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96 lines (65 loc) · 5.04 KB

File metadata and controls

96 lines (65 loc) · 5.04 KB

Contributing Guidelines

Thank you for considering to contribute to this library!

The following text lists guidelines for contributions. These guidelines don't have legal status, so use them as a reference and common sense - and feel free to update them as well!

"I just want to know..."

For questions, or general usage-information about Dear ImGui, please refer to the homepage, or look in the detailed documentation of the C++ source. This wrapper houses next to no functionality. As long as it is not a Go-specific issue, help will rather be there.


This wrapper exposes minimal functionality of Dear ImGui. Ideally, this functionality is that of the common minimum that someone would want. This wrapper does not strife for full configurability, like the original library. This is not even possible in some cases, as it requires compilation flags.


If you can and want to make use of this library in your own projects, you are happy to do so. Pull-requests with extensions are happily accepted, provided that they uphold the following minimum requirements:

  • Code is properly formatted & linted (use golangci-lint for a full check)
  • Public Go API is documented. Copied documentation from Dear ImGui is acceptable and recommended, assuming it is adapted regarding type names. If there is no documentation in the original, try to spend some time figuring it out. In any case, please make the comments readable as complete English sentences, as recommended by Go.
  • API and version philosophies are respected (see

Ideally, please also extend the demo window(s) of inkyblackness/imgui-go-examples - see internal/demo/Window.go. This way we also grow a Go-based demonstrator.

Clarification on API naming and signatures

If a Dear ImGui function has the signature of

SomeControl(const char *label, int value, int optArg1 = 0, const char *optArg2 = "stuff");

then the wrapper functions should be

// SomeControl calls SomeControlV(label, value, 0, "stuff"). 
SomeControl(label string, value int32) {
    SomeControlV(label, value, 0, "stuff")

// SomeControlV does things (text possibly copied from imgui.h).
SomeControlV(label string, value int32, optArg1 int32, optArg2 string) {
    // ...

The "idiomatic" function should have only the required parameters of the underlying function, and its comment specifies all the defaults, matching that of imgui.h. The "verbose" variant should require all the parameters of the underlying function.

Code Style

Please make sure Go code is formatted according to go fmt, and use the following linter: golangci-lint.

If there are linter errors that you didn't introduce, you don't have to clean them up - I might have missed them and will be handling them separately.

For the C++ code under /wrapper, run clang-format (version 11 or newer) to adhere to the common formatting as specified by /wrapper/.clang-format file.

Upgrade to newer Dear ImGui version

To update the Dear ImGui sources, overwrite the files in the imgui subfolders. Please avoid any files not needed by the wrapper.

An upgrade with major changes in the API should be on purpose and with coordination. Such a change requires a bump of the major version of this wrapper.

Otherwise, try to keep the API of this wrapper stable and keep compatible wrapper functions for changed/upgraded functions.

On an upgrade of Dear ImGui, apart from updating the actual files, be sure to do the following steps:

  • In case imconfig.h is changed, be sure the intentional overrides in wrapper/ConfigOverride.h stay in effect.
  • Have a look at any extended enumerations. The Go variant will need extension/change as well, otherwise the constants will be wrong.
  • Check for any documentation changes of exported functions. The Go documentation should reflect such changes as well.
  • Run go test ./... . There is at least one test which is bound to the version and needs change as well.
  • Update the screenshots of the examples, they show the version number. Use imgui-go-examples to create it.
  • Update the file, it indicates the version number.
  • Check if the license of Dear ImGui has changed and update the _licenses/imgui-LICENSE.txt file. This may happen every year (copyright year).

Handling of removed functions

In order to avoid needing a major version bump of the wrapper just for one removed function, use the following pattern:

// NewFunction does new stuff.
func NewFunction() {

// OldFunction did something and is now delegating to NewFunction().
// Deprecated: Use NewFunction instead.  
func OldFunction() {

The OldFunction is implemented using the new API, and is marked as Deprecated: <Alternative> in the comment. IDEs tend to respect this and notify the user.

If, however, a whole set of functionality is replaced, this then probably warrants a major version bump.