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INTERNAL ERROR: Black produced different code on the second pass of the formatter. #1902

Viech opened this issue Jan 4, 2021 · 2 comments
C: unstable formatting Formatting changed on the second pass R: duplicate This issue or pull request already exists T: bug Something isn't working


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Viech commented Jan 4, 2021

File is found here, formatting with black -l 80, version is 20.8b1.

Mode(target_versions=set(), line_length=80, string_normalization=True, experimental_string_processing=False, is_pyi=False)
--- source
+++ first pass
@@ -27,92 +27,92 @@
 _API_START = api_start(globals())
 # -------------------------------
 # Solution status strings, as verified by PICOS.
-VS_UNKNOWN           = "unverified"
+VS_UNKNOWN = "unverified"
 """PICOS failed to verify the solution."""
-VS_DETACHED          = "detached"
+VS_DETACHED = "detached"
 """The solution is not attached to a problem (it was given by the user)."""
-VS_EMPTY             = "empty"
+VS_EMPTY = "empty"
 """The solution is empty; there are neither primals nor duals."""
-VS_DETACHED_EMPTY    = "detached empty"
+VS_DETACHED_EMPTY = "detached empty"
 """The solution is both detached and empty."""
-VS_OUTDATED          = "outdated"
+VS_OUTDATED = "outdated"
 """The solution does not fit the problem formulation any more.
 Variables or constraints were removed from the problem."""
-VS_INCOMPLETE        = "incomplete"
+VS_INCOMPLETE = "incomplete"
 """The primal (dual) solution does not concern all variables (constraints)."""
-VS_FEASIBLE          = "feasible"
+VS_FEASIBLE = "feasible"
 """The solution is primal feasible; there is no dual solution."""
-VS_INFEASIBLE        = "infeasible"
+VS_INFEASIBLE = "infeasible"
 """The solution is primal infeasible; there is no dual solution."""
-VS_PRIMAL_FEASIBLE   = "primal feasible"
+VS_PRIMAL_FEASIBLE = "primal feasible"
 """The solution is primal feasible; a dual solution was not verified."""
 VS_PRIMAL_INFEASIBLE = "primal infeasible"
 """The solution is primal infeasible; a dual solution was not verified."""
 # Primal or dual solution (or search) status strings, as claimed by the solver.
-SS_UNKNOWN           = "unknown"
+SS_UNKNOWN = "unknown"
 """The solver did not make a clear claim about the solution status."""
-SS_EMPTY             = "empty"
+SS_EMPTY = "empty"
 """The solver claims not to have produced a solution."""
-SS_OPTIMAL           = "optimal"
+SS_OPTIMAL = "optimal"
 """The solution is optimal."""
-SS_FEASIBLE          = "feasible"
+SS_FEASIBLE = "feasible"
 """The solution is feasible."""
-SS_INFEASIBLE        = "infeasible"
+SS_INFEASIBLE = "infeasible"
 """No feasible solution exists.
 In the case of a primal solution, the problem is infeasible. In the case of a
 dual solution, the problem is unbounded.
-SS_PREMATURE         = "premature"
+SS_PREMATURE = "premature"
 """The search was prematurely terminated due to some limit."""
-SS_FAILURE           = "failure"
+SS_FAILURE = "failure"
 """The search was termined due to a solver failure."""
 # Problem status strings, as claimed by the solver.
-PS_UNKNOWN           = "unknown"
+PS_UNKNOWN = "unknown"
 """The solver did not make a clear claim about the problem status."""
-PS_FEASIBLE          = "feasible"
+PS_FEASIBLE = "feasible"
 """The problem is primal (and dual) feasible and bounded."""
-PS_INFEASIBLE        = "infeasible"
+PS_INFEASIBLE = "infeasible"
 """The problem is primal infeasible (and dual unbounded or infeasible)."""
-PS_UNBOUNDED         = "unbounded"
+PS_UNBOUNDED = "unbounded"
 """The problem is primal unbounded (and dual infeasible)."""
-PS_INF_OR_UNB        = "infeasible or unbounded"
+PS_INF_OR_UNB = "infeasible or unbounded"
 """The problem is primal infeasible or unbounded.
 Being unbounded is usually infered from being dual infeasible."""
-PS_UNSTABLE          = "unstable"
+PS_UNSTABLE = "unstable"
 """The problem was found numerically unstable or otherwise hard to handle."""
-PS_ILLPOSED          = "illposed"
+PS_ILLPOSED = "illposed"
 """The problem was found to be in a state that is not amenable to solution."""
 def _check_type(argument, *types):
     """Enforce the type of a method or function argument."""
@@ -120,13 +120,16 @@
         if type_ is None:
             type_ = type(None)
         if isinstance(argument, type_):
-    raise TypeError("An argument is of type '{}' but must be instance of {}."
-        .format(type(argument).__name__, " or ".join("'{}'".format(t.__name__)
-            for t in types)))
+    raise TypeError(
+        "An argument is of type '{}' but must be instance of {}.".format(
+            type(argument).__name__,
+            " or ".join("'{}'".format(t.__name__) for t in types),
+        )
+    )
 # TODO: Make all public fields use snake_case, ensure backwards compatibility.
 class Solution:
     """Assignment of primal and dual values to variables and constraints.
@@ -154,14 +157,24 @@
     '0.83 ms'
     >>> C2 = P.add_constraint(x >= 3); s
     <infeasible primal solution (was feasible and claimed optimal) from cvxopt>
-    def __init__(self, primals, duals=None, problem=None, solver="user",
-            primalStatus=SS_UNKNOWN, dualStatus=SS_UNKNOWN,
-            problemStatus=PS_UNKNOWN, searchTime=0.0, info=None,
-            vectorizedPrimals=False, reportedValue=None):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        primals,
+        duals=None,
+        problem=None,
+        solver="user",
+        primalStatus=SS_UNKNOWN,
+        dualStatus=SS_UNKNOWN,
+        problemStatus=PS_UNKNOWN,
+        searchTime=0.0,
+        info=None,
+        vectorizedPrimals=False,
+        reportedValue=None,
+    ):
         """Create a solution to an optimization problem.
         :param dict(picos.expressions.BaseVariable, object) primals:
             A mapping of variables to their primal solution value.
         :param dict(picos.constraints.Constraint, object) duals:
@@ -187,11 +200,11 @@
         :param float reportedValue:
             Objective value of the solution as reported by the solver.
         from ..expressions import BaseVariable
         from ..constraints import Constraint
-        from .problem      import Problem
+        from .problem import Problem
         if primals is None:
             primals = {}
         if duals is None:
@@ -213,92 +226,110 @@
         _check_type(vectorizedPrimals, bool)
         _check_type(reportedValue, None, float)
         for variable, _ in primals.items():
             if not isinstance(variable, BaseVariable):
-                raise TypeError("They keys in the primals argument of "
-                    "Solution.__init__ must be variables.")
+                raise TypeError(
+                    "They keys in the primals argument of "
+                    "Solution.__init__ must be variables."
+                )
         for constraint, _ in duals.items():
             if not isinstance(constraint, Constraint):
-                raise TypeError("They keys in the duals argument of "
-                    "Solution.__init__ must be constraints.")
+                raise TypeError(
+                    "They keys in the duals argument of "
+                    "Solution.__init__ must be constraints."
+                )
         # Derive a "claimed status" from the claimed primal and dual states.
         if primals and duals:
             if primalStatus == dualStatus:
                 claimedStatus = primalStatus
                 claimedStatus = "primal {} and dual {}".format(
-                    primalStatus, dualStatus)
+                    primalStatus, dualStatus
+                )
         elif primals:
             # Do not warn about correctingdualStatus, because the solver might
             # have produced primals but PICOS did not read them.
-            dualStatus    = SS_EMPTY
+            dualStatus = SS_EMPTY
             claimedStatus = primalStatus
         elif duals:
             # Do not warn about correcting primalStatus, because the solver
             # might have produced duals but PICOS did not read them.
-            primalStatus  = SS_EMPTY
+            primalStatus = SS_EMPTY
             claimedStatus = dualStatus
-            primalStatus  = SS_EMPTY
-            dualStatus    = SS_EMPTY
+            primalStatus = SS_EMPTY
+            dualStatus = SS_EMPTY
             claimedStatus = SS_EMPTY
         # Infeasible problem implies infeasible primal.
-        if problemStatus == PS_INFEASIBLE \
-        and primalStatus not in (SS_INFEASIBLE, SS_EMPTY):
+        if problemStatus == PS_INFEASIBLE and primalStatus not in (
+            SS_INFEASIBLE,
+            SS_EMPTY,
+        ):
                 "{} claims that a problem is infeasible but does not say the "
-                "same about the nonempty primal solution. Correcting this.".
-                format(solver), RuntimeWarning)
+                "same about the nonempty primal solution. Correcting this.".format(
+                    solver
+                ),
+                RuntimeWarning,
+            )
             primalStatus = SS_INFEASIBLE
         # Unbounded problem implies infeasible dual.
-        if problemStatus == PS_UNBOUNDED \
-        and dualStatus not in (SS_INFEASIBLE, SS_EMPTY):
+        if problemStatus == PS_UNBOUNDED and dualStatus not in (
+            SS_INFEASIBLE,
+            SS_EMPTY,
+        ):
                 "{} claims that a problem is unbounded but does not say that "
-                "the nonempty dual solution is infeasible. Correcting this.".
-                format(solver), RuntimeWarning)
+                "the nonempty dual solution is infeasible. Correcting this.".format(
+                    solver
+                ),
+                RuntimeWarning,
+            )
             dualStatus = SS_INFEASIBLE
         # Optimal solution implies feasible problem.
         if claimedStatus == SS_OPTIMAL and problemStatus != PS_FEASIBLE:
                 "{} claims to have found an optimal solution but does not say "
-                " that the problem is feasible. Correcting this."
-                .format(solver), RuntimeWarning)
+                " that the problem is feasible. Correcting this.".format(
+                    solver
+                ),
+                RuntimeWarning,
+            )
             problemStatus = PS_FEASIBLE
-        self.problem       = problem
+        self.problem = problem
         """The problem that was solved to produce the solution."""
-        self.solver        = solver
+        self.solver = solver
         """The solver that produced the solution."""
-        self.searchTime    = searchTime
+        self.searchTime = searchTime
         """Time in seconds that the solution search took."""
-        self.primals       = primals
+        self.primals = primals
         """The primal solution values returned by the solver."""
-        self.duals         = duals
+        self.duals = duals
         """The dual solution values returned by the solver."""
-          = info
+ = info
         """Additional information provided by the solver."""
-        self.lastStatus    = VS_UNKNOWN
+        self.lastStatus = VS_UNKNOWN
         """The solution status as verified by PICOS when the solution was
         applied to the problem."""
-        self.primalStatus  = primalStatus
+        self.primalStatus = primalStatus
         """The primal solution status as claimed by the solver."""
-        self.dualStatus    = dualStatus
+        self.dualStatus = dualStatus
         """The dual solution status as claimed by the solver."""
         self.claimedStatus = claimedStatus
         """The primal and dual solution status as claimed by the solver."""
@@ -373,11 +404,12 @@
             that problem instead.
         if not self.problem:
             raise RuntimeError(
                 "Cannot compute the objective value of a detached solution. "
-                "Use attach_to to assign the solution to a problem.")
+                "Use attach_to to assign the solution to a problem."
+            )
         problemCopy = self.problem.copy()
@@ -388,13 +420,13 @@
         """The objective value as reported by the solver, or :obj:`None`."""
         return self.reportedValue
     def __str__(self):
         verifiedStatus = self.status
-        lastStatus     = self.lastStatus
-        claimedStatus  = self.claimedStatus
-        problemStatus  = self.problemStatus
+        lastStatus = self.lastStatus
+        claimedStatus = self.claimedStatus
+        problemStatus = self.problemStatus
         if self.primals and self.duals:
             solutionType = "solution pair"
         elif self.primals:
             solutionType = "primal solution"
@@ -402,45 +434,55 @@
             solutionType = "dual solution"
             solutionType = "solution"  # "(detached) empty solution"
         # Print the last status if it is known and differs from the current one.
-        printLastStatus = lastStatus != VS_UNKNOWN and \
-            verifiedStatus != lastStatus
+        printLastStatus = (
+            lastStatus != VS_UNKNOWN and verifiedStatus != lastStatus
+        )
         # Print the claimed status only if it differs from the initial verified
         # one is not implied by a problem status that will be printed.
-        printClaimedStatus = \
-            claimedStatus not in (verifiedStatus, SS_UNKNOWN) and \
-            problemStatus not in (PS_INFEASIBLE, PS_UNBOUNDED)
+        printClaimedStatus = claimedStatus not in (
+            verifiedStatus,
+            SS_UNKNOWN,
+        ) and problemStatus not in (PS_INFEASIBLE, PS_UNBOUNDED)
         # Print the problem status only if it is interesting.
-        printProblemStatus = \
-            problemStatus not in (PS_UNKNOWN, PS_FEASIBLE)
+        printProblemStatus = problemStatus not in (PS_UNKNOWN, PS_FEASIBLE)
         if printLastStatus and printClaimedStatus:
             unverifiedStatus = " (was {} and claimed {})".format(
-                lastStatus, claimedStatus)
+                lastStatus, claimedStatus
+            )
         elif printLastStatus:
             unverifiedStatus = " (was {})".format(lastStatus)
         elif printClaimedStatus:
             unverifiedStatus = " (claimed {})".format(claimedStatus)
             unverifiedStatus = ""
         if printProblemStatus:
-            unverifiedStatus += \
-                " for a problem claimed {}".format(problemStatus)
-        return "{} {}{} from {}".format(verifiedStatus, solutionType,
-            unverifiedStatus, self.solver)
+            unverifiedStatus += " for a problem claimed {}".format(
+                problemStatus
+            )
+        return "{} {}{} from {}".format(
+            verifiedStatus, solutionType, unverifiedStatus, self.solver
+        )
     def __repr__(self):
         return glyphs.repr1(self.__str__())
-    def apply(self, primals=True, duals=True, clearOnNone=True, toProblem=None,
-              snapshotStatus=False):
+    def apply(
+        self,
+        primals=True,
+        duals=True,
+        clearOnNone=True,
+        toProblem=None,
+        snapshotStatus=False,
+    ):
         """Apply the solution to the involved variables and constraints.
         :param bool primals: Whether to apply the primal solution.
         :param bool duals: Whether to apply the dual solution.
         :param bool clearOnNone: Whether to clear the value of a variable or
@@ -460,24 +502,26 @@
                     for variable, primal in self.primals.items():
                         thePrimals[toProblem.variables[]] = primal
                 except KeyError:
                     raise RuntimeError(
                         "Cannot apply solution to specified problem as not all "
-                        "variables for which primal values exist were found.")
+                        "variables for which primal values exist were found."
+                    )
             if duals:
                 theDuals = {}
                     for constraint, dual in self.duals.items():
                         theDuals[toProblem.constraints[]] = dual
                 except KeyError:
                     raise RuntimeError(
                         "Cannot apply solution to specified problem as not all "
-                        "constraints for which dual values exist were found.")
+                        "constraints for which dual values exist were found."
+                    )
             thePrimals = self.primals
-            theDuals   = self.duals
+            theDuals = self.duals
         if primals:
             for variable, primal in thePrimals.items():
                 if primal is None and not clearOnNone:
--- first pass
+++ second pass
@@ -440,14 +440,18 @@
             lastStatus != VS_UNKNOWN and verifiedStatus != lastStatus
         # Print the claimed status only if it differs from the initial verified
         # one is not implied by a problem status that will be printed.
-        printClaimedStatus = claimedStatus not in (
-            verifiedStatus,
-            SS_UNKNOWN,
-        ) and problemStatus not in (PS_INFEASIBLE, PS_UNBOUNDED)
+        printClaimedStatus = (
+            claimedStatus
+            not in (
+                verifiedStatus,
+                SS_UNKNOWN,
+            )
+            and problemStatus not in (PS_INFEASIBLE, PS_UNBOUNDED)
+        )
         # Print the problem status only if it is interesting.
         printProblemStatus = problemStatus not in (PS_UNKNOWN, PS_FEASIBLE)
         if printLastStatus and printClaimedStatus:
@Viech Viech added the T: bug Something isn't working label Jan 4, 2021
@ichard26 ichard26 added the C: unstable formatting Formatting changed on the second pass label Jan 4, 2021
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mvolfik commented Feb 22, 2021


def f():
    def f():
        printClaimedStatus = \
            claimedStatus not in (verifiedStatus, SS_UNKNOWN) and \
            problemStatus not in (PS_INFEASIBLE, PS_UNBOUNDED)

Likely a duplicate of #1629 , as this file works after applying #1958

@ichard26 ichard26 added the R: duplicate This issue or pull request already exists label Apr 25, 2021
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All reproduction cases in this issue format without error on master. The fixing commit was 8672af3 from PR GH-2126. I'll be marking this issue as a duplicate of GH-1629 since that's what GH-2126 aimed to fix and it's highly likely this issue falls under GH-1629.

Since we use the issue tracker as a reflection of what's on master, I'll be closing this issue. If you have any issues, especially with the new (but stable) output, please open a new issue. Oh and the fix should be available in a published release soon, see GH-2125 for more info.

Thank you for reporting!

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C: unstable formatting Formatting changed on the second pass R: duplicate This issue or pull request already exists T: bug Something isn't working
None yet

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3 participants