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This documentation focuses on the post-formatted setup environment for windows with the following settings:

  • Ubuntu WSL2 22.04 LTS

Getting started

Clone the project from github:

    user@host:~$ git clone management
    user@host:~$ cd management
    user@host:~$ cp .env.development.template .env.development.local
    user@host:~$ cp .env.test.template .env.test.local

You will configure environment variables according to your development and test environment.

Use the initial credentials email and password password to first login in system.

Setup in development environment in host mode [ASDF]

Read the asdf documentation here. It contains the asdf setup process for your OS. Once asdf has been installed and is working, navigate to the folder where you cloned the project and perform the following steps:

OS dependencies

Nokogiri gem

    user@host:~$ sudo apt install zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev patch pkg-config libxml2-dev libxslt-dev

Shrinerb gem

    user@host:~$ sudo apt install imagemagick

Database (PostgreSQL)


    user@host:~$ sudo apt install build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev uuid-dev
    user@host:~$ asdf plugin add postgres
    user@host:~$ asdf install postgres 15.1
    user@host:~$ rm -rf ~/.asdf/installs/postgres/15.1/data
    user@host:~$ initdb -D ~/.asdf/installs/postgres/15.1/data -U postgres


    user@host:~$ sudo apt install autoconf bison build-essential libssl-dev libyaml-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libffi-dev libgdbm6 libgdbm-dev libdb-dev
    user@host:~$ asdf plugin add ruby
    user@host:~$ asdf install ruby 3.2.0
    user@host:~$ gem install pg -v 1.4.5 --verbose -- --with-pg-config=$HOME/.asdf/installs/postgres/15.1/bin/pg_config # Fix pg_config
    user@host:~$ bundle install


    user@host:~$ asdf plugin add nodejs
    user@host:~$ asdf install nodejs 19.6.0
    user@host:~$ npm install -g yarn@1.22.19
    user@host:~$ npm install -g maildev@latest

You will be able to view emails fired through the maildev UI by accessing http://localhost:1080 after starting the services (whether using docker or with procfile).


    user@host:~$ sudo apt install build-essential
    user@host:~$ asdf plugin add redis
    user@host:~$ asdf install redis 7.0.8

Procfile manager (Optional, but recommended)

    user@host:~$ curl -O
    user@host:~$ tar -xvf go1.19.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
    user@host:~$ sudo mv go /usr/local
    user@host:~$ mkdir $HOME/go

Add this config to shell config file (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc)

export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH

And run the commands above:

    user@host:~$ source ~/.zshrc # set to your shell config file
    user@host:~$ GO111MODULE=on go install

Install minio server

In this install, go lang is required if installed by source code. If not, you can read minio's official documentation to install the server and client according to your OS.

    user@host:~$ mkdir $HOME/minio_storage
    user@host:~$ GO111MODULE=on go install
    user@host:~$ GO111MODULE=on go install
    user@host:~$ minio server ~/minio_storage

Now, open the new tab in current directory, run the command below creating an alias for the client that will authenticate and connect to the minio deployment:

    user@host:~$ mc alias set minio-dev minioadmin minioadmin

Check that everything is working using the command mc admin info minio-dev.

After that, create a bucket for development purposes:

    user@host:~$ mc mb ~/minio_storage/development --region="br-east-1"
    user@host:~$ mc anonymous set public minio-dev/development

We set this policy option for practical reasons of agility in the development workflow. In production, this is strictly prohibited and the policy must be set up focused exclusively on performance and security.

Create a development database

    user@host:~$ overmind s -l database
    user@host:~$ bundle exec rails db:create db:migrate db:seed

Give ctrl+c here to stop the database service, we will start it below along with the other dependent services.

Install git hooks

    user@host:~$ overcommit --install
    user@host:~$ overcommit --sign
    user@host:~$ overcommit --sign pre-commit
    user@host:~$ overcommit --sign post-commit

We use git hooks to do code checking to avoid bad commits.

Start application

    user@host:~$ overmind s -f

Setup in development environment in container mode [Docker]

Installation of docker and compose may vary by operating system and are updated quite frequently. With that, I suggest you see the installation documentation in the official documentation, follow the links (I'll put ubuntu because we're using it as a base, but change according to your OS).

Consider running docker without using sudo (with your default user) via this documentation. documentation

WARNING: After that, edit .env.development.local and .env.test.local files with docker values if needed.

With that, we created an intermediate application container in order to make the first configurations. First, let's start a file upload server:

    user@host:~$ docker compose up minio

Now in another tab, let's set up a bucket for the file upload server:

    user@host:~$ docker run -it --name mc --net management_default --env-file "./.env.development.local" --entrypoint=/bin/sh minio/mc
    sh-4.4# mc alias set minio-dev http://minio:9000 minioadmin minioadmin
    sh-4.4# mc mb minio-dev/development --region="br-east-1"
    sh-4.4# mc anonymous set public minio-dev/development
    sh-4.4# exit

If error "mc: Unable to make bucket minio-dev/development. Your previous request to create > the named bucket succeeded and you already own it." occours when mc mb minio-dev/development --region="br-east-1" just ignored it.

Now, Run the following commands below to add gems in cache volume, create a development/test database and kill containers to start all containers correctly:

    user@host:~$ docker compose build app
    user@host:~$ docker compose run app bash
    root@container-id:~$ bundle install
    root@container-id:~$ bundle exec rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
    root@container-id:~$ exit
    user@host:~$ docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)

Remove ~/.docker if happen this error "docker endpoint for "default" not found" and try again build app image (docker compose build app)

Start application

    user@host:~$ docker compose up

Run suite of tests

    user@host:~$ docker compose --env-file=".env.test.local" run --rm app bundle exec rake spec


  • "gem_name" is not yet checked out. Run bundle install

Run a intermediate container and run bundle install (add gems in app cache volume).

    user@host:~$ docker compose run app bash
    root@container-id:~$ bundle install