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272 lines (178 loc) · 8.15 KB
.. module:: trustme

Full working example

Here's a fully working example you can run to see how :mod:`trustme` works. It demonstrates a simple TLS server and client that connect to each other using :mod:`trustme`-generated certs.

This example requires Trio (pip install -U trio) and Python 3.6+. Note that while :mod:`trustme` is maintained by the Trio project, :mod:`trustme` is happy to work with any networking library.

The key lines are the calls to :meth:`~CA.configure_trust`, :meth:`~LeafCert.configure_cert` – try commenting them out one at a time to see what happens! Also notice that the hostname appears twice – try changing one of the strings so that the two copies no longer match, and see what happens then!

.. literalinclude::

CLI reference

All options:

$ python -m trustme --help
usage: trustme [-h] [-d DIR] [-i [IDENTITIES [IDENTITIES ...]]]
               [--common-name COMMON_NAME] [-q]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -d DIR, --dir DIR     Directory where certificates and keys are written to.
                        Defaults to cwd.
                        Identities for the certificate. Defaults to 'localhost
  --common-name COMMON_NAME
                        Also sets the deprecated 'commonName' field.
  -q, --quiet           Doesn't print out helpful information for humans.

Default configuration:

$ cd /tmp/
$ python -m trustme
Generated a certificate for 'localhost', '', '::1'
Configure your server to use the following files:
Configure your client to use the following files:

Designate different identities:

$ python -m trustme -i
Generated a certificate for '', ''
Configure your server to use the following files:
Configure your client to use the following files:

Generate files into a directory:

$ mkdir /tmp/a
$ python -m trustme -d /tmp/a
Generated a certificate for 'localhost', '', '::1'
Configure your server to use the following files:
Configure your client to use the following files:

Configure certs for server/client:

$ gunicorn --keyfile /tmp/a/server.key --certfile /tmp/a/server.pem app:app
$ curl --cacert /tmp/a/client.pem https://localhost:8000
Hello, world!

API reference

.. autoclass:: CA
   :exclude-members: issue_server_cert

.. autoclass:: LeafCert()

.. autoclass:: Blob()

   .. automethod:: bytes

   .. automethod:: tempfile
      :with: path

   .. automethod:: write_to_path

Change history

Trustme 0.9.0 (2021-08-12)


  • The package is now type annotated. If you use mypy on code which uses trustme, you should be able to remove any exclusions. (#339)

Trustme 0.8.0 (2021-06-08)


  • It's now possible to set an expiry date on server certificates, either with --expires-on in the CLI or with not_after in trustme.CA.issue_cert. (#293)
  • Support Python 3.10 (#327)
  • Set correct KeyUsage and ExtendedKeyUsage extensions, per CA/B Forum baseline requirements. (#328)

Trustme 0.7.0 (2021-02-10)


  • trustme can now be used a command line interface with python -m trustme. Get the help with python -m trustme --help. (#265)

Trustme 0.6.0 (2019-12-19)


  • Allow specifying organization and organization unit in CA and issued certs. (#126)

Trustme 0.5.3 (2019-10-31)


  • Added :attr:`CA.from_pem` to import an existing certificate authority; this allows migrating to trustme step-by-step. (#107)

Trustme 0.5.2 (2019-06-03)


  • Update to avoid a deprecation warning on cryptography 2.7. (#47)

Trustme 0.5.1 (2019-04-15)


  • Update key size to 2048 bits, as required by recent Debian. (#45)

Trustme 0.5.0 (2019-01-21)


  • Added :meth:`CA.create_child_ca` to allow for certificate chains (#3)
  • Added :attr:`CA.private_key_pem` to export CA private keys; this allows signing other certs with the same CA outside of trustme. (#27)
  • CAs now include the KeyUsage and ExtendedKeyUsage extensions configured for SSL certificates. (#30)
  • CA.issue_cert now accepts email addresses as a valid form of identity. (#33)
  • It's now possible to set the "common name" of generated certs; see CA.issue_cert for details. (#34)
  • CA.issue_server_cert has been renamed to CA.issue_cert, since it supports both server and client certs. To preserve backwards compatibility, the old name is retained as an undocumented alias. (#35)


  • Make sure cert expiration dates don't exceed 2038-01-01, to avoid issues on some 32-bit platforms that suffer from the Y2038 problem. (#41)

Trustme 0.4.0 (2017-08-06)



  • Start doing our own handling of Unicode hostname (IDNs), instead of relying on cryptography to do it; this allows us to correctly handle a broader range of cases, and avoids relying on soon-to-be-deprecated behavior (#17)
  • Generated certs no longer contain a subject:commonName field, to better match CABF guidelines (#18)

Trustme 0.3.0 (2017-08-03)


  • Don't crash on Windows (#10)


Trustme 0.2.0 (2017-08-02)

  • Broke and re-did almost the entire public API. Sorry! Let's just pretend v0.1.0 never happened.
  • Hey there are docs now though, that should be worth something right?

Trustme 0.1.0 (2017-07-18)

  • Initial release


This is basically just a trivial wrapper around the awesome Python cryptography library. Also, Glyph originally wrote most of the tricky bits. I got tired of never being able to remember how this works or find the magic snippets to copy/paste, so I stole the code out of Twisted and wrapped it in a bow.