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cosign policy sign

sign a keyless policy.


policy is used to manage a root.json policy for keyless signing delegation. This is used to establish a policy for a registry namespace, a signing threshold and a list of maintainers who can sign over the body section.

cosign policy sign [flags]


      --allow-insecure-registry                                                                  whether to allow insecure connections to registries. Don't use this for anything but testing
      --attachment-tag-prefix [AttachmentTagPrefix]sha256-[TargetImageDigest].[AttachmentName]   optional custom prefix to use for attached image tags. Attachment images are tagged as: [AttachmentTagPrefix]sha256-[TargetImageDigest].[AttachmentName]
      --fulcio-url string                                                                        [EXPERIMENTAL] address of sigstore PKI server (default "")
  -h, --help                                                                                     help for sign
      --identity-token string                                                                    [EXPERIMENTAL] identity token to use for certificate from fulcio
      --insecure-skip-verify                                                                     [EXPERIMENTAL] skip verifying fulcio published to the SCT (this should only be used for testing).
      --k8s-keychain                                                                             whether to use the kubernetes keychain instead of the default keychain (supports workload identity).
      --namespace string                                                                         registry namespace that the root policy belongs to (default "ns")
      --oidc-client-id string                                                                    [EXPERIMENTAL] OIDC client ID for application (default "sigstore")
      --oidc-client-secret-file string                                                           [EXPERIMENTAL] Path to file containing OIDC client secret for application
      --oidc-disable-ambient-providers                                                           [EXPERIMENTAL] Disable ambient OIDC providers. When true, ambient credentials will not be read
      --oidc-issuer string                                                                       [EXPERIMENTAL] OIDC provider to be used to issue ID token (default "")
      --oidc-redirect-url string                                                                 [EXPERIMENTAL] OIDC redirect URL (Optional). The default oidc-redirect-url is 'http://localhost:0/auth/callback'.
      --out string                                                                               output policy locally (default "o")
      --rekor-url string                                                                         [EXPERIMENTAL] address of rekor STL server (default "")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --output-file string   log output to a file
  -t, --timeout duration     timeout for commands (default 3m0s)
  -d, --verbose              log debug output