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Setup Azure Kubernetes Dev Cluster

This will setup a single node k8s development cluster on an Azure VM

Create Azure VM

Create your Azure VM per instructions at Azure Kubernetes Development Cluster

From a Dev Cluster bash shell via SSH

# clone this repository
git clone

# change to this directory
cd ngsa/IaC/DevCluster

# verify kubernetes is running
kubectl get all --all-namespaces

Open firewall ports

(optional) Allows remote access (via http) to your Dev Cluster

  • Prometheus web is on port 30000
  • NGSA-Memory is on port 30080
  • NGSA-Cosmos is on port 30081
  • LodeRunner is on port 30088
  • Grafana web is on port 32000

Deploy NGSA-Memory

Deploy LodeRunner

This requires NGSA-Memory

kubectl apply -f loderunner/loderunner.yaml

Deploy NGSA-Cosmos

Setup Prometheus

# (optional) remove all prometheus data
sudo rm -rf /prometheus

# create the volume mount directory
sudo mkdir -p /prometheus
sudo chown -R 65534:65534 /prometheus

kubectl apply -f prometheus

Setup Grafana

  • Default Credentials
    • user: admin
    • password: Ngsa512
# (optional) remove all grafana data
sudo rm -rf /grafana

# create the volume mount directory
sudo mkdir -p /grafana
sudo chown -R 472:472 /grafana

# (optional) copy the default grafana dashboards
sudo cp -R grafanadata /grafana
sudo chown -R 472:472 /grafana

kubectl apply -f grafana

Setup kube state metrics

kubectl apply -f kube-state-metrics

Setup Fluent Bit

  • Follow the deployment instructions in fluentbit