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Qase TMS Java Api Client



Add the following dependency and repository to your pom.xml:


Usage uses API tokens to authenticate requests. You can view a manage your API keys in API tokens pages.

You must replace api_token with your personal API key.

ApiClient apiClient = QaseClient.getApiClient();


Get All Projects

This method allows to retrieve all projects available for your account. You can you limit and offset params to paginate.

ProjectsApi projectsApi = new ProjectsApi(qaseApi);

List<Project> projects = projectsApi.getProjects(100, 0).getResult().getEntities();

Get All Projects

This method allows to retrieve a specific project.

Project project = projectsApi.getProject("PROJ").getResult();

Create a new project

This method is used to create a new project through API.

ProjectCreate project = new ProjectCreate()
    .title("Project title")
String code = projectsApi.createProject(project).getResult().getCode()

Test cases

Get all test cases

This method allows to retrieve all test cases stored in selected project. You can you limit and offset params to paginate.

CasesApi casesApi = new CasesApi(qaseApi);

GetCasesFiltersParameter filters = new GetCasesFiltersParameter()
List<TestCase> testCases = casesApi.getCases("PRJCODE", filters, 100, 0)

Get a specific test case

This method allows to retrieve a specific test case.

TestCase testCase = casesApi.getCase("PRJCODE", 4).getResult();

Delete test case

This method completely deletes a test case from repository.

casesApi.deleteCase("PRJCODE", 4);


Get all test suites

This method allows to retrieve all test suites stored in selected project. You can you limit and offset params to paginate.

SuitesApi suitesApi = new SuitesApi(qaseApi);

List<Suite> suites = suitesApi.getSuites("PRJCODE", null, 100, 0)

Get a specific test suite

This method allows to retrieve a specific test suite.

Suite suite = suitesApi.getSuite("PRJCODE", 18).getResult();

Create a new test suite

This method is used to create a new test suite through API.

Long id = suitesApi.createSuite("PRJCODE", new SuiteCreate().title("SuiteTitle"))

Update test suite

This method is used to update a test suite through API.

suitesApi.updateSuite("PRJCODE", 18, new SuiteUpdate().title("NewSuiteTitle"));

Delete test suite

This method completely deletes a test suite from repository.

suitesApi.deleteSuite("PRJCODE", 18, null);


Get all milestones

This method allows to retrieve all milestones stored in selected project. You can you limit and offset params to paginate.

MilestonesApi milestonesApi = new MilestonesApi(qaseApi);

GetMilestonesFiltersParameter filters = new GetMilestonesFiltersParameter().search("title");
List<Milestone> milestones = milestonesApi.getMilestones("PRJCODE", filters, 100, 0)

Get a specific milestone

This method allows to retrieve a specific milestone.

Milestone milestone = milestonesApi.getMilestone("PRJCODE", 1)

Create a new milestone

This method is used to create a new milestone through API.

Long id = milestonesApi.createMilestone("PRJCODE", new MilestoneCreate().title("MilestoneTitle"))

Update milestone

This method is used to update a milestone through API.

Long id = milestonesApi.updateMilestone("PRJCODE", 6, new MilestoneUpdate().title("NewMilestoneTitle"))

Delete milestone

This method completely deletes a milestone from repository

milestonesApi.deleteMilestone("PRJCODE", 6);

Shared steps

Get all shared steps

This method allows to retrieve all shared steps stored in selected project. You can you limit and offset params to paginate.

SharedStepsApi sharedStepsApi = new SharedStepsApi(qaseApi);

GetMilestonesFiltersParameter filters = new GetMilestonesFiltersParameter()
List<SharedStep> sharedSteps = sharedStepsApi.getSharedSteps("PRJCODE", filters, 100, 0)

Get a specific shared step

This method allows to retrieve a specific shared step.

SharedStep sharedStep = sharedStepsApi.getSharedStep("PRJCODE", "6676b8815da03124dc039d89cc111586a4f45dc9").getResult();

Create a new shared step

This method is used to create a new shared step through API.

String hash = sharedStepsApi.createSharedStep("PRJCODE", new SharedStepCreate().title("title").action("step action")).getResult().getHash();

Update shared step

This method is used to update a shared step through API.

String hash = sharedStepsApi.updateSharedStep("PRJCODE", "6676b8815da03124dc039d89cc111586a4f45dc9",
        new SharedStepUpdate().title("title").action("step action")).getResult().getHash();

Delete shared step

This method completely deletes a shared step from repository. Also it will be removed from all test cases.

sharedStepsApi.deleteSharedStep("PRJCODE", "6676b8815da03124dc039d89cc111586a4f45dc9");

Test plans

Get all test plans

This method allows to retrieve all test plans stored in selected project. You can you limit and offset params to paginate.

PlansApi plansApi = new PlansApi(qaseApi);

List<Plan> plans = plansApi.getPlans("PRJCODE", 100, 0).getResult().getEntities();

Get a specific test plan

This method allows to retrieve a specific test plan with detailed information about test cases in that plan and assignee.

PlanDetailed planDetailed = plansApi.getPlan("PRJCODE", 1).getResult();

Create a new plan

This method is used to create a new test plan through API.

Long id = plansApi.createPlan("PRJCODE", new PlanCreate().title("title").cases(Arrays.asList(1L, 2L, 3L)))

Update test plan

This method is used to update a test plan through API.

Long id = plansApi.updatePlan("PRJCODE", 1, new PlanUpdate().title("title").description("description").cases(Arrays.asList(1L, 2L, 3L)))

Delete test plan

This method completely deletes a test plan from repository

plansApi.deletePlan("PRJCODE", 1);

Test runs

Get all test runs

This method allows to retrieve all test runs stored in selected project. You can you limit and offset params to paginate.

RunsApi runsApi = new RunsApi(qaseApi);

GetRunsFiltersParameter filters = new GetRunsFiltersParameter().status("complete");
List<Run> runs = runsApi.getRuns("PRJCODE", filters, 50, 0, "cases")

Get a specific test run

This method allows to retrieve a specific test run.

Run run = runsApi.getRun("PRJ", 1, null).getResult();

Create a new test run

This method is used to create a new test run through API.

RunCreate newTestRun = new RunCreate()
        .title("New test run")
        .cases(Arrays.asList(1L, 2L, 3L, 55L));
Long id = runsApi.createRun("PRJCODE", newTestRun)

Delete test run

This method completely deletes a test run from repository

runsApi.deleteRun("PRJCODE", 1);

Test run results

Get all test run results

This method allows to retrieve all test run results stored in selected project. You can you limit and offset params to paginate. Also you can use various filters to get specific results.

ResultsApi resultsApi = new ResultsApi(qaseApi);

GetResultsFiltersParameter filters = new GetResultsFiltersParameter()
List<Result> results = resultsApi.getResults("PRJ", filters, 33, 3)

Get a specific test run result

This method allows to retrieve a specific test run result by hash.

Result result = resultsApi.getResult("PRJCODE", "6676b8815da03124dc039d89cc111586a4f45dc9")

Add a new test run result

This method allows to add a new test run result through API.

ResultCreate resultCreate = new ResultCreate()
String hash = resultsApi.createResult("PRJCODE", 1, resultCreate)

Update test run result

This method allows to update test run result through API.

ResultUpdate resultUpdate = new ResultUpdate().status(ResultUpdate.StatusEnum.FAILED);
resultsApi.updateResult("PRJCODE", 1, "6676b8815da03124dc039d89cc111586a4f45dc9",

Delete test run result

This method completely deletes a test run result from repository

resultsApi.deleteResult("PRJCODE", 1, "6676b8815da03124dc039d89cc111586a4f45dc9");


Get all defects

This method allows to retrieve all defects stored in selected project. You can you limit and offset params to paginate.

DefectsApi defectsApi = new DefectsApi(qaseApi);

GetDefectsFiltersParameter filters = new GetDefectsFiltersParameter()
List<Defect> defects = defectsApi.getDefects("PROJ", filters, 88, 12).getResult().getEntities();

Get a specific defect

This method allows to retrieve a specific defect.

Defect defect = defectsApi.getDefect("PRJCODE", 1).getResult();


This method is used to resolve defect through API.

defectsApi.resolveDefect("PRJCODE", 1)

Delete defect

This method completely deletes a defect from repository

defectsApi.deleteDefect("PRJCODE", 1);

Custom Fields

Get all custom fields

This method allows to retrieve all custom fields for a specific project. You can you limit and offset params to paginate.

CustomFieldsApi customFieldsApi = new CustomFieldsApi(qaseApi);

List<CustomField> customFields = customFieldsApi.getCustomFields(null, 100, 0).getResult().getEntities();

Get a specific custom field

This method allows to retrieve one custom fields for specific project by id

CustomField customField = customFieldsApi.getCustomField(1).getResult();


Get all attachments

This method allows to retrieve all attachments uploaded into your projects. You can you limit and offset params to paginate.

AttachmentsApi attachmentsApi = new AttachmentsApi(qaseApi);

List<AttachmentGet> attachments = attachmentsApi.getAttachments(100, 0).getResult().getEntities();

Get a specific attachment

This method allows to retrieve a specific attachment by hash.

AttachmentGet attachment = attachmentsApi.getAttachment("6676b8815da03124dc039d89cc111586a4f45dc9").getResult();

Upload attachment

This method allows to upload attachment to Qase. Max upload size: * Up to 32 Mb per file.

File file = new File("1.png");
List<AttachmentGet> attachments = attachmentsApi.uploadAttachment("PRJCODE",

Delete attachment

This method completely deletes an attachment.


Associate an attachment with a test case or step

There is a possibility to associate one or few files with an exact test case or a part of it (i.e. a step of a test case). To do so, you can do it either by using AttachmentsApi with setting obtained ids directly to ResultCreate/ResultCreateSteps or by utilizing Attachments class.

There are a few Attachments.addAttachmentsToCurrentContext use-cases down below:

Test case with attachments
public void testCase() throws QaseException {
    // your test case code here
    // your test case code here

In the case above, caseScreenshot.jpg will be uploaded to the Qase web application, namely - to your project. Afterward, the running test (of id 1) case will have the id of uploaded caseScreenshot.jpg associated with it.

Test step with attachments
public void testCase() throws QaseException {
    // your test case code here
    // your test case code here

@Step("A step of the test case")
public void testStep() throws QaseException {
    // your test step code here
    // your test step code here

In the case above, stepScreenshot.jpg will be uploaded to the Qase web application, namely - to your project. Afterward, the running test (of id 1) case will have the step with A step of the test case action. In its turn, the step will have the id of uploaded stepScreenshot.jpg associated with it.

Both a case and a step with attachments
public void testCase() throws QaseException {
    // your test case code here
    // your test case code here

@Step("A step of the test case")
public void testStep() throws QaseException {
    // your test step code here
    // your test step code here

In the case above, both caseScreenshot.jpg and stepScreenshot.jpg will be uploaded to the Qase web application, namely - to your project. Afterward, the running test (of id 3) case will have the step and the id of uploaded caseScreenshot.jpg associated with it. In its turn, the step will have the id of uploaded stepScreenshot.jpg associated with it.

Note, caseScreenshot.jpg will be associated only with the test case and stepScreenshot.jpg will be associated only with the step.