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315 lines (234 loc) · 14.2 KB


We welcome contributions to kURL. We appreciate your time and help.


kURL leverages kubeadm. To test the project, you will need access to a Linux/amd64 instance. You can check system requirements for further info.


  • npm (i.e. for mac os: brew install npm)
  • Golang >= 1.20+
  • Docker

If your local environment is OSX: ensure that you install gnu-sed and md5sha1sum to be able to run the scripts. These can be installed with brew install gnu-sed + PATH="$(brew --prefix)/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" and brew install md5sha1sum. The apple-supplied sed does not support in-place replace, and OSX does not come with md5sha1sum.

Development Workflow

Testing released versions

For packages that have already been released, you can save time by running curl -L | tar -xzv -C kurl -f - and curl -L | tar -xzv -C kurl -f - on the test server.

  • 📌 Ensure that you have a kurl _directory already created (mkdir kurl) from wherever you run the aforementioned commands.
  • 📌 For centos/rhel hosts, openssl packages are required. Run make dist/host-openssl.tar.gz && tar xzvf dist/host-openssl.tar.gz or to download already built packages curl -L | tar -xzv -C kurl -f -
  • 📌 In general, when testing local changes to an add-on, you'll need to install the host package(s) required for the particular add-on you're testing. E.g. if you want to install longhorn-1.2.4 with your local changes then you'll need to install the required host packages prior to running the kURL installer.

Testing kURL using Remote Server

  1. Set up a 'test server' to test kURL Note that remote host must have rsync binary installed.

Testing can be accomplished on systems capable of hosting supported container runtime. Local or remote Virtual Machine(s) or Instance(s) in a Public cloud provider.

  1. Build packages for target OS:

    NOTE If your local environment is Apple Silicon M1/M2 ensure that you run the following before building packages:

    export GOOS=linux
    export GOARCH=amd64
    export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64
    # Local workstation
    make build/packages/kubernetes/1.19.3/ubuntu-18.04
    make build/packages/kubernetes/1.19.3/images
    make dist/containerd-1.6.8.tar.gz && tar xzvf dist/containerd-1.6.8.tar.gz
    make dist/weave-2.8.1.tar.gz && tar xzvf dist/weave-2.8.1.tar.gz
    make dist/openebs-3.3.0.tar.gz && tar xzvf dist/openebs-3.3.0.tar.gz
    make dist/registry-2.8.1.tar.gz && tar xzvf dist/registry-2.8.1.tar.gz
  2. Rsync local packages to remote test server.

    npm install
    export REMOTES="USER@TARGET_SERVER_IP" # Add here the ssh credentials to connect to the remote server
    make watchrsync
    # The job continually synchronizes local builds, keep it running

    NOTE: Note that the scripts, images and binaries will be built under the build directory and synchronized to the server under the directory $HOME/kurl in your remote server. The install scripts used for testing will be moved to your $HOME where they should be executed. For further info see the code at bin/watchrsync.js.

  3. Customize your spec by editing scripts/Manifest

    To test the script, you will first need to modify the scripts/Manifest file and set the INSTALLER_YAML variable to a valid spec. You can use the website as a tool to help configure your spec. Example:

    kind: Installer
      name: testing
        version: 1.25.3
        version: 2.8.1
        version: 3.3.0
        isLocalPVEnabled: true
        localPVStorageClassName: default
        version: 1.6.9
        version: 2.8.1"

    After modifying the Manifest, the make watchrsync command will automatically build the scripts and upload them to the remote server. You must wait for the message synced to test out your changes on the server:

    Screenshot 2022-11-06 at 20 06 35

    IMPORTANT The changes on this file cannot be committed since it is used in production to build the scripts. Be aware that makefile target test is called in the ci and will verify if the content of this file is changed via diff with its base under ./hack/testdata/manifest/clean. Therefore, if you need to change this spec you will also need to ensure that the file ./hack/testdata/manifest/clean was modified accordingly.

  4. Validate and run installation on test system

    # On test server
    # validate your expected changes in| and|or addons packages
    # run installation
    sudo ./

    NOTE: runs are idempotent, consecutive runs on changed spec will update kURL installation.

Cleaning up(teardown)

Currently, it is not possible to clean up everything that is installed or modified by kURL. There is a best effort script that can be run with sudo bash ./ reset, but it is not always perfect. Ideally you will need a new instance/VM for each test scenario. (More info)

Contributions and bug reports for things that the reset script does not currently handle are welcomed.

NOTE You can run make clean to clean up the build/ directory locally.

Running local test versions of Object store and kURL API server

# To be added

Test environments

Using GCP

If you are a Replicated team member then: ensure that you have followed Getting Started with your own CodeServer.

:Tips: Convenience functions (change the Default name, the first variable):

### kURL development helpers:

# Creates an instance with a disk device attached.
# For additional instances pass a prefix, example: kurl-dev-make user-kurl2
function kurl-dev-make() {
    local VMNAME="${1:-$VM_DEFAULT_NAME}"
    local VMDISK="$VMNAME-disk1"

    echo "Creating instance $VMNAME..."
    gcloud compute instances create $VMNAME --image-project=$VM_IMAGE_PROJECT --image-family=$VM_IMAGE_FAMILY --machine-type=$VM_INSTANCE_TYPE --boot-disk-size=200G

    local ZONE=$(gcloud compute instances describe $VMNAME --format='value(zone)' | awk -F/ '{print $NF}')
    gcloud compute disks create $VMDISK --size=200GB --zone=$ZONE
    gcloud compute instances attach-disk $VMNAME --disk=$VMDISK

    local VM_IP=$(gcloud compute instances describe $VMNAME --format='value(networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP)')

    cat <<MAKE_INFO

external IP: $VM_IP
to ssh run: gcloud beta compute ssh $VMNAME

function kurl-dev-list() {
    local VMNAME="${1:-$VM_DEFAULT_NAME}"
    echo "Found instances:"
    gcloud compute instances list --filter="name:($VMNAME)"
    echo "Found disks:"
    # TODO: find disks that are attached to an instance
    gcloud compute disks list --filter="name ~ .*$VMNAME.*"

function kurl-dev-clean() {
    local VMNAME="${1:-$VM_DEFAULT_NAME}"
    gcloud compute instances delete --delete-disks=all $VMNAME

Virtual Box on Mac OS (Intel only)


# Install Virtual Box
brew install --cask virtualbox virtualbox-extension-pack
# NOTE: Follow Mac OS prompts to set necessary permissions 

# Import the VM accepting eula licence agreement
vboxmanage import \
    --vsys 0 --eula accept \
    --cpus 2 \
    --memory 8192 \
    --unit 14 --ignore \
    --unit 15 --ignore \
    --unit 17 --ignore \
    --unit 18 --ignore \
    --unit 19 --ignore \
    --vmname $VMNAME
# Setup networking. NOTE: the port used for forwarding, modify as needed
vboxmanage modifyvm $VMNAME --nic1 nat --natpf1 "guestssh,tcp,,2222,,22"
# Mount kURL repo root to the VM. 
# Replace the path to the location of checked out kURL repo, if you are not in it
vboxmanage sharedfolder add $VMNAME --name kurl-dev --automount --auto-mount-point=/home/ubuntu/kurl --hostpath $(pwd)

NOTE This option does not work with Apple Silicon M1/M2.

Development cycle

vboxmanage startvm $VMNAME --type=headless
ssh ubuntu@ -p 2222
# the kurl folder at $HOME for ubuntu user
# Take a snapshot in a shell on the host
# develop/test
# Restore snapshot as needed
vboxmanage controlvm $VMNAME poweroff

Taking snapshots

Create initial snapshot - vboxmanage snapshot $VMNAME take initial.
Restoring a snapshot - vboxmanage snapshot $VMNAME restore initial Snapshot management requires VM t be powered off.


You might want try to use UTM.


For contributions to the kURL documentation published at, see the source repository at replicatedhq/

Contributing an Add-On

See the addons README for further information.


The error sed: 1: "assets/Manifest": command a expects \ followed by text or command md5sum not found has been faced when I try to run the script.

The reason for that is because of the commands sed -i used on the script. Note that kURL only supports linux environments and then, you are probably trying to run it from a mac os. You can workaround by installing gnu-sed and md5sum with (brew install gnu-sed, brew install md5sum). However, to test the project you must have a linux/amd64 platform to perform its operations.

I am unable to run make lint or build the project in my local environment (Apple M1/M2)

If you are facing the following error or have issues to build the project that means that you did not export the environment variables export GOOS=linux and export GOARCH=amd64 to allow you work within:

✗ make lint
/Users/camilamacedo/go/bin/golangci-lint --build-tags "netgo containers_image_ostree_stub exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper exclude_graphdriver_btrfs containers_image_openpgp" run --timeout 5m ./cmd/... ./pkg/... ./kurl_util/...
kurl_util/cmd/subnet/main.go:54:48: FAMILY_V4 not declared by package netlink (typecheck)
	routes, err := netlink.RouteList(nil, netlink.FAMILY_V4)
make: *** [lint] Error 1

Can I contribute to the project by just rsync the builds from my local env (Apple M1/M2) to a test server into the distribution and version target?

Unfortunately, it is desired by not possible currently. Note that we need to ensure that all scripts, building binaries and images can occur targeting linux/amd64.

Following the guidelines, you can do some part of the work via a Mac OS env, such as build the image for linux/amd64 and run the lint checks. However, you will see that some scripts, for example, to build container tarball, do not work correctly on Mac OS.

In this way, the more straightforward approach if your local environment is Mac OS is to have a linux/amd64 instance and work with Remote Development. GolangIDEA, for example, provides a feature to connect to the remote server via SSH, which you might find helpful.

Why do we need to run the builds and tarballs to do the tests?

All automated builds done by kURL (add-on, bundles and binaries) are uploaded to s3 (see the code). Then, when a kURL installation runs the script downloads all which is packaged (add-on, bundles and binaries) (see the code), to be installed (see the code).

If you are running in the development environment you must either build these bundles or install the pre-built ones from s3 as described in the section Testing released versions.

How can I build the bundles packages for previous k8s versions which supports docker?

Following the targets as an example:

    make build/packages/kubernetes/1.19.3/ubuntu-18.04
    make build/packages/kubernetes/1.19.3/images
    make build/packages/docker/19.03.10/ubuntu-18.04

How can I run the preflight checks to validate the kURL install?

Currently, kURL does not execute the checks after it be installed. However, you might want try out run the checks by kubectl get -oyaml "$(kubectl get installer -oname)" | sudo kurl/bin/kurl host preflight -.

Why are the scripts created under $HOME/kurl by bin/watchrsync.js not usable? Why do we need to run development scripts from the $HOME directory instead?

Currently, kURL scripts do not work with relative paths. The kURL script executes operations in many places using the directory prefixed with "$DIR". In the development environment, "$DIR" == ./kurl and in staging/prod DIR is /var/lib/kurl.(example)