Updating go-amqp, which fixes several bugs related to incorrect message locking (PR#18599)
    • Requesting large quantities of messages in a single ReceiveMessages() call could result in messages not being delivered, but still incrementing their delivery count and requiring the message lock timeout to expire.
    • Link detach could result in messages being ignored, requiring the message lock timeout to expire.
  • Subscription rules weren't deserializing properly when created from the portal (PR#18813)

1.0.2-beta.0 (2022-07-07)

Features Added

  • Full access to send and receive all AMQP message properties. (#18413)
    • Send AMQP messages using the new AMQPAnnotatedMessage type and Sender.SendAMQPAnnotatedMessage().
    • AMQP messages can be added to MessageBatch's as well using MessageBatch.AddAMQPAnnotatedMessage().
    • AMQP messages can be scheduled using Sender.ScheduleAMQPAnnotatedMessages.
    • Access the full set of AMQP message properties when receiving using the ReceivedMessage.RawAMQPMessage property.

Bugs Fixed

  • Settlement of a message could hang if the link had been detached/closed. (#18532)

1.0.1 (2022-06-07)

Features Added

  • Adding in (QueueProperties|TopicProperties).MaxMessageSizeInKilobytes property, which can be used to increase the max message size for Service Bus Premium namespaces. (#18310)

Bugs Fixed

  • Handle a missing CountDetails node in the returned responses for GetRuntimeProperties which could cause a panic. (#18213)
  • Adding the associated-link-name property to management operations (RenewLock, settlement and others), which can help extend link lifetime (#18291)
  • Namespace closing didn't reset the internal client, which could lead to connection recovery thrashing. (#18323)

1.0.0 (2022-05-16)

Features Added

  • First stable release of the azservicebus package.

0.4.1 (2022-05-12)

Features Added

  • Exported log.Event constants for azservicebus. This will make them easier to discover and they are also documented. NOTE: The log messages themselves are not guaranteed to be stable. (#17596)

  • admin.Client can now manage authorization rules and subscription filters and actions. (#17616)

  • Exported an official *azservicebus.Error type that gets returned if the failure is actionable. This can indicate if the connection was lost and could not be recovered with the configured retries or if a message lock was lost, which would cause message settlement to fail.

    See the ExampleReceiver_ReceiveMessages in example_receiver_test.go for an example on how to use it. (#17786)

Breaking Changes

  • admin.Client can now be configured using azcore.Options. (#17796)
  • ReceivedMessage.TransactionPartitionKey has been removed as this library doesn't support transactions.
  • ReceivedMessage.Body() is now a field. Body will be nil in the cases where it would have returned an error (where the underlying AMQP message had a payload in .Value, .Sequence or had multiple byte slices in .Data). (#17888)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixing issue where the AcceptNextSessionForQueue and AcceptNextSessionForSubscription couldn't be cancelled, forcing the user to wait for the service to timeout. (#17598)
  • Fixing bug where there was a chance that internally cached messages would not be returned when the receiver was draining. (#17893)

0.4.0 (2022-04-06)

Features Added

  • Support for using a SharedAccessSignature in a connection string. Ex: Endpoint=sb://<sb>;SharedAccessSignature=SharedAccessSignature sr=<sb><base64-sig>&se=<expiry>&skn=<keyname> (#17314)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed bug where message batch size calculation was inaccurate, resulting in batches that were too large to be sent. (#17318)
  • Fixing an issue with an entity not being found leading to a longer timeout than needed. (#17279)
  • Fixed the RPCLink so it does better handling of connection/link failures. (#17389)
  • Fixed issue where a message lock expiring would cause unnecessary retries. These retries could cause message settlement calls (ex: Receiver.CompleteMessage) to appear to hang. (#17382)
  • Fixed issue where a cancellation on ReceiveMessages() would work, but wouldn't return the proper cancellation error. (#17422)

Breaking Changes

  • This module now requires Go 1.18

  • Multiple functions have had options parameters added.

  • SessionReceiver.RenewMessageLock has been removed - it isn't used for sessions. SessionReceivers should use SessionReceiver.RenewSessionLock.

  • The admin.Client type has been changed to conform with the latest Azure Go SDK guidelines. As part of this:

    • Embedded *Result structs in admin.Client's APIs have been removed. Inner *Properties values have been hoisted up to the *Response instead.

    • .Response fields have been removed for successful results. These will be added back using a different pattern in the next release.

    • Fields that were of type time.Duration have been changed to *string, where the value of the string is an ISO8601 timestamp. Affected fields from Queues, Topics and Subscriptions: AutoDeleteOnIdle, DefaultMessageTimeToLive, DuplicateDetectionHistoryTimeWindow, LockDuration.

    • Properties that were passed as a parameter to CreateQueue, CreateTopic or CreateSubscription are now in the options parameter (as they were optional): Previously:

      // older code
      adminClient.CreateQueue(context.Background(), queueName, &queueProperties, nil)

      And now:

      // new code
      adminClient.CreateQueue(context.Background(), queueName, &admin.CreateQueueOptions{
        Properties: queueProperties,
    • Pagers have been changed to use the new generics-based runtime.Pager:


      // older code
      for queuePager.NextPage(context.TODO()) {
        for _, queue := range queuePager.PageResponse().Items {
      	  fmt.Printf("Queue name: %s, max size in MB: %d\n", queue.QueueName, *queue.MaxSizeInMegabytes)
      if err := queuePager.Err(); err != nil {

      And now:

      // new code
      for queuePager.More() {
        page, err := queuePager.NextPage(context.TODO())
        if err != nil {
        for _, queue := range page.Queues {
      	  fmt.Printf("Queue name: %s, max size in MB: %d\n", queue.QueueName, *queue.MaxSizeInMegabytes)

0.3.6 (2022-03-08)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix connection recovery in situations where network errors bubble up from go-amqp. (#17048)
  • Quicker reattach for idle links. (#17205)
  • Quick exit on receiver reconnects to avoid potentially returning duplicate messages. (#17157)

Breaking Changes

  • The following 'Get' APIs have been changed to return a nil result when an item is not found: (#17229)
    • GetQueue, GetQueueRuntimeProperties
    • GetTopic, GetTopicRuntimeProperties
    • GetSubscription, GetSubscriptionRuntimeProperties

0.3.5 (2022-02-10)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix panic() when go-amqp was returning an incorrect error on drain failures. (#17036)

0.3.4 (2022-02-08)

Features Added

  • Allow RetryOptions to be configured in the options for azservicebus.Client as well and admin.Client(#16831)
  • Add in the MessageState property to the ReceivedMessage. (#16985)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix unaligned 64-bit atomic operation on mips. Thanks to @jackesdavid for contributing this fix. (#16847)
  • Multiple fixes to address connection/link recovery (#16831)
  • Fixing panic() when the links haven't been initialized (early cancellation) (#16941)
  • Handle 500 as a retryable code (no recovery needed) (#16925)

0.3.3 (2022-01-12)

Features Added

  • Support the pass-through of an Application ID when constructing an Azure Service Bus Client. PR#16558 (thanks halspang!)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixing connection/link recovery in Sender.SendMessages() and Sender.SendMessageBatch(). PR#16790
  • Fixing bug in the management link which could cause it to panic during recovery. PR#16790

0.3.2 (2021-12-08)

Features Added

  • Enabling websocket support via ClientOptions.NewWebSocketConn. For an example, see the ExampleNewClient_usingWebsockets function in example_client_test.go.

Breaking Changes

  • Message properties that come from the standard AMQP message have been made into pointers, to allow them to be properly omitted (or indicate that they've been omitted) when sending and receiving.

Bugs Fixed

  • Session IDs can now be blank - prior to this release it would cause an error. PR#16530
  • Drain will no longer hang if there is a link failure. Thanks to @flexarts for reporting this issue: PR#16530
  • Attempting to settle messages received in ReceiveAndDelete mode would cause a panic. PR#16255

Other Changes

  • Removed legacy dependencies, resulting in a much smaller package.

0.3.1 (2021-11-16)

Bugs Fixed

  • Updating go-amqp to v0.16.4 to fix a race condition found when running go test -race. Thanks to @peterzeller for reporting this issue. PR: #16168

0.3.0 (2021-11-12)

Features Added

  • AbandonMessage and DeferMessage now take an additional PropertiesToModify option, allowing the message properties to be modified when they are settled.
  • Missing fields for entities in the admin.Client have been added (UserMetadata, etc..)

Breaking Changes

  • AdminClient has been moved into the admin subpackage.
  • ReceivedMessage.Body is now a function that returns a ([]byte, error), rather than being a field. This protects against a potential data-loss scenario where a message is received with a payload encoded in the sequence or value sections of an AMQP message, which cannot be properly represented in the .Body. This will now return an error.
  • Functions that have options or might have options in the future have an additional *options parameter. As usual, passing 'nil' ignores the options, and will cause the function to use defaults.
  • MessageBatch.Add() has been renamed to MessageBatch.AddMessage(). AddMessage() now returns only an error, with a sentinel error (ErrMessageTooLarge) signaling that the batch cannot fit a new message.
  • Sender.SendMessages() has been removed in favor of simplifications made in MessageBatch.

Bugs Fixed

  • ReceiveMessages has been tuned to match the .NET limits (which has worked well in practice). This partly addresses #15963, as our default limit was far higher than needed.

0.2.0 (2021-11-02)

Features Added

  • Scheduling messages to be delivered at a later date, via the Sender.ScheduleMessage(s) function or setting Message.ScheduledEnqueueTime.
  • Added in the Sender.SendMessages([slice of sendable messages]) function, which batches messages automatically. Useful when you're sending multiple messages that you are already sure will be small enough to fit into a single batch.
  • Receiving from sessions using a SessionReceiver, created using Client.AcceptSessionFor(Queue|Subscription) or Client.AcceptNextSessionFor(Queue|Subscription).
  • Can fully create, update, delete and list queues, topics and subscriptions using the AdministrationClient.
  • Can renew message and session locks, using Receiver.RenewMessageLock() and SessionReceiver.RenewSessionLock(), respectively.

Bugs Fixed

  • Receiver.ReceiveMessages() had a bug where multiple calls could result in the link no longer receiving messages. This was fixed with an update in go-amqp.

0.1.0 (2021-10-05)

  • Initial preview for the new version of the Azure Service Bus Go SDK.