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File metadata and controls

1637 lines (1330 loc) · 73.4 KB

Understand how to compile code to an executable file

Code generation will be restricted to Linux in x86-64 for now. I need to understand how to compile my own executable, given that I don't have the knowledge to do this from scratch, I'm going to piggy back on top of clang to achieve this. The plan would be to produce a lib.o object file containing a start function. Then we write a simple main.c file that calls this extern start function and prints its return value.

Creating an object file from scratch

So to figure out how this lib.o should look like we will start by writing a lib.c first and create an object file from it:

$ clang -c lib.c

This should create a lib.o object file. Then we can link main.c against it.

$ clang main.c lib.o

Now we should have a working a.out executable.

From here we can start inspecting the lib.o file. First we disassemble it:

$ objdump -w -M intel -D lib.o

The -w flag tells objdump to use a wide output, -M intel is used to enable the Intel syntax. The -D flag is used to disassemble the whole file.

From the output we can see that the assembly code for start is stored in a .text section.

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <start>:
   0:    55                       push   rbp
   1:    48 89 e5                 mov    rbp,rsp
   4:    b8 0a 00 00 00           mov    eax,0xa
   9:    5d                       pop    rbp
   a:    c3                       ret
   b:    0f 1f 44 00 00           nop    DWORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x0]

Even better we even have the actual machine code for start on the second column: 55 48 89 e5 b8 0a 00 00 00 5d c3. Now we need to figure out how to emit the rest of the object file and shove these bytes in the right place.

To figure out the remaining parts of the object file we could try to understand what format uses:

$ file lib.o
lib.o: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped

So, at least on Linux we use the Executable and Linkable Format or ELF. Additionally we know that this file is for the x86-64 platform and that is encoding its binary data using least significant byte endianness, also known as LSB or little-endian.

The only compiler backend written in Rust that I know of is cranelift. Which has this cranelift-object crate to emit object files. This crate uses the object crate to achieve this so we are going to use that.

Every ELF file is composed of an ELF header, a section header table and a program header table.

We will ignore the ELF header as object manages that for us. We don't know much about this format but we know that we need to create a .text section with the function information so we should understand what a section is. We can inspect the section headers of our object file

$ readelf -S lib.o
There are 9 section headers, starting at offset 0x178:

Section Headers:
  [Nr] Name              Type             Address           Offset
       Size              EntSize          Flags  Link  Info  Align
  [ 0]                   NULL             0000000000000000  00000000
       0000000000000000  0000000000000000           0     0     0
  [ 1] .strtab           STRTAB           0000000000000000  00000118
       0000000000000059  0000000000000000           0     0     1
  [ 2] .text             PROGBITS         0000000000000000  00000040
       000000000000000b  0000000000000000  AX       0     0     16
  [ 3] .comment          PROGBITS         0000000000000000  0000004b
       0000000000000016  0000000000000001  MS       0     0     1
  [ 4] .note.GNU-stack   PROGBITS         0000000000000000  00000061
       0000000000000000  0000000000000000           0     0     1
  [ 5] .eh_frame         X86_64_UNWIND    0000000000000000  00000068
       0000000000000038  0000000000000000   A       0     0     8
  [ 6] .rela.eh_frame    RELA             0000000000000000  00000100
       0000000000000018  0000000000000018           8     5     8
  [ 7] .llvm_addrsig     LOOS+0xfff4c03   0000000000000000  00000118
       0000000000000000  0000000000000000   E       8     0     1
  [ 8] .symtab           SYMTAB           0000000000000000  000000a0
       0000000000000060  0000000000000018           1     3     8
Key to Flags:
  W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings), I (info),
  L (link order), O (extra OS processing required), G (group), T (TLS),
  C (compressed), x (unknown), o (OS specific), E (exclude),
  D (mbind), l (large), p (processor specific)

There we can see our .text section but we cannot see start which seems to be some substructure inside the section. This is stored in the symbol table or .symtab section:

$ readelf -s lib.o

Symbol table '.symtab' contains 4 entries:
   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
     0: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT  UND
     1: 0000000000000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS lib.c
     2: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    2 .text
     3: 0000000000000000    11 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 start

there we can see the start symbol with some of its properties. To create a symbol in object we need to provide its name, value and size which we already have from this last output, and several other properties that we don't know yet.

The first one is the kind of the symbol. From the object documentation we can see that the kind text is used for executable code. Which is consistent with the fact that this symbol is in the .text section too, so we will use that.

Then we need to know if the symbol should have weak binding or not. ELF has three binding modes: Global, local and weak so we can assume that this symbol does not have weak binding as the symbol table shows GLOBAL under the Bind column.

We also need to know the section this symbol belongs to but we know that this is the .text section.

Finally we need to know the symbol's flags. We don't know what those are but object provides a struct with two fields: st_info and st_other. After a quick googling session I found this section in the Oracle's linker and libraries guide explaining both fields:

st_info contains the symbol's type and binding properties. Which we know are FUNC and GLOBAL respectively from the symbol table. The global binding flag is 1 and the function type flag is 2 and we can build the st_info value as following: (bind << 4) + (type & 0xf).

st_other contains the symbol's visibility. We know that our symbol has DEFAULT visibility from the symbol table. The flag for default visibility is 0 and we can build the st_other value as following: vis & 0x3. I wonder why are there so many redundancies about binding in object.

With all this we can build our start symbol and add it to the .text section. And we are done, we are able to produce a valid object file as a substitute for our original lib.o file.

Just to be sure we got everything right we will add a second function to the lib.c file and try to replicate the object file. Here's the new .text section:

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <start>:
   0:    55                       push   rbp
   1:    48 89 e5                 mov    rbp,rsp
   4:    b8 0a 00 00 00           mov    eax,0xa
   9:    5d                       pop    rbp
   a:    c3                       ret
   b:    0f 1f 44 00 00           nop    DWORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x0]

0000000000000010 <duplicate>:
  10:    55                       push   rbp
  11:    48 89 e5                 mov    rbp,rsp
  14:    89 7d fc                 mov    DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4],edi
  17:    8b 45 fc                 mov    eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4]
  1a:    c1 e0 01                 shl    eax,0x1
  1d:    5d                       pop    rbp
  1e:    c3                       ret

And here is the symbol table:

   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
     0: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT  UND
     1: 0000000000000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS lib.c
     2: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    2 .text
     3: 0000000000000000    11 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 start
     4: 0000000000000010    15 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 duplicate

As we can see the only different attributes are the value and the size. But we can reuse what we already did and just append a second symbol.

Generating machine code

Now that we are able to produce our own ELF files, we can start thinking about writing an assembler to produce machine code.

Understanding the x86 instruction set

To do this, we need to understand the instruction format for x86. From the Intel and AMD developer manuals for the x86 architecture we can obtain the format of the instructions:

│ Prefixes │ Opcode │ Mod R/M │ SIB │ Displacement │ Immediate │
                         │       │
                ┌────────┘       └──────────┐
                ▼                           ▼
    ┌─────┬────────────┬─────┐  ┌───────┬───────┬──────┐
    │ Mod │ Reg/Opcode │ R/M │  │ Scale │ Index │ Base │
    └─────┴────────────┴─────┘  └───────┴───────┴──────┘

Every instruction in the x86 instruction set has this format. Some parts are optional and others have variable length.

First, we have the Prefixes, for now the most important prefix is the REX prefix which is used to enable 64-bit mode for certain instructions. This prefix also interacts with the Mod R/M part in subtle ways.

The part that encodes which kind of instruction we are executing is the Opcode, which can use anything from 1 to 3 bytes.

The Mod R/M and SIB bytes encode an operand of the instruction, this operand resides in memory. These two bytes specify how to access this operand. Some instructions don't require this.

Sometimes the Mod R/M bytes are followed by a Displacement which can use 1, 2 or 4 bytes.

Finally if an instruction has an immediate operand it is encoded in the Immediate part which can use 1, 2 or 4 bytes.

As an example, let's take a look at the mov instruction inside the start function at position 1:

0000000000000000 <start>:
   0:    55                       push   rbp
   1:    48 89 e5                 mov    rbp,rsp
   4:    b8 0a 00 00 00           mov    eax,0xa
   9:    5d                       pop    rbp
   a:    c3                       ret
   b:    0f 1f 44 00 00           nop    DWORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x0]

The machine code is 48 89 e5 and the instruction is mov rbp,rsp.

Sadly, there are more than 30 different mov instructions in the Intel manual. But based on the fact that both operands are 64-bit registers and that the machine code has an 89 byte somewhere. We can assume that the entry in the manual is this one:

│    Opcode     │  Instruction  │ Op/En │ 64-Bit Mode │ Compat/Leg Mode │ Description       │
│ REX.W + 89 /r │ MOV r/m64,r64 │  MR   │    Valid    │       N.E.      │ Move r64 to m/r64 │

The Opcode column shows the form of the instruction. REX.W means that this instruction uses the REX prefix to change its operand size or semantics (most likely the former in this case). + 89 means that the REX prefix is followed by an 89 byte. Finally /r means that the Mod R/M byte has a register operand and a register or memory location operand.

The Instruction column is a bit clearer. Is saying that this instruction is usually shown as MOV, followed by a 64-bit register or memory operand and then a register operand. In our case, both operands are registers.

The Op/En or operand encoding column specifies how the operands are encoded. Each instruction has a table in the Intel manual explaining the actual encoding of the operands as this varies between instructions. For the MOV instruction MR means that the first operand is encoded in the r/m field and that the second operand is encoded in the reg field.

The 64-Bit Mode and Compat/Leg Mode columns specify if this instruction is valid in 64-bit mode and compatibility mode. We will choose instructions that are valid in 64-bit mode and ignore the compatibility mode.

So as far as we know, this is the encoding of the instruction:

│ REX (0x48) │ Opcode (0x89) │ Mod R/M (0xe5) │

Now we can try to reconstruct each part of the instruction:

The REX prefix is composed of four bits W, R, X and B, and is written as a single byte with the following binary format 0b0100WRXB. From the Opcode column we can infer that we only need to set the W bit. Meaning that the first byte of the instruction should be 0b01001000 or 0x48.

The second byte is easy as the Opcode column says it is 0x89.

The third byte is a Mod R/M byte and it must encode the rbp and rsp registers. We know that this Mod R/M is divided in three fields:

  • The mod field which uses the bits 7-6.
  • The reg field which uses the bits 5-3.
  • The r/m field which uses the bits 2-0.

We gave this byte intervals "backwards" because we are in little-endian.

The x86 manual has a table explaining how operands are encoded in these three field and from the Op/En column we know that the first operand must be encoded in the r/m field and the second in the reg field.

To encode the bp register as the first operand we set mod to 0b11 and r/m to 0b101. To encode the sp register as the second operand we set reg to 0b100. Meaning that the whole byte is 0b11100101 or 0xe5.

So the machine code should be 48 89 e5. Just like what we have in our disassembled object file.

As we can see, the x86 instruction set is very complex and writing code to assemble every single instruction in the set would be an herculean task. But, given that we are writing our own assembler, we can design our own instruction set and encode it as valid x86 instructions.

One reason to do this instead of just using a strict subset of the actual x86 instruction set is that it should be easier to port this assembler to other platforms. If you're familiar with ARM, RISC-V or any other reduced instruction set you'll notice that I took some inspiration from them.

Writing a small instruction set

This will be our starting instruction set:

│ Name                 │ Instruction          │ Description                                                                     │
│ Load Immediate       │ loadi imm64,reg      │ Load the imm64 value into reg.                                                  │
│ Load Address         │ loada addr+imm32,reg │ Load the contents of addr + imm32 into reg.                                     │
│ Store                │ store reg,addr+imm32 │ Store the contents of reg into addr + imm32.                                    │
│ Move                 │ mov reg1,reg2        │ Move the contents of reg1 into reg2.                                            │
│ Push                 │ push reg             │ Push the contents of reg into the stack.                                        │
│ Pop                  │ pop reg              │ Pop a value from the stack and put it in reg.                                   │
│ Add                  │ add reg1,reg2        │ Add the contents of reg1 to the contents of reg2.                               │
│ Add Immediate        │ addi imm32,reg       │ Add the imm32 value to the contents of reg.                                     │
│ Set If Less Than     │ slt reg1,reg2,reg3   │ Set reg3 to zero if the contents of reg1 are smaller than the contents of reg2. │
│ Jump                 │ jmp imm32            │ Jump imm32 bytes.                                                               │
│ Jump If Zero         │ jz reg,imm32         │ Jump imm32 bytes if the contents of reg are zero.                               │
│ Return               │ ret                  │ Transfer control to the address in the top of the stack.                        │
│ Call                 │ call reg             │ Transfer control to the address contained in reg.                               │

Before starting to generate machine code for these instructions we need to clearly define their operands.

The easiest operand kind to understand are the immediates imm32 and imm64 which are just constant signed integer values. We represent them with the i32 and i64 types in Rust.

Then we have register operands which we denote by reg, reg1, reg1, reg2 and so on. The x86 architecture has 16 general purpose registers in 64-bit mode: rax, rcx, rdx, rbx, rsp, rbp, rsi, rdi r8, ..., r14 and r15, we will only use the first 8 for now. Additionally we have the rip register which holds the instruction pointer. There are other specific purpose registers that we will discuss if we need them.

Finally, we have addresses or addr which represent memory locations. For now, we will say that base addresses are stored in a register, we will extend this later. The base address can be modified by adding an offset to the base address, this offset can only be an imm32 and not an imm64 (this is a limitation of the x86 architecture).

Now we are ready to encode those instructions as valid x86 machine code. These are the instructions that we will use taken from the Intel's manual:

│ Opcode            │ Instruction      │ Op/En │ Description                                           │
│ REX.W + B8+ rd io │ MOV r64, imm64   │ OI    │ Move imm64 to r64.                                    │
│ REX.W + 8B /r     │ MOV r64,r/m64    │ RM    │ Move r/m64 to r64.                                    │
│ REX.W + 89 /r     │ MOV r/m64,r64    │ MR    │ Move r64 to m/r64.                                    │
│ 50 + rd           │ PUSH r64         │ M     │ Push r/m64.                                           │
│ 58 + rd           │ POP r/m64        │ M     │ Pop top of stack into m64; increment stack pointer.   │
│ REX.W + 01 /r     │ ADD r/m64,r64    │ MR    │ Add r64 to r/m64.                                     │
│ REX.W + 81 /0 id  │ ADD r/m64,imm32  │ MI    │ Add imm32 sign-extended to 64-bits to r/m64.          │
│ REX.W + 05 id     │ ADD RAX,imm32    │ I     │ Add imm32 sign-extended to 64-bits to RAX.            │
│ REX.W + 0F 9C     │ SETL r/m8        │ M     │ Set byte if less.                                     │
│ REX.W + 3D id     │ CMP RAX,imm32    │ I     │ Compare imm32 sign-extended to 64-bits with RAX.      │
│ REX.W + 39 /r     │ CMP r/m64,r64    │ MR    │ Compare r64 with r/m64.                               │
│ REX.W + 81 /7 id  │ CMP r/m64,imm32  │ MI    │ Compare imm32 sign-extended to 64-bits with r/m64.    │
│ E9 cd             │ JMP rel32        │ M     │ Jump near, displacement relative to next instruction. │
│ 0F 84 cd          │ JE rel32         │ D     │ Jump near if equal.                                   │
│ C3                │ RET              │ ZO    │ Near return to calling procedure.                     │
│ FF /2             │ CALL r/m64       │ M     │ Call near, absolute indirect, address given in r/m64. │

all these instructions are valid in 64-bit mode. One important thing to notice is that our syntax for two-operand instructions is different from Intel's syntax:

  • In our syntax, the source operand precedes the destination operand, just like AT&T's syntax.

  • In Intel's syntax, the destination operand precedes the source operand.

This means that our addi 0x1,rax instruction corresponds to the ADD rax,0x1 instruction using Intel's syntax.

You could also notice that all control-flow related instructions use the word "near". This has to do with memory segmentation: near operations are constrained to a single memory segment while far operations can move between segments. Given that Linux has a flat-memory model and, more importantly, that 64-bit mode does not use segmentation, we won't be using "far" instructions at all.

Load Immediate

To load an immedate to a register we will use the MOV r64,imm64 instruction. The first operand is encoded by adding an rd value representing the register to the 0xB8 opcode and setting the REX.B bit to zero. The second operand is encoded as trailing bytes.

The rd value changes from 0 to 7 for the first 8 general purpose registers in the order they are written above.

To check that we generated the right machine code we will write an x86 assembly program that loads the 0xdeadbeefdeadbeef integer to every single one of the eight general purpose registers and assemble it using the netwide assembler. Then we will compare the binary output of our assembler against nasm's.

This is the x86 program:

mov rax,-0x2152411021524111
mov rcx,-0x2152411021524111
mov rdx,-0x2152411021524111
mov rbx,-0x2152411021524111
mov rsp,-0x2152411021524111
mov rbp,-0x2152411021524111
mov rsi,-0x2152411021524111
mov rdi,-0x2152411021524111

We will store it in the loadi.asm file and assemble it in the loadi.out file:

$ nasm -o loadi.out loadi.asm

Comparing both outputs is just as easy as calling assert_eq!, just to be sure here is the hexdump of loadi.out:

$ hexdump -C loadi.out
00000000  48 b8 ef be ad de ef be  ad de 48 b9 ef be ad de  |H.........H.....|
00000010  ef be ad de 48 ba ef be  ad de ef be ad de 48 bb  |....H.........H.|
00000020  ef be ad de ef be ad de  48 bc ef be ad de ef be  |........H.......|
00000030  ad de 48 bd ef be ad de  ef be ad de 48 be ef be  |..H.........H...|
00000040  ad de ef be ad de 48 bf  ef be ad de ef be ad de  |......H.........|

Everything looks in order, so we are done with this instruction.

Load Address

To load something from an address to a register we will use the MOV r64,r/m64, the only difference between this instruction and the MOV r/m64,r64 instruction is that the operands are encoded in the reverse order: The first operand uses the reg field and the second operand uses the r/m field.

The AMD manual does a great work explaining the logic behind the Mod R/M byte encoding:

  • The mod field is used encode the addressing mode of an operand. The direct-register mode is enabled by setting mod to 0b11. Any value less than 0b11 uses an indirect-register mode. Direct in this context means that the contents of the register are the operand. Indirect means that the contents of the register are the address that stores the actual operand.

  • The reg field is used to specify a register operand most of the time.

  • The r/m field is used to specify a register operand if the mod field is 0b11. If not it is used to encode a register or the presence of an SIB byte after the Mod R/M byte.

From this information we can build a pretty cool builder for Mod R/M bytes. This has the advantage that we won't mistype or forget to set a field of the byte that easily.

Going back to the MOV r64,r/m64 instruction, we know that the first operand goes in the reg field, and at least for this instruction it uses the same encoding as the +rd value we saw in the previous MOV r/m64,r64 instruction. The actual encoding for this field changes according to the instruction.

The second operand is a bit more interesting to encode because addresses are composed of a base address in a register and an offset. The operand has to use the indirect-register mode because we want the address that the register holds. But now we need to know how to encode the offset.

According to the AMD manual, setting the mod field to 0b01 or 0b10 allows us to encode the offset in the Displacement field. Given that our offsets are imm32, they fit perfectly using a 4-byte length displacement field.

Then we can use the r/m field to encode the actual register with almost same encoding as the reg field. The only difference is that when we are not in direct-register mode, the 0b100 value doesn't correspond to the rsp register but instead enables the SIB mode.

However, we can use the SIB byte to specify the rsp register. As we saw before, the SIB byte is composed of three fields:

  • The scale field which uses the bits 7-6.
  • The index field which uses the bits 5-3.
  • The base field which uses the bits 2-0.

This byte specifies an effective address that is computed as scale * index + base and given that the Displacement field is also included, the displacement is added to this effective address.

We would like to encode the rsp register as the effective address. There are some subtle differences but both index and base use the same encoding as reg except in these cases:

  • If index is set to 0b100, then the actual index is zero.
  • If base is set to 0b101 and r/m is 0b00, then the actual base is zero.

The scale field can only encode 4 possible scales: 1, 2, 4 and 8.

Using this information we can build the rsp register setting the index to zero, the base to the rsp register and the scale to 1 (we could use any scale because it is multiplied by the index which is zero).

After solving this edge case, we can move on to testing the code generation for this instruction. We will write a program that takes every pair of registers (64 pairs in total) and loads into the second register whatever is stored in the address computed by offsetting the contents of the first register by 0xdeadbeef bytes:


%macro load 2
    mov %1,[%2-0x21524111]

%macro expand 1
    load %1,rax
    load %1,rcx
    load %1,rdx
    load %1,rbx
    load %1,rsp
    load %1,rbp
    load %1,rsi
    load %1,rdi

expand rax
expand rcx
expand rdx
expand rbx
expand rsp
expand rbp
expand rsi
expand rdi

We are using macros instead of writing the 64 pairs by hand to avoid possible errors.


Store is the inverse of the load address instruction so it is reasonable to use the instruction MOV r/m64,r64. Actually, this was the example instruction that we used to understand how to emit machine code. So it should be pretty straightforward.

We have to set the REX.W byte to enable 64-bit mode, the first operand is encoded in the r/m field and that the second operand is encoded in the reg field. This means that we can reuse most of the code that we did for the load address instruction because the arguments are flipped.

We can test this instruction by doing the same we did for the load instruction:


%macro store 2
    mov [%1-0x21524111],%2

%macro expand 1
    store %1,rax
    store %1,rcx
    store %1,rdx
    store %1,rbx
    store %1,rsp
    store %1,rbp
    store %1,rsi
    store %1,rdi

expand rax
expand rcx
expand rdx
expand rbx
expand rsp
expand rbp
expand rsi
expand rdi


We will encode this instruction by reusing the MOV r/m64,r64 instruction with one single difference: We will the mod field to 0x11 to enable the direct adressing mode because we want to access the contents of the register instead of interpreting them as an address.

We test this in the same as way we did with the store instruction:


%macro expand 1
    mov rax,%1
    mov rcx,%1
    mov rdx,%1
    mov rbx,%1
    mov rsp,%1
    mov rbp,%1
    mov rsi,%1
    mov rdi,%1

expand rax
expand rcx
expand rdx
expand rbx
expand rsp
expand rbp
expand rsi
expand rdi


The push instruction is the first instruction that we can basically copy from the x86 manual. We will use the PUSH r64 instruction which encodes its operand by adding its rd encoding to 0x50.

We test this in the same as way we did with the loadi instruction:

push rax
push rcx
push rdx
push rbx
push rsp
push rbp
push rsi
push rdi


We can also copy the pop instruction from the manual. The actual instruction is POP r64, this instruction is encoded in a similar way to the PUSH r64 instruction but using 0x58 instead.

We test this instruction in the same way the push instruction:

pop rax
pop rcx
pop rdx
pop rbx
pop rsp
pop rbp
pop rsi
pop rdi


The instruction we will use for add is ADD r/m64, r64 which encodes the first operand in the r/m field and the second one in the reg field. We have to be careful with the syntax order but other than that, emitting this instruction should be straightforward.

We test this instruction in the same way as we did with the load instruction:


%macro expand 1
    add rax,%1
    add rcx,%1
    add rdx,%1
    add rbx,%1
    add rsp,%1
    add rbp,%1
    add rsi,%1
    add rdi,%1

expand rax
expand rcx
expand rdx
expand rbx
expand rsp
expand rbp
expand rsi
expand rdi

Add Immediate

We will use the ADD r/m64,imm32 instruction which adds the imm32 value to the contents of r/m64. This instruction is encoded by setting the REX.W byte and setting the reg field to 0x0. Additionally, the first operand is encoded in the r/m field and the second operand is encoded as bytes after the mod r/m byte.

However, our addi instruction has a particular case that can be written using fewer bytes thanks to the ADD RAX,imm32 instruction (yes, x86 has a specific "add to rax" instruction).

We test this instruction in the same way as we did with the loadi instruction:

add rax,-0x21524111
add rcx,-0x21524111
add rdx,-0x21524111
add rbx,-0x21524111
add rsp,-0x21524111
add rbp,-0x21524111
add rsi,-0x21524111
add rdi,-0x21524111

Set If Less Than

This is an interesting instruction because it does not map to a single x86 instruction. In x86, comparisons are done using with the CMP instruction and its results are always stored in the special RFLAGS register. This RFLAGS register is usually interpreted as a sequence of status flags indicating the result of the comparison. Then, we can use the SETL instruction to set the lowest byte of the target register to zero. However, that doesn't clean the rest of the bytes of the register, which means that for sanity we have to set the target register to zero before using SETL.

This means that stl reg1,reg2,reg3 should be encoded as:

cmp  reg1,reg2
mov  reg3,0x0
setl reg3

There are faster ways to set reg3 to zero but using mov allow us to reuse the code we wrote for Load Immediate. It is very important that we set reg3 to zero after we do the comparison, otherwise doing slt a,b,a would do something like:

mov  a,0x0
cmp  a,b
setl a

Overwriting the value of a before the comparison.

Now we can move on to the actual encoding. First, we will use the CMP r/m64,r64 which encodes the first operand in the r/m field and the second operand in the reg field.

Then we will use the SETL r/m8 instruction which encodes its operand in the r/m field. The reg field can take any value but we will set it to zero. This instruction requires the REX prefix to use the rsp rbp, rsi and rdi registers so we have to take this special case into account.

We test this instruction with every possible register combination:


%macro slt 4
    cmp  %1,%2
    mov  %3,qword 0x0
    setl %4

%macro slt2 2
    slt %1,%2,rax,al
    slt %1,%2,rcx,cl
    slt %1,%2,rdx,dl
    slt %1,%2,rbx,bl
    slt %1,%2,rsp,spl
    slt %1,%2,rbp,bpl
    slt %1,%2,rsi,sil
    slt %1,%2,rdi,dil

%macro expand 1
    slt2 %1,rax
    slt2 %1,rcx
    slt2 %1,rdx
    slt2 %1,rbx
    slt2 %1,rsp
    slt2 %1,rbp
    slt2 %1,rsi
    slt2 %1,rdi

expand rax
expand rcx
expand rdx
expand rbx
expand rsp
expand rbp
expand rsi
expand rdi

See that the operand of setl is set to al, cl, dl and so on instead of rax, rcx, rdx and so on because setl takes an 8-bit register, so we must use the lowest-byte register counterpart to each 64-bit register.


We will use the JMP rel32 instruction which encodes the operand as displacement bytes. According to the Intel manual, this operand is relative to the position of the instruction pointer after reading jump instruction (i.e. the start of the next instruction).

However, nasm takes absolute positions and then encodes them as relative. For example, the following program

add rax,rcx
jmp 0x0

will jump back to the absolute position 0x0, i.e. to add rax,rcx, instead of doing nothing (jumping 0x0 bytes relative to the location of the instruction pointer should be a no-op). We can see this by assembling this program and disassembling it with ndisasm -b64 -p intel <filename>:

00000000  4801C8            add rax,rcx
00000003  E9F8FFFFFF        jmp 0x0

From here we can see that jmp 0x0 was encoded as E9F8FFFFFF. The first byte we know it is the opcode 0xE9. The remaining bytes, which are the little-endian encoding of -8, should be the displacement, which is relative to the start of the next instruction, or given that we don't have a next instruction, the end of the file, which is exactly 8 (the jmp instruction starts at byte 3 and it measures 5 bytes). So we are jumping -8 bytes relative to 8, which is the same as jumping to absolute position 0.

We test this instruction by jumping with a relative offset of 0xdeadbeef twice to be sure we got the absolute to relative offset correction right:

jmp -0x21524111
jmp -0x21524111

Conditional Jumps

We will start with the Jump If Zero instruction. This instruction performs a conditional jump if the value contained in the second operand is zero. The final position of the jump is in the first operand but this is relative to the current location (in other words, the position of the instruction pointer after reading this instruction).

In the same fashion as the Set If Less Than instruction, the first thing we need to do is emit a compare instruction between our operand and zero. We will use the CMP r/m64,imm32 which encodes the first operand in the r/m field and the second operand as displacement bytes. There is a special case for the RAX register because we can use the CMP RAX,imm32 instruction which is shorter and encodes its operand as displacement bytes.

Then we emit a JE rel32 or jump if equal instruction which encodes the operand by appending it after the 0x84 byte.

In other words, we will encode our jz reg,imm32 instruction as:

cmp reg,0x0
je  imm32

We test this instruction in the same way as the other two-operand instructions:

%macro jump_eq 2
    cmp %1,%2
    je  -0x21524111

%macro expand 1
    jump_eq %1,rax
    jump_eq %1,rcx
    jump_eq %1,rdx
    jump_eq %1,rbx
    jump_eq %1,rsp
    jump_eq %1,rbp
    jump_eq %1,rsi
    jump_eq %1,rdi

expand rax
expand rcx
expand rdx
expand rbx
expand rsp
expand rbp
expand rsi
expand rdi


After all this madness we go back to a simple instruction. We will use the near return instruction RET which takes no operands.

Testing it is really simple because we only have to emit one instruction:



For this last instruction we will use the near call instruction CALL r/m64 which encodes its operand in the rm field.

We test it in the same way as the other single-opreand instructions:

call rax
call rcx
call rdx
call rbx
call rsp
call rbp
call rsi
call rdi

And we are done with our assembler!

Emitting functions

Now that we can emit valid x86 machine code, we should be able to write our own functions inside it. To be able to do this we need to understand how function calls and returns work. In other words, we need to understand the calling convention. At least on Linux for x86 machines, the calling convention is defined by the System V ABI (this specification also defines ELF, among other things).

This ABI specifies that parameters must be passed in the registers rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8 andr9. If a function takes more parameters, these are passed on the stack.

When the call instruction is executed, the location of the next instruction is pushed into the stack. When return is executed, this location is popped from the stack and the instruction pointer jumps to it.

Functions should leave the registers rbx, rsp, rbp, r12, r13, r14 and r1 in the same state as they were before being called. The rax, rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9, r10 and r11 registers can be modified freely. The return value must be stored in rax.

Now we are ready to emit our own functions. We will start with the simple start function that we had in our lib.c file:

long start() {
    return 10;

From what we saw, the only thing we need to do is put the value 10 in the rax register and then return, or in our assembly syntax:

loadi 0xa,rax

We can do something more interesting like the duplicate function:

long duplicate(long value) {
    return 2 * value;

Sadly we don't have a multiply instruction yet but we can do value + value instead.

We know from the ABI that rdi has the first parameter of any function and that the return value must be in the rax register. One way to write our function would be

mov   rdi,rax
add   rdi,rax

We first move value (which is stored in rdi) to rax and then add value to rax.

If we link main.c against our object file and run it, we should get the same output as with the lib.c library.

Playing with Control Flow

We can use this duplicate function to test our different jump instructions too. We could try to come up with an alternative implementation of duplicate like this one:

long duplicate(long value) {
    long output = 0;
    long i = 0;

    while i < value {
        output += 2;
        i += 1;

    return output;

which should be equivalent to something like

loadi 0x0,rax    ; output = 0
loadi 0x0,rdx    ; i = 0

stl rdx,rdi,rcx  ; <CMP>: comp = i < output
jz  rcx,<END>    ; if comp is false, go to return

addi 0x2,rax     ; output += 2
addi 0x1,rdx     ; output += 1
jmp  <CMP>       ; go back to the comparison

ret              ; <END>: return

we need to figure out what are the values of <END> and <CMP>, to do this we can set both of them to zero, assemble our code and then disassemble it with objdump:

0000000000000010 <duplicate>:
  10:   48 b8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   movabs rax,0x0
  1a:   48 ba 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   movabs rdx,0x0
  24:   48 39 fa                cmp    rdx,rdi
  27:   48 b9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   movabs rcx,0x0
  31:   0f 9c c1                setl   cl
  34:   48 81 f9 00 00 00 00    cmp    rcx,0x0
  3b:   0f 84 cf ff ff ff       je     10 <duplicate>
  41:   48 05 02 00 00 00       add    rax,0x2
  47:   48 81 c2 01 00 00 00    add    rdx,0x1
  4e:   e9 bd ff ff ff          jmp    10 <duplicate>
  53:   c3                      ret

From here we can appreciate that jump operands are taken by the assembler as relative to the beginning of the symbol: jmp 0x0 is encoded as a jump to 0x10 because duplicate starts at 0x10. This is just a convention in reality because we know that jumps are always relative to the instruction pointer.

We can also see that the first cmp instruction is at 0x24 (or 0x14 relative to duplicate) and that the ret instruction is at 0x53 (or 0x43 relative to duplicate). With this information we can finally write our duplicate function as:

loadi 0x0,rax    ; output = 0
loadi 0x0,rdx    ; i = 0

stl rdx,rdi,rcx  ; comp = i < output
jz  rcx,0x43     ; if comp is false, go to return

addi 0x2,rax     ; output += 2
addi 0x1,rdx     ; output += 1
jmp  0x14        ; go back to the comparison

ret              ; return

We test this by compiling and linking our object file and main.c and then running a.out, we should get the same output as before.


This two-step process of first emitting code with placeholders for the jump locations and then replacing them by the correct values is a bit tedious and unreliable when done by hand. We need to remember which jumps should be updated if we add, remove or change a instruction to our code. We can abstract it with the concept of labels.

A label is an identifier used to reference a particular instruction, meaning that we can use them instead of writing numeric positions:

      loadi 0x0,rax    ; output = 0
      loadi 0x0,rdx    ; i = 0

.cmp: stl rdx,rdi,rcx  ; comp = i < output
      jz  rcx,.end     ; if comp is false, go to return

      addi 0x2,rax     ; output += 2
      addi 0x1,rdx     ; output += 1
      jmp  .cmp        ; go back to the comparison

.end: ret              ; return

This means that our assembler should be able to know the location of an instruction which has a label, even if the labels are defined "after" being used. For example, the .end label is defined in the ret instruction which appears later than its first use in the jz instruction.

We can solve this by mimicking the process we did manually: First we set a placeholder value for all labels, and then we go back and patch those values once we know the locations of all the labels. This process is know as backpatching and it is wonderfully explained in Crafting Interpreters by Robert Nystrom.

Writing an intermediate representation

Having our basic assembler working, we can move on to the next step and build an intermediate representation that gives us a bit more structure.

This intermediate representation will be heavily inspired by Rust's MIR

The largest unit in MIR is a function. A function contains a collection of basic blocks that can be thought as a directed graph.


Each block has a label or identifier (BB) and is composed of zero or more statements and one terminator.

The main difference between statements and terminators is that a statement never affects the control-flow of the program, statements are always executed sequentially and terminators alter the control-flow by calling other functions or jumping to different blocks.

For now we will only define a single kind of statements, assignments:


Each assignment has an RVALUE which represents a value to be computed and then stored in a LOCAL.

We define two different kinds of rvalues, uses and binary operations:


BINOP ::= + | <

Uses just yield the operand they contain and binary operations yield a new value from two existing operands according to the binary operator they use, we will only define the addition and the less than operators.

Operands are basically values. We have two kinds of them, constants and locals:


We can think that constants are a sequence of bytes tagged with a type. For now we will only consider 32-bit signed integers and booleans for now, which allows us to restrict the byte sequence's length to four.

Which bring us back to locals, which are values local to a function, we can think them as the state of the function and they are shared between blocks. Following Rust's convention, the first local (usually denoted _0) stores the value to be returned by the function. If our function has N arguments, those are stored in locals _1 to _N. Any additional locals hold intermediate values introduced by either the programmer or the compiler.

Finally we have terminators:

             | RETURN

There are three kinds: unconditional jumps, conditional jumps based on the truth value of an operand and returns.

To have a few examples we can reproduce the start and duplicate functions we have been using:

// start
bb0: _0 = USE 10

// duplicate
bb0: _0 = USE 0
     _2 = USE 0
     JUMP bb1

bb1: _3 = _2 < _1
     JUMP IF _3 THEN bb2 ELSE bb3

bb2: _0 = _0 + 2
     _2 = _2 + 1
     JUMP bb1


The start function is fairly simple, it puts the value 10 in the _0 local and returns. duplicate is a bit more complex, it uses two intermediate locals: _2 which holds the i variable, and _3 which holds the result of the comparison. However, it's structure is pretty similar to the assembly we wrote before.

Lowering to assembly

We could naively think that most of the elements of this representation translate easily to our assembly. But we will discover quickly that there are some details we need to take care of.

Lowering constants

We will start by the easiest construct which is constants. As we said before, constants are a sequence of bytes tagged with a type.

Regardless of the type we can interpret the bytes of the constant as an imm32. To avoid any issue with booleans we will asume that zero represents false and any other value represents true.

If we were to support constants like 64-bit integers we would have to do several special cases because x86 does not allow 64-bit immediates for most instructions.

Lowering locals

Locals are a bit more interesting because we could have more locals than physical registers. The elegant solution to this issue is assigning each local to a register temporarily, once the local is no longer used, the register is freed and can be used for other local. However, it could happen that all registers are being used while trying to assign a register to a local. In that case, locals are "spilled" on to the stack. This whole process is known as register allocation.

For now, we will do a very naive register allocation and assume that we always have enough registers, later we will do something smarter. Even in this simple scenario we must be careful about which registers can we assign to each local.

Thanks to the System V calling convention, we know that the return value must go in the rax register, so we will assign rax to the _0 local. We also know that registers rdi, rsi, rdx and rcx hold the function's parameters, at the same time the registers rbx, rsp and rbp must be left in the same state as they were when calling the function (This is very important because rsp holds the stack pointer, among other stuff).

So for our sake we won't touch the rbx, rsp and rbp registers for now. Instead we will assign the rax, rdi, rsi, rdx and rcx registers to the function's locals in that same order.

The limitations of this allocation strategy are that we can only lower functions that have 4 or less parameters and that use 5 or less locals. Not ideal, but it is a start.

Lowering terminators

Given that terminators allow us to jump between basic blocks it is natural to assign each basic block identifier a label. This is pretty straightforward as we don't have any restriction in the number of labels or anything.

If the terminator is JUMP BB, we lower it directly to the jmp instruction, mapping BB to its assigned label.

If the terminator is JUMP IF COND THEN THEN_BB ELSE ELSE_BB. First, the THEN_BB and ELSE_BB identifiers are mapped into then_label and else_label respectively. Then, we lower the COND operand as we explained in the two previous sections. Given that we only have two kinds of operands, we have two cases:

  • If the operand was a local, it is mapped into a register cond_reg. Then we lower the terminator as following:

    jz  cond_reg,else_label
    jmp then_label
  • If the operand was a constant, it is mapped into an immediate. We lower the terminator as jmp else_label if the immediate is zero or as jmp then_label otherwise.

If the terminator is RETURN we lower it directly to the ret instruction.

Lowering statements

Finally, we have to figure out how to lower assignments. This is the trickiest part because we need to consider every possible combination of operands for the right hand side of the assignment. The left hand side is always a local, so we can map it directly to a register reg_lhs.

If the rvalue is USE operand, we lower operand and operate based on the lowering output:

  • If we get a register reg_op, then we are moving the value stored in reg_op to reg_lhs. Then we lower this as mov reg_op,reg_lhs.

  • If we get an immediate imm_op, then we lower this as loadi imm_op,reg_lhs.

If the rvalue is op1 BINOP op2, we lower op1 and op2 and operate based in both outputs.

If we get two registers reg_op1 and reg_op2 respectively, we choose instructions based on BINOP:

If it is + then we are storing the result of reg_op1 + reg_op2 into reg_lhs. Given that we cannot do this in a single instruction we must be careful to not overwrite registers by accident. To handle this, we compare reg_lhs against reg_op1 and reg_op2:

  • If reg_lhs is equal to reg_op1, then we are trying to do reg_lhs = reg_lhs + reg_op2. Which is the same as reg_lhs += reg_op2, meaning that we lower the whole statement as:

    add reg_op2,reg_lhs
  • If reg_lhs is equal to reg_op2, we are trying to do reg_lhs = reg_op1 + reg_lhs. Assuming that addition is commutative (is it?) we can do regh_lhs += reg_op1 and lower the statement as:

    add reg_op1,reg_lhs
  • Otherwise, we know that reg_lhs is neither reg_op1 nor reg_op2. Then we can overwrite reg_lhs with the contents of reg_op1 and then add reg_op2:

    mov reg_op1,reg_lhs
    add reg_op2,reg_lhs

If BINOP is <, we can use the slt instruction directly: slt reg_op1,reg_op2,reg_lhs.

We have other three cases to handle but we can easily choose instructions for all of them with the same strategy we used in this first case, except for when BINOP is < and one of the operands is lowered as an immediate because we don't have a "Set If Less Than Immediate" instruction in our assembly. We will leave a todo!() for those cases and go back to them later.

If we did everything correctly, we can lower the MIR for the duplicate function and emit the following code:

0000000000000010 <duplicate>:
  10:   48 b8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   movabs rax,0x0
  1a:   48 be 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   movabs rsi,0x0
  24:   e9 00 00 00 00          jmp    29 <duplicate+0x19>
  29:   48 39 fe                cmp    rsi,rdi
  2c:   48 ba 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   movabs rdx,0x0
  36:   0f 9c c2                setl   dl
  39:   48 81 fa 00 00 00 00    cmp    rdx,0x0
  40:   0f 84 17 00 00 00       je     5d <duplicate+0x4d>
  46:   e9 00 00 00 00          jmp    4b <duplicate+0x3b>
  4b:   48 05 02 00 00 00       add    rax,0x2
  51:   48 81 c6 01 00 00 00    add    rsi,0x1
  58:   e9 cc ff ff ff          jmp    29 <duplicate+0x19>
  5d:   c3                      ret

It isn't the same assembly we wrote by hand before. The locations 24 and 46 have jmp instructions that jump to the next instruction which is semantically right but it is a bit wasteful. Nevertheless, if we link and run our main program we will get the same output as before.

Optimizing Code Generation

At this point you should have noticed that even though our code generation works, the generated code could be improved by either removing instructions or changing them by other instructions.

This means that we should try to first generate the instructions we are trying to encode in a first stage and then emit machine code based on those instructions in a second pass.

Another advantage of doing this is that it allows us to make our assembly portable. The only platform specific part of it are the registers, so that means that we can make our instructions generic over the type of registers we are going to use.

Removing Unnecessary Jumps

As we saw before, our MIR lowering stage introduces some instructions that jump to the immediately next instruction. Given that we are able to manipulate instructions before emmiting them, we can find such instructions by searching every jump instruction whose target is a the label of the next instruction.

Even though it would be tempting to delete such instructions figuring out what to do with the label of the instruction to be deleted is not trivial: We could try to assign this label to the next instruction but it already has another label, meaning that we would have to search all occurences of either label and replace it by the other.

Instead, we will intoduce a no-op instruction that is ignored when emitting machine code. So for example:

     addi 0x1,rax
foo: jmp bar
bar: mov rax,rcx

Is optimized to:

     addi 0x1,rax
foo: nop
bar: mov rax,rcx

And then, when labels are solved foo and bar will point to the same location.

If we did everything correctly, the generated code for duplicate should look like:

0000000000000010 <duplicate>:
  10:   48 b8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   movabs rax,0x0
  1a:   48 be 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   movabs rsi,0x0
  24:   48 39 fe                cmp    rsi,rdi
  27:   48 ba 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   movabs rdx,0x0
  31:   0f 9c c2                setl   dl
  34:   48 81 fa 00 00 00 00    cmp    rdx,0x0
  3b:   0f 84 12 00 00 00       je     53 <duplicate+0x43>
  41:   48 05 02 00 00 00       add    rax,0x2
  47:   48 81 c6 01 00 00 00    add    rsi,0x1
  4e:   e9 d1 ff ff ff          jmp    24 <duplicate+0x14>
  53:   c3                      ret

One important aspect is that this optimization is independent of the platform. Jumping to the next instruction is always the same as not doing anything.

Better Ways to Load Immediates

Up until now we have encoded our loadi imm64,reg instruction as mov reg,imm64. However, most of the times we are using it to set registers to zero. Like at the beginning of duplicate or when encoding the stl instruction.

In the good ol' days. It was a well known fact that a faster way to do mov reg,0x0 was using xor reg,reg instead. Even if we do not care about that, the xor operation takes less bytes anyway. Sadly, calling xor changes the RFLAGS register which means that we cannot use in between cmp and setl.

For now we will focus on the regular case of encoding loadi 0x0,reg and then figure out how to optimize stl.

First, we need to go back to the manual and get the appropiate xor instruction, we have two options:

│ Opcode        │ Instruction    │ Op/En │ Description    │
│ REX.W + 31 /r │ XOR r/m64, r64 │ MR    │ r/m64 XOR r64. │
│ REX.W + 33 /r │ XOR r64, r/m64 │ RM    │ r64 XOR r/m64. │

Both use the same number of bytes but for some reason nasm favors the first one so we will use that one so we can test our code against nasm. This instruction encodes it's first operand in the r/m register and the second one in the reg register. This is one of those happy cases where the order doesn't actually matter as both operands are the same register.

After this optimization, the emmited code should be:

0000000000000010 <duplicate>:
  10:   48 31 c0                xor    rax,rax
  13:   48 31 f6                xor    rsi,rsi
  16:   48 39 fe                cmp    rsi,rdi
  19:   48 ba 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   movabs rdx,0x0
  23:   0f 9c c2                setl   dl
  26:   48 81 fa 00 00 00 00    cmp    rdx,0x0
  2d:   0f 84 12 00 00 00       je     45 <duplicate+0x35>
  33:   48 05 02 00 00 00       add    rax,0x2
  39:   48 81 c6 01 00 00 00    add    rsi,0x1
  40:   e9 d1 ff ff ff          jmp    16 <duplicate+0x6>
  45:   c3                      ret

To optimize slt reg1,reg2,reg3 we will do it by putting mov before cmp if reg3 is not equal to reg1 or reg2.

0000000000000010 <duplicate>:
  10:   48 31 c0                xor    rax,rax
  13:   48 31 f6                xor    rsi,rsi
  16:   48 31 d2                xor    rdx,rdx
  19:   48 39 fe                cmp    rsi,rdi
  1c:   0f 9c c2                setl   dl
  1f:   48 81 fa 00 00 00 00    cmp    rdx,0x0
  26:   0f 84 12 00 00 00       je     3e <duplicate+0x2e>
  2c:   48 05 02 00 00 00       add    rax,0x2
  32:   48 81 c6 01 00 00 00    add    rsi,0x1
  39:   e9 d8 ff ff ff          jmp    16 <duplicate+0x6>
  3e:   c3                      ret

Reducing Operand Size

Up until now we have tried to restrict our operands to 64-bit registers and either 32 or 64-bit immediates. However, x86-64 allows us to use just the 32, 16 or 8 lowest bits of each register instead.

According to the Intel manual, when in 64-bits mode: "32-bit operands generate a 32-bit result, zero-extended to a 64-bit result in the destination general-purpose register". This means that we can shave off some bytes by checking if our immediates fit in 32 bits and then remove the REX prefix from some instructions.

This is not the case for 16 and 8 bits operands: "8-bit and 16-bit operands generate an 8-bit or 16-bit result. The upper 56 bits or 48 bits (respectively) of the destination general-purpose register are not modified by the operation". This is the reason why we had to clear the destination register for the slt instruction.

Then, we can modify the code generation for loadi and check if the leading 32-bits of an integer are zero, if that is the case, we use the MOV r32, imm32 instruction instead. This instruction encoding is similar to MOV r64,imm64, the only differences are that it does not use the REX prefix and it uses 4 displacement bytes instead of 8.

Using this same idea, we can use XOR r32,r32 to encode loadi 0x0,reg as the upper part of the register will be overwritten with zeros.

We can also reduce the operand size for the addi instruction if the immediate operand fits in a single byte by replacing ADD r/m64,imm32 by the ADD r/m64,imm8 instruction which uses the opcode 0x83 and a single displacement byte instead.

After all these optimizations, our duplicate function should look like this:

0000000000000010 <duplicate>:
  10:   31 c0                   xor    eax,eax
  12:   31 f6                   xor    esi,esi
  14:   31 d2                   xor    edx,edx
  16:   48 39 fe                cmp    rsi,rdi
  19:   0f 9c c2                setl   dl
  1c:   48 81 fa 00 00 00 00    cmp    rdx,0x0
  23:   0f 84 0d 00 00 00       je     36 <duplicate+0x26>
  29:   48 83 c0 02             add    rax,0x2
  2d:   48 83 c6 01             add    rsi,0x1
  31:   e9 de ff ff ff          jmp    14 <duplicate+0x4>
  36:   c3                      ret

When we took the MIR for duplicate and lowered it, the generated machine code used 93 bytes, now we have reduced it to 54. However, it is important to remember that this is a very particular case as most optimizations were inspired by this function.

Register Allocation and Other Monsters

It would be nice to solve this limitation of only allowing functions with few locals. There are different ways of doing register allocation which usually trade-off between runtime and compilation performance.

However, before doing that, we should figure out how to use the extra r8, ..., r15 registers that x86 provides in 64-bits mode.

Using More Registers

To use the extra registers, we need to review how REX prefixes work. We already learnt that the W bit is used to enable 64-bit operands on several instructions. The three remaining bytes R, X and B are used to extend the fields of the Mod R/M and SIB bytes:

  • The R bit is used to extend the reg field. This means that if R is set to one, the reg field will encode the registers r8, ..., r15 using the numbers from 0 to 7 in exactly that order.

  • The X bit is used to extend the index field in the same way as the R.

  • The B bit is used to extend the r/m field or the base field in the same way as R. This also works if the register is encoded in the opcode. Like with the pop and push instructions.

So, if we want to use one of these registers, what we need to do is first check if the current instruction has a REX prefix and add one if it does not have it. Then we enable the according bit inside the prefix to use the extension registers in the operand we want.

It should be no surprise that the r12 register has the same limitation as the rsp register and it requires an SIB byte to use it as the base address inside the load address instruction.

We also need to update our tests to take into account these new registers.