From 5a29e83847118c3999a2ca0ab017f080719b8ae5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "renovate[bot]" <29139614+renovate[bot]> Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2023 22:17:06 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies (#1479) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit [![Mend Renovate](]( This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [anyhow]( | dependencies | patch | `1.0.57` -> `1.0.68` | | [anyhow]( | dependencies | patch | `1.0.40` -> `1.0.68` | | [anyhow]( | workspace.dependencies | patch | `1.0.34` -> `1.0.68` | | [assert_cmd]( | dev-dependencies | patch | `2.0.4` -> `2.0.8` | | [assert_fs]( | dev-dependencies | patch | `1.0.7` -> `1.0.10` | | [bincode]( | build-dependencies | patch | `1.3.2` -> `1.3.3` | | [bincode]( | dependencies | patch | `1.3.2` -> `1.3.3` | | [byte-unit]( ([source]( | dependencies | patch | `4.0.13` -> `4.0.18` | | [cargo_metadata]( | dependencies | patch | `0.15.0` -> `0.15.3` | | [dunce]( ([source]( | dependencies | patch | `1.0.1` -> `1.0.3` | | [enum-primitive-derive]( | dependencies | patch | `0.2.1` -> `0.2.2` | | [gdbstub]( | dependencies | patch | `0.6.2` -> `0.6.3` | | [gimli]( | dependencies | patch | `0.27.0` -> `0.27.1` | | [hexdump]( | dependencies | patch | `0.1.0` -> `0.1.1` | | [hidapi]( | dependencies | minor | `2.0.2` -> `2.1.2` | | [indicatif]( | dependencies | patch | `0.17.0` -> `0.17.3` | | [insta]( ([source]( | dev-dependencies | minor | `1.10.0` -> `1.26.0` | | [insta]( ([source]( | dev-dependencies | minor | `1.8.0` -> `1.26.0` | | [itertools]( | dependencies | patch | `0.10.3` -> `0.10.5` | | [jep106]( | dependencies | patch | `0.2.6` -> `0.2.8` | | [log]( | dependencies | patch | `0.4.16` -> `0.4.17` | | [log]( | dependencies | patch | `0.4.14` -> `0.4.17` | | [log]( | dependencies | patch | `0.4.0` -> `0.4.17` | | [log]( | workspace.dependencies | patch | `0.4.6` -> `0.4.17` | | [num-traits]( | dependencies | patch | `0.2.11` -> `0.2.15` | | [num-traits]( | dependencies | patch | `0.2.14` -> `0.2.15` | | [object]( | dependencies | patch | `0.30.0` -> `0.30.3` | | [once_cell]( | dependencies | minor | `1.7.2` -> `1.17.0` | | [predicates]( | dev-dependencies | patch | `2.1.1` -> `2.1.5` | | [rand]( ([source]( | dev-dependencies | patch | `0.8.0` -> `0.8.5` | | [reqwest]( | dependencies | patch | `0.11.10` -> `0.11.14` | | [reqwest]( | dependencies | patch | `0.11.13` -> `0.11.14` | | [rusb]( | dependencies | patch | `0.9.0` -> `0.9.1` | | [rustyline]( | dependencies | minor | `10.0.0` -> `10.1.1` | | [sentry]( ([source]( | dependencies | patch | `0.29.0` -> `0.29.2` | | [serde]( ([source]( | dependencies | patch | `1.0.147` -> `1.0.152` | | [serde_json]( | dev-dependencies | patch | `1.0.47` -> `1.0.91` | | [serde_yaml]( | build-dependencies | patch | `0.9.4` -> `0.9.17` | | [svd-parser]( | dependencies | patch | `0.14.0` -> `0.14.1` | | [terminal_size]( | dependencies | patch | `0.2.0` -> `0.2.3` | | [zip]( | dependencies | patch | `0.6.2` -> `0.6.3` | --- ### Release Notes
dtolnay/anyhow ### [`v1.0.68`]( [Compare Source]( - Opt out of `-Zrustdoc-scrape-examples` on for now ### [`v1.0.67`]( [Compare Source]( - Improve the backtrace captured when `context()` is used on an `Option` ([#​280]( ### [`v1.0.66`]( [Compare Source]( - Reduce unhelpful backtrace frames in backtraces captured during a `context` call ([#​279]( ### [`v1.0.65`]( [Compare Source]( - impl Provider for anyhow::Error ### [`v1.0.64`]( [Compare Source]( - Correctly propagate Backtrace when using `#[source] anyhow::Error` with [thiserror]( crate ([#​231]( ### [`v1.0.63`]( [Compare Source]( - Expose backtraces via the new "generic member access" API on the Error trait ([](, []( ### [`v1.0.62`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix extra rebuilding when interleaving command-line `cargo` invocations with IDE builds ([#​261]( ### [`v1.0.61`]( [Compare Source]( - Work around rust-analyzer builds poisoning all subsequent command-line cargo builds ([#​252]( ### [`v1.0.60`]( [Compare Source]( - Propagate `--target` to rustc invocation when deciding about backtrace support ([#​249](, thanks [@​RalfJung]( ### [`v1.0.59`]( [Compare Source]( - Update metadata to include `no-std` category ### [`v1.0.58`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix some broken links in documentation
assert-rs/assert_cmd ### [`v2.0.8`](​208---2023-01-09) [Compare Source]( ##### Features - Make binary data easier to read by resolving newlines ### [`v2.0.7`](​207---2022-12-02) [Compare Source]( ### [`v2.0.6`](​206---2022-11-04) [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Hide internal-only optional dependencies ### [`v2.0.5`](​205---2022-10-20) [Compare Source]( ##### Features - Added `AssertError::assert`
assert-rs/assert_fs ### [`v1.0.10`](​1010---2022-12-02) [Compare Source]( ### [`v1.0.9`](​109---2022-11-07) [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Add `Debug` impls for temp dir / file ### [`v1.0.8`](​108---2022-11-04) [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Hide internal-only optional dependencies
bincode-org/bincode ### [`v1.3.3`]( [Compare Source]( - Removed `byteorder` as a dependency
magiclen/byte-unit ### [`v4.0.18`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v4.0.17`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v4.0.16`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v4.0.15`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v4.0.14`]( [Compare Source](
oli-obk/cargo_metadata ### [`v0.15.3`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v0.15.2`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v0.15.1`]( [Compare Source](
cardoe/enum-primitive-derive ### [`v0.2.2`](​022) [Compare Source]( ##### Changed - Switch to using core instead of std for no-std support
daniel5151/gdbstub ### [`v0.6.3`](​063) [Compare Source]( ##### New Features - `SingleRegisterAccess`: Support reporting unavailable regs [#​107]( ([ptosi](
gimli-rs/gimli ### [`v0.27.1`](​0271) [Compare Source]( Released 2023/01/23. ##### Added - Added `SectionId::xcoff_name` and `read::Section::xcoff_section_name`. [#​635]( - Added `read::Dwarf::make_dwo` and `read::Unit::dwo_name`. [#​637]( ##### Changed - Changed `read::DwarfPackage::sections` to handle supplementary files. [#​638]( ***
console-rs/indicatif ### [`v0.17.3`]( [Compare Source]( A small maintenance release: - address a bunch of lints by [@​danieleades]( in []( - Remove `"fs"` feature in tokio dependency. by [@​azriel91]( in []( - Update estimate when using a steady ticker by [@​aawsome]( in []( - Refactoring and internal improvements **Full Changelog**: ### [`v0.17.2`]( [Compare Source]( A small maintenance release which makes indicatif more portable and fixes some minor regressions. - Use portable-atomic to fix build on some 32-bit platforms ([#​484](, thanks to [@​messense]( - Implement multi-line progress message support ([#​443](, thanks to [@​happenslol]( - Reset estimator of progress rate on backwards movement ([#​483](, thanks to [@​rlee287]( - Fix percent initial value when there is no length ([#​491](, thanks to [@​devmatteini]( - Bumped the MSRV to 1.56 ([#​482]( On behalf of [@​djc]( and [@​chris-laplante](, thanks to all contributors! ### [`v0.17.1`]( [Compare Source]( 2.5 months after the large 0.17 release, we (finally) have a release that addresses most of the regressions found in 0.17. There is ongoing work on changes in the estimation algorithm, tracked in [#​394](, which has regressed for some users. Note that we made some technically semver-breaking change of adding a missing `Sync` bound to the `ProgressTracker` bounds ([#​471]( We're assuming that most users don't (yet) have custom `ProgressTracker` impls, and that users who do have probably built one that is `Sync` anyway. #### Fixed regressions - Fixed `unicode-width` feature spelling ([#​456]( - Only tick if the ticker is disabled ([#​458]( - Rework `MultiProgress` zombie line handling ([#​460]( - Fix incorrect link in documentation ([#​469](, thanks to [@​Jedsek]( - Take a reference for `ProgressBar::style()` ([#​476](, thanks to [@​andrewchambers]( #### Other changes - Add `HumanFloatCount` formatting option ([#​453](, thanks to [@​jqnatividad]( - Add `Sync` bound to `ProgressTracker` ([#​471]( - Update ProgressDrawTarget documentation ([#​472](, thanks to [@​AronParker]( - Correct mis-naming of variables in wrap_async_read ([#​473](, thanks to [@​octylFractal]( - Remove `write_all()` impl from `ProgressBarIter`'s `Write` impl ([#​478](, thanks to [@​hexagonal-sun]( - Document last char/string in tick style being the "final" state ([#​479](, thanks to [@​MarijnS95]( Thanks from [@​djc]( and [@​chris-laplante]( to all contributors!
mitsuhiko/insta ### [`v1.26.0`](​1260) [Compare Source]( - Make canonicalization in `glob!` optional to better support WASI. ### [`v1.24.1`](​1241) [Compare Source]( - Fix non working `--include-hidden` flag ([#​331]( - Fix incorrect mapping of `review.include_ignored` ([#​330]( ### [`v1.24.0`](​1240) [Compare Source]( - Added an insta tool config (`.config/insta.yaml`) to change the behavior of insta and cargo-insta. ([#​322]( - Renamed `--no-ignore` to `--include-ignored`. - Added `--include-hidden` to instruct insta to also walk into hidden paths. - Added new `--unreferenced` option to `cargo-insta test` which allows fine tuning of what should happen with unreferenced files. It's now possible to ignore (default), warn, reject or delete unreferenced snapshots. ([#​328]( - Resolved an error message about doc tests when using nextest with test targeting. ([#​317]( ### [`v1.23.0`](​1230) [Compare Source]( - Add a hint if snapshots might be skipped. ([#​314]( - Avoid extra newline in YAML snapshots. ([#​311]( ### [`v1.22.0`](​1220) [Compare Source]( - Added support for rendering some invisibles in diffs. This now also should make sure that ANSI sequences in strings are no longer screwing up the terminal output. ([#​308]( - Prevent inline snapshots to be used in loops. ([#​307]( - Support the `--target` option to `cargo insta test`. ([#​309]( - Globbing now adds directories as disambiguators into the snapshot suffixes. This allows patterns such as `foo/*/*.txt` without creating conflicts. ([#​310]( ### [`v1.21.2`](​1212) [Compare Source]( - Added missing parameters to `cargo insta test`. ([#​305]( - Fixed a sorting issue in hash maps for compound keys. ([#​304]( ### [`v1.21.1`](​1211) - Fix incorrect handling of extra args to `cargo insta test`. ### [`v1.21.0`](​1210) - Fixed an issue that broke support for older rust versions. ([#​292]( - Added `cargo insta show` command to render a snapshot. - Added support for compact JSON snapshots. ([#​288]( ### [`v1.20.0`](​1200) [Compare Source]( - `cargo insta` now supports nextest as test runner. ([#​285]( - The `glob!` macro now defers failures by default. ([#​284]( ### [`v1.19.1`](​1191) [Compare Source]( - Added support for numeric keys in JSON which regressed in 0.18.0. ([#​281]( ### [`v1.19.0`](​1190) [Compare Source]( - Removed `backtrace` feature. - Removed `serialization` feature. - `assert_json_snapshot!` and `assert_yaml_snapshot!` now require the `json` and `yaml` feature respectively. - Doctests now emit a warning that inline snapshot updating is not supported ([#​272]( - Added support for `INSTA_GLOB_FILTER` to skip over tests expanded from a glob. ([#​274]( ### [`v1.18.2`](​1182) [Compare Source]( - Avoid the use of `#[allow(unused)]` in the macro. ([#​271]( ### [`v1.18.1`](​1181) [Compare Source]( - Fixed a regression in the JSON serialization format with newtypes and tuple variants. ([#​270]( ### [`v1.18.0`](​1180) - `Settings::bind` now can return a result. - Expose the drop guard type of `bind_to_scope`. - The `serde` dependency is now optional. While still enabled by default users need to opt into `yaml` and `json` features explicitly to regain support for it. To avoid the default `serde` dependency the default features just need to be disabled. ([#​255]( - Deprecated unused `serialization` features. - Deprecated unused `backtrace` feature. - Removed deprecated `Settings::bind_to_thread`. **Breaking Changes / Upgrading:** If you are upgrading to serde 1.18.0 you will receive deprecating warnings if you are using the `assert_yaml_snapshot!` and `assert_json_snapshot!` macros. These macros will continue to function in the future but they will require explicit opting into the `yaml` and `json` features. To silence the warning add them to your `insta` dependency. Additionally the `backtrace` feature was deprecated. It is no longer needed so just remove it. ### [`v1.17.2`](​1172) - Remove an accidentaly debug print output. ### [`v1.17.1`](​1171) - Added support for nextest. ([#​242]( - Resolved an issue where inline snapshot tests in doctests refused to work. ([#​252]( ### [`v1.17.0`](​1170) - Fixed an issue in `cargo-insta` where sometimes accepting inline snapshots would crash with an out of bounds panic. - Added new `filters` feature. ([#​245]( - Disallow unnamed snapshots in doctests. ([#​246]( - `with_settings!` macro now inherits the former settings rather than resetting. ([#​249]( - Added support for `Settings::bind_to_scope` and deprecated `Settings::bind_to_thread`. ([#​250]( - Added support for `minimal-versions` builds. ### [`v1.16.0`](​1160) [Compare Source]( - Added `--no-quiet`/`-Q` flag to `cargo insta test` to suppress the quiet flag. This works around limitations with custom test harnesses such as cucumber. - Update RON to 0.7.1. - Improved ergonomics around `with_settings!`. It's now a perfect match to the settings object's setter methods. - Added `description` and `info` to snapshots. ([#​239]( - Added `omit_expression` setting. ([#​239]( - Added improved support for running insta from doctests. ([#​243]( ### [`v1.15.0`](​1150) [Compare Source]( - Bump minimum version of Rust to 1.56.1. This was done because the used serde-yaml dependency no longer supports older versions of Rust. ### [`v1.14.1`](​1141) [Compare Source]( - Update uuid crate to 1.0.0. ([#​228]( - Use inline block format also for strings of form `"foo\n"`. ([#​225]( ### [`v1.14.0`](​1140) [Compare Source]( - Fixed a bug that caused insta to panic if inline snapshot assertions moved since the time of the snapshot creation. ([#​220]( - `cargo insta test` now returns non zero status code when snapshots are left for review. ([#​222]( - Assertion failures now mention `cargo insta test`. ([#​223]( ### [`v1.13.0`](​1130) - Fixed a bug where an extra newline was emitted following the snapshot header. - `assertion_line` is no longer retained in snapshots. ([#​218]( ### [`v1.12.0`](​1120) - Add support for sorting redactions (`sorted_redaction` and `Settings::sort_selector`). ([#​212]( - Changed snapshot name detection to no longer use thread names but function names. ([#​213]( **Upgrade Notes:** Insta used to detect the current test name by using the current thread name. This appeared to work well but unfortunately ran into various limitations. In particular in some cases the thread name was truncated, missing or did not point to the current test name. To better support different platforms and situations insta now uses the function name instead. This however changes behavior. In particular if you are using a helper function to assert, a different snapshot name will now be used. You can work around this issue by using a helper macro instead or to explicitly pass a snapshot name in such situations. ### [`v1.11.0`](​1110) [Compare Source]( - Trim down some unnecessary dependencies and switch to `once_cell`. ([#​208](
rust-itertools/itertools ### [`v0.10.5`](​0105) - Maintenance ### [`v0.10.4`](​0104) [Compare Source]( - Add `EitherOrBoth::or` and `EitherOrBoth::or_else` ([#​593]( - Add `min_set`, `max_set` et al. ([#​613](, [#​323]( - Use `either/use_std` ([#​628]( - Documentation fixes ([#​612](, [#​625](, [#​632](, [#​633](, [#​634](, [#​638]( - Code maintenance ([#​623](, [#​624](, [#​627](, [#​630](
Yatekii/jep106 ### [`v0.2.8`]( 0.2.8 [Compare Source]( - Fix possible out-of-bounds access, which would have led to a panic. ### [`v0.2.7`]( 0.2.7 [Compare Source]( - Updated codes to version JEP106BE, from January 2022.
rust-lang/log ### [`v0.4.17`](​0417---2022-04-29) - Update `kv_unstable` internal dependencies.
rust-num/num-traits ### [`v0.2.15`]( [Compare Source]( - [The new `Euclid` trait calculates Euclidean division][195], where the remainder is always positive or zero. - [The new `LowerBounded` and `UpperBounded` traits][210] separately describe types with lower and upper bounds. These traits are automatically implemented for all fully-`Bounded` types. - [The new `Float::copysign` method copies the sign of the argument][207] to to the magnitude of `self`. - [The new `PrimInt::leading_ones` and `trailing_ones` methods][205] are the complement of the existing methods that count zero bits. - [The new `PrimInt::reverse_bits` method reverses the order of all bits][202] of a primitive integer. - [Improved `Num::from_str_radix` for floats][201], also [ignoring case][214]. - [`Float` and `FloatCore` use more from `libm`][196] when that is enabled. **Contributors**: [@​alion02](, [@​clarfonthey](, [@​cuviper](, [@​ElectronicRU](, [@​ibraheemdev](, [@​SparrowLii](, [@​sshilovsky](, [@​tspiteri](, [@​XAMPPRocky](, [@​Xiretza]( [195]: [196]: [201]: [202]: [205]: [207]: [210]: [214]: ### [`v0.2.14`]( [Compare Source]( - Clarify the license specification as "MIT OR Apache-2.0". **Contributors**: [@​cuviper]( ### [`v0.2.13`]( [Compare Source]( - [The new `OverflowingAdd`, `OverflowingSub`, and `OverflowingMul` traits][180] return a tuple with the operation result and a `bool` indicating overflow. - [The "i128" feature now overrides compiler probes for that support][185]. This may fix scenarios where `autocfg` probing doesn't work properly. - [Casts from large `f64` values to `f32` now saturate to infinity][186]. They previously returned `None` because that was once thought to be undefined behavior, but [rust#​15536] resolved that such casts are fine. - [`Num::from_str_radix` documents requirements for radix support][192], which are now more relaxed than previously implied. It is suggested to accept at least `2..=36` without panicking, but `Err` may be returned otherwise. **Contributors**: [@​cuviper](, [@​Enet4](, [@​KaczuH](, [@​martin-t](, [@​newpavlov]( [180]: [185]: [186]: [192]: [rust#​15536]: ### [`v0.2.12`]( [Compare Source]( - [The new `WrappingNeg` trait][153] will wrap the result if it exceeds the boundary of the type, e.g. `i32::MIN.wrapping_neg() == i32::MIN`. - [The new `SaturatingAdd`, `SaturatingSub`, and `SaturatingMul` traits][165] will saturate at the numeric bounds if the operation would overflow. These soft-deprecate the existing `Saturating` trait that only has addition and subtraction methods. - [Added new constants for logarithms, `FloatConst::{LOG10_2, LOG2_10}`][171]. **Contributors**: [@​cuviper](, [@​ocstl](, [@​trepetti](, [@​vallentin]( [153]: [165]: [171]:
gimli-rs/object ### [`v0.30.3`](​0303) [Compare Source]( Released 2023/01/23. ##### Added - Added `SectionKind::ReadOnlyDataWithRel` for writing. [#​504]( *** ### [`v0.30.2`](​0302) [Compare Source]( Released 2023/01/11. ##### Added - Added more ELF constants for AVR flags and relocations. [#​500]( *** ### [`v0.30.1`](​0301) [Compare Source]( Released 2023/01/04. ##### Changed - Changed `read::ElfSymbol::kind` to handle `STT_NOTYPE` and `STT_GNU_IFUNC`. [#​498]( ##### Added - Added `read::CoffSymbol::raw_symbol`. [#​494]( - Added ELF support for Solana Binary Format. [#​491]( - Added ELF support for AArch64 ILP32. [#​497]( ***
matklad/once_cell ### [`v1.17.0`](​1170) [Compare Source]( - Add `race::OnceRef` for storing a `&'a T`. ### [`v1.16.0`](​1160) [Compare Source]( - Add `no_std` implementation based on `critical-section`, [#​195]( - Deprecate `atomic-polyfill` feature (use the new `critical-section` instead) ### [`v1.15.0`](​1150) [Compare Source]( - Increase minimal supported Rust version to 1.56.0. - Implement `UnwindSafe` even if the `std` feature is disabled. ### [`v1.14.0`](​1140) [Compare Source]( - Add extension to `unsync` and `sync` `Lazy` mut API: - `force_mut` - `get_mut` ### [`v1.13.1`](​1131) [Compare Source]( - Make implementation compliant with [strict provenance]( - Upgrade `atomic-polyfill` to `1.0` ### [`v1.13.0`](​1130) [Compare Source]( - Add `Lazy::get`, similar to `OnceCell::get`. ### [`v1.12.1`](​1121) [Compare Source]( - Remove incorrect `debug_assert`. ### [`v1.12.0`](​1120) [Compare Source]( - Add `OnceCell::wait`, a blocking variant of `get`. ### [`v1.11.0`](​1110) [Compare Source]( - Add `OnceCell::with_value` to create initialized `OnceCell` in `const` context. - Improve `Clone` implementation for `OnceCell`. - Rewrite `parking_lot` version on top of `parking_lot_core`, for even smaller cells! ### [`v1.10.0`](​1100) [Compare Source]( - upgrade `parking_lot` to `0.12.0` (note that this bumps MSRV with `parking_lot` feature enabled to `1.49.0`). ### [`v1.9.0`](​190) [Compare Source]( - Added an `atomic-polyfill` optional dependency to compile `race` on platforms without atomics ### [`v1.8.0`](​180) [Compare Source]( - Add `try_insert` API -- a version of `set` that returns a reference.
assert-rs/predicates-rs ### [`v2.1.5`](​215---2022-12-29) [Compare Source]( ##### Gixes - Further generalized borrowing of predicates with `Borrow` trait ### [`v2.1.4`](​214---2022-12-02) [Compare Source]( ### [`v2.1.3`](​213---2022-11-13) [Compare Source]( ### [`v2.1.2`](​212---2022-11-05) [Compare Source]( ##### Compatibility Update MSRV to 1.60 ##### Fixes - Hide internal-only optional dependencies
rust-random/rand ### [`v0.8.5`](​085---2021-08-20) [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Fix build on non-32/64-bit architectures ([#​1144]( - Fix "min_const_gen" feature for `no_std` ([#​1173]( - Check `libc::pthread_atfork` return value with panic on error ([#​1178]( - More robust reseeding in case `ReseedingRng` is used from a fork handler ([#​1178]( - Fix nightly: remove unused `slice_partition_at_index` feature ([#​1215]( - Fix nightly + `simd_support`: update `packed_simd` ([#​1216]( ##### Rngs - `StdRng`: Switch from HC128 to ChaCha12 on emscripten ([#​1142]( We now use ChaCha12 on all platforms. ##### Documentation - Added docs about rand's use of const generics ([#​1150]( - Better random chars example ([#​1157]( ### [`v0.8.4`](​084---2021-06-15) [Compare Source]( ##### Additions - Use const-generics to support arrays of all sizes ([#​1104]( - Implement `Clone` and `Copy` for `Alphanumeric` ([#​1126]( - Add `Distribution::map` to derive a distribution using a closure ([#​1129]( - Add `Slice` distribution ([#​1107]( - Add `DistString` trait with impls for `Standard` and `Alphanumeric` ([#​1133]( ##### Other - Reorder asserts in `Uniform` float distributions for easier debugging of non-finite arguments ([#​1094](, [#​1108]( - Add range overflow check in `Uniform` float distributions ([#​1108]( - Deprecate `rngs::adapter::ReadRng` ([#​1130]( ### [`v0.8.3`](​083---2021-01-25) [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Fix `no-std` + `alloc` build by gating `choose_multiple_weighted` on `std` ([#​1088]( ### [`v0.8.2`](​082---2021-01-12) [Compare Source]( ##### Fixes - Fix panic in `UniformInt::sample_single_inclusive` and `Rng::gen_range` when providing a full integer range (eg `0..=MAX`) ([#​1087]( ### [`v0.8.1`](​081---2020-12-31) [Compare Source]( ##### Other - Enable all stable features in the playground ([#​1081](
seanmonstar/reqwest ### [`v0.11.14`]( [Compare Source]( - Adds `Proxy::no_proxy(url)` that works like the NO_PROXY environment variable. - Adds `multipart::Part::headers(headers)` method to add custom headers. - (wasm) Add `Response::bytes_stream()`. - Perf: several internal optimizations reducing copies and memory allocations. ### [`v0.11.13`]( [Compare Source]( - Add `ClientBuilder::dns_resolver()` option for custom DNS resolvers. - Add `ClientBuilder::tls_sni(bool)` option to enable or disable TLS Server Name Indication. - Add `Identity::from_pkcs8_pem()` constructor when using `native-tls`. - Fix `redirect::Policy::limited(0)` from following any redirects. ### [`v0.11.12`]( [Compare Source]( - Add `ClientBuilder::resolve_to_addrs()` which allows a slice of IP addresses to be specified for a single host. - Add `Response::upgrade()` to await whether the server agrees to an HTTP upgrade. ### [`v0.11.11`]( [Compare Source]( - Add HTTP/2 keep-alive configuration methods on `ClientBuilder`. - Add `ClientBuilder::http1_allow_obsolete_multiline_headers_in_responses()`. - Add `impl Service` for `Client` and `&'_ Client`. - (wasm) Add `RequestBuilder::basic_auth()`. - Fix `RequestBuilder::header` to not override `sensitive` if user explicitly set on a `HeaderValue`. - Fix rustls parsing of elliptic curve private keys. - Fix Proxy URL parsing of some invalid targets.
kkawakam/rustyline ### [`v10.1.1`]( 10.1.1 [Compare Source]( Rollbacks incompatible changes relative to edition 2018 ([#​671]( **Full Changelog**: ### [`v10.1.0`]( 10.1.0 [Compare Source]( #### What's Changed - Upgrade nix dependency - Fix ViFirstPrint movement ([#​645]( - Specify that `Editor::iter` ends at EOF (Fix [#​647]( - Optim: do nothing on SIGWINCH if screen size doesn't impact current layout - Upgrade skim dependency **Full Changelog**:
getsentry/sentry-rust ### [`v0.29.2`](​0292) [Compare Source]( ##### Various fixes & improvements - fix: Prefer `match_pattern` over `match_name` in actix ([#​539]( by [@​wuerges]( - feat(profiling): Add profile context to transaction. ([#​538]( by [@​viglia]( - Re-disable scheduled jobs on forks ([#​537]( by [@​MarijnS95]( - fix: Avoid Deadlock popping ScopeGuards out of order ([#​536]( by [@​Swatinem]( - sentry-core: make TraceContext publicly readable ([#​534]( by [@​tommilligan]( - sentry-core: make TransactionContext.trace_id readable ([#​533]( by [@​tommilligan]( - docs: fix outdated `native-tls`/`rustls` info in README ([#​535]( by [@​seritools]( - features: Make `tower-http` enable the `tower` feature ([#​532]( by [@​Turbo87]( ### [`v0.29.1`](​0291) [Compare Source]( **Features**: - Users of `TransactionContext` may now add `custom` context to it. This may be used by `traces_sampler` to decide sampling rates on a per-transaction basis. ([#​512]( **Fixes**: - Correctly strip crates hashes for v0 symbol mangling. ([#​525]( **Internal**: - Simplify `Hub::run` and `SentryFuture` by using a scope-guard for `Hub` switching. ([#​524](, [#​529]( **Thank you**: Features, fixes and improvements in this release have been contributed by: - [@​tommilligan](
serde-rs/serde ### [`v1.0.152`]( [Compare Source]( - Documentation improvements ### [`v1.0.151`]( [Compare Source]( - Update `serde::`{`ser`,`de`}`::StdError` to re-export `core::error::Error` when serde is built with `feature="std"` **off** and `feature="unstable"` **on** ([#​2344]( ### [`v1.0.150`]( [Compare Source]( - Relax some trait bounds from the `Serialize` impl of `HashMap` and `BTreeMap` ([#​2334]( - Enable `Serialize` and `Deserialize` impls of `std::sync::atomic` types on more platforms ([#​2337](, thanks [@​badboy]( ### [`v1.0.149`]( [Compare Source]( - Relax some trait bounds from the `Serialize` impl of `BinaryHeap`, `BTreeSet`, and `HashSet` ([#​2333](, thanks [@​jonasbb]( ### [`v1.0.148`]( [Compare Source]( - Support `remote` derive for generic types that have private fields ([#​2327](
serde-rs/json ### [`v1.0.91`]( [Compare Source]( - Opt out of `-Zrustdoc-scrape-examples` on for now ### [`v1.0.90`]( [Compare Source]( - Documentation improvements ### [`v1.0.89`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix invalid JSON incorrectly accepted when a large number has no digits after decimal point ([#​953]( ### [`v1.0.88`]( [Compare Source]( - Optimize serde_json::Map's implementation of `append` and `clone_from` ([#​952](, thanks [@​Lucretiel]( ### [`v1.0.87`]( [Compare Source]( - Add `write_i128` and `write_u128` methods to `serde_json::Formatter` to control the formatting of 128-bit integers ([#​940](, thanks [@​Lucretiel]( ### [`v1.0.86`]( [Compare Source]( - Support `arbitrary_precision` feature even in no-std mode ([#​928](, thanks [@​kvinwang]( ### [`v1.0.85`]( [Compare Source]( - Make `Display` for `Number` produce the same representation as serializing ([#​919]( ### [`v1.0.84`]( [Compare Source]( - Make `Debug` impl of `serde_json::Value` more compact ([#​918]( ### [`v1.0.83`]( [Compare Source]( - Add categories to metadata ### [`v1.0.82`]( [Compare Source]( - Implement `From>` for serde_json::Value where `T: Into` ([#​900](, thanks [@​kvnvelasco]( ### [`v1.0.81`]( [Compare Source]( - Work around `indexmap`/`autocfg` not always properly detecting whether a `std` sysroot crate is available ([#​885](, thanks [@​cuviper]( ### [`v1.0.80`]( [Compare Source]( - Documentation improvements ### [`v1.0.79`]( [Compare Source]( - Allow `RawValue` deserialization to propagate `\u` escapes for unmatched surrogates, which can later by deserialized to Vec\ ([#​830](, thanks [@​lucacasonato]( ### [`v1.0.78`]( [Compare Source]( - Support deserializing as `&RawValue` in map key position, which would previously fail with *"invalid type: newtype struct"* ([#​851]( ### [`v1.0.77`]( [Compare Source](
--- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get [config help]( if that's undesired. --- - [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Mend Renovate]( View repository job log [here]( Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]> --- Cargo.lock | 4 ++-- Cargo.toml | 4 ++-- cli/Cargo.toml | 10 +++++----- debugger/Cargo.toml | 6 +++--- gdb-server/Cargo.toml | 6 +++--- probe-rs-cli-util/Cargo.toml | 18 +++++++++--------- probe-rs-target/Cargo.toml | 2 +- probe-rs/Cargo.toml | 28 ++++++++++++++-------------- smoke-tester/Cargo.toml | 4 ++-- target-gen/Cargo.toml | 14 +++++++------- 10 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-) diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock index 026bdc4d04..bdabe93d18 100644 --- a/Cargo.lock +++ b/Cargo.lock @@ -385,9 +385,9 @@ dependencies = [ [[package]] name = "cargo_metadata" -version = "0.15.2" +version = "0.15.3" source = "registry+" -checksum = "982a0cf6a99c350d7246035613882e376d58cebe571785abc5da4f648d53ac0a" +checksum = "08a1ec454bc3eead8719cb56e15dbbfecdbc14e4b3a3ae4936cc6e31f5fc0d07" dependencies = [ "camino", "cargo-platform", diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml index 1cc6297b5d..8ff81c3187 100644 --- a/Cargo.toml +++ b/Cargo.toml @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ probe-rs-rtt = { path = "rtt", version = "0.14.2" } probe-rs-target = { path = "probe-rs-target", version = "0.16.0" } gdb-server = { path = "gdb-server", version = "0.16.0" } -log = "0.4.6" +log = "0.4.17" pretty_env_logger = "0.4.0" thiserror = "1.0" -anyhow = "1.0.34" +anyhow = "1.0.68" diff --git a/cli/Cargo.toml b/cli/Cargo.toml index 1b97cd574c..b5afc22ae6 100644 --- a/cli/Cargo.toml +++ b/cli/Cargo.toml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ gdb-server = { workspace = true } pretty_env_logger = { workspace = true } log = { workspace = true } scroll = "0.11.0" -rustyline = "10.0.0" +rustyline = "10.1.1" capstone = "0.11.0" ron = "0.8.0" ihex = "3.0.0" @@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ colored = "2.0.0" thiserror = { workspace = true } anyhow = { workspace = true } parse_int = "0.6.0" -num-traits = "0.2.14" +num-traits = "0.2.15" bitfield = "0.14.0" -jep106 = "0.2.6" +jep106 = "0.2.8" itm = { version = "0.9.0-rc.1", default-features = false } tracing = "0.1" tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3.16", features = ["env-filter", "json"] } rand = "0.8.5" -reqwest = { version = "0.11.13", features = ["blocking", "json"] } -serde = { version = "1.0.147", features = ["derive"] } +reqwest = { version = "0.11.14", features = ["blocking", "json"] } +serde = { version = "1.0.152", features = ["derive"] } termtree = "0.4.0" directories = "4" sanitize-filename = "0.4" diff --git a/debugger/Cargo.toml b/debugger/Cargo.toml index 369c1ff03c..35ddeca5ba 100644 --- a/debugger/Cargo.toml +++ b/debugger/Cargo.toml @@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ capstone = "0.11.0" thiserror = { workspace = true } anyhow = { workspace = true } parse_int = "0.6.0" -num-traits = "0.2.14" +num-traits = "0.2.15" bitfield = "0.14.0" serde_json = "1" serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] } schemafy = "0.6" goblin = "0.6.0" base64 = "0.21" -svd-parser = { version = "0.14.0", features = ["expand"] } +svd-parser = { version = "0.14.1", features = ["expand"] } directories = "4" sanitize-filename = "0.4" time = { version = "0.3", default-features = false, features = [ @@ -48,4 +48,4 @@ time = { version = "0.3", default-features = false, features = [ ] } [dev-dependencies] -insta = "1.8.0" +insta = "1.26.0" diff --git a/gdb-server/Cargo.toml b/gdb-server/Cargo.toml index 7d07af12ea..ed04b7b7c4 100644 --- a/gdb-server/Cargo.toml +++ b/gdb-server/Cargo.toml @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ ftdi = ["probe-rs/ftdi"] probe-rs = { workspace = true } log = { workspace = true } anyhow = { workspace = true } -itertools = "0.10.3" -gdbstub = "0.6.2" +itertools = "0.10.5" +gdbstub = "0.6.3" [dev-dependencies] -insta = "1.10.0" +insta = "1.26.0" diff --git a/probe-rs-cli-util/Cargo.toml b/probe-rs-cli-util/Cargo.toml index 3f66979df1..293559a015 100644 --- a/probe-rs-cli-util/Cargo.toml +++ b/probe-rs-cli-util/Cargo.toml @@ -23,22 +23,22 @@ probe-rs = { workspace = true } thiserror = "1.0" anyhow = { version = "1.0", optional = true } -indicatif = "0.17.0" +indicatif = "0.17.3" env_logger = "0.10.0" -log = "0.4.0" -once_cell = "1.7.2" +log = "0.4.17" +once_cell = "1.17.0" colored = "2.0.0" cargo_toml = "0.14.0" serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] } -cargo_metadata = "0.15.0" -dunce = "1.0.1" -sentry = { version = "0.29.0", features = ["anyhow"], optional = true } +cargo_metadata = "0.15.3" +dunce = "1.0.3" +sentry = { version = "0.29.2", features = ["anyhow"], optional = true } simplelog = "0.12.0" -terminal_size = "0.2.0" +terminal_size = "0.2.3" clap = { version = "4.1", features = ["derive"] } -byte-unit = "4.0.13" +byte-unit = "4.0.18" goblin = "0.6.0" -num-traits = "0.2.14" +num-traits = "0.2.15" defmt-decoder = { version = "0.3.4", features = ["unstable"] } git-version = { version = "0.3" } time = "0.3" diff --git a/probe-rs-target/Cargo.toml b/probe-rs-target/Cargo.toml index b76d34bc91..9e0e09fe2b 100644 --- a/probe-rs-target/Cargo.toml +++ b/probe-rs-target/Cargo.toml @@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ keywords = ["embedded"] license.workspace = true [dependencies] -jep106 = "0.2.6" +jep106 = "0.2.8" serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] } base64 = "0.21.0" diff --git a/probe-rs/Cargo.toml b/probe-rs/Cargo.toml index 1334945a8c..d67c088e88 100644 --- a/probe-rs/Cargo.toml +++ b/probe-rs/Cargo.toml @@ -31,30 +31,30 @@ ftdi-vendored = ["libftdi1-sys/vendored", "libftdi1-sys/libusb1-sys"] [dependencies] anyhow = { workspace = true } base64 = "0.21.0" -bincode = "1.3.2" +bincode = "1.3.3" bitfield = "0.14.0" bitvec = "1.0" -enum-primitive-derive = "0.2.1" -gimli = { version = "0.27.0", default-features = false, features = [ +enum-primitive-derive = "0.2.2" +gimli = { version = "0.27.1", default-features = false, features = [ "endian-reader", "read", "std", ] } -hidapi = { version = "2.0.2", default-features = false, features = [ +hidapi = { version = "2.1.2", default-features = false, features = [ "linux-static-hidraw", ] } ihex = "3.0.0" jaylink = "0.3.0" -jep106 = "0.2.6" +jep106 = "0.2.8" kmp = { version = "0.1", optional = true } -once_cell = "1.7.2" -num-traits = "0.2.11" -object = { version = "0.30.0", default-features = false, features = [ +once_cell = "1.17.0" +num-traits = "0.2.15" +object = { version = "0.30.3", default-features = false, features = [ "elf", "read_core", "std", ] } -rusb = "0.9.0" +rusb = "0.9.1" scroll = "0.11.0" serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] } serde_yaml = "0.9" @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ thiserror = { workspace = true } tracing = { version = "0.1.37", features = ["log"] } # optional -hexdump = { version = "0.1.0", optional = true } +hexdump = { version = "0.1.1", optional = true } libftdi1-sys = { version = "1.1.2", optional = true } # path @@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ probe-rs-target = { workspace = true } [build-dependencies] -bincode = "1.3.2" +bincode = "1.3.3" probe-rs-target = { workspace = true } -serde_yaml = "0.9.4" +serde_yaml = "0.9.17" [dev-dependencies] pretty_env_logger = "0.4.0" -rand = "0.8.0" -serde_json = "1.0.47" +rand = "0.8.5" +serde_json = "1.0.91" serde = "1" clap = { version = "4.1", features = ["derive"] } itm = { version = "0.9.0-rc.1", default-features = false } diff --git a/smoke-tester/Cargo.toml b/smoke-tester/Cargo.toml index 384f90bdd7..3080f6223c 100644 --- a/smoke-tester/Cargo.toml +++ b/smoke-tester/Cargo.toml @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ publish = false [dependencies] probe-rs = { workspace = true } toml = "0.7.1" -anyhow = "1.0.40" +anyhow = "1.0.68" serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] } pretty_env_logger = "0.4.0" -log = "0.4.14" +log = "0.4.17" clap = "4.1" colored = "2.0.0" diff --git a/target-gen/Cargo.toml b/target-gen/Cargo.toml index e5e11f709d..7036a60167 100644 --- a/target-gen/Cargo.toml +++ b/target-gen/Cargo.toml @@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ goblin = { version = "0.6.0", default-features = false, features = [ ] } scroll = "0.11.0" serde_yaml = "^0.9" -log = "0.4.16" -zip = "0.6.2" +log = "0.4.17" +zip = "0.6.3" clap = { version = "4.1", features = ["derive"] } colored = "2" base64 = "0.21.0" -anyhow = "1.0.57" -reqwest = { version = "0.11.10", features = ["json", "blocking"] } +anyhow = "1.0.68" +reqwest = { version = "0.11.14", features = ["json", "blocking"] } serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] } futures = "0.3.26" tokio = { version = "1.25.0", features = ["macros", "rt", "rt-multi-thread"] } @@ -43,6 +43,6 @@ cargo_metadata = { version = "0.15", default-features = false } indicatif = { version = "0.17", default-features = false } [dev-dependencies] -assert_cmd = "2.0.4" -predicates = "2.1.1" -assert_fs = "1.0.7" +assert_cmd = "2.0.8" +predicates = "2.1.5" +assert_fs = "1.0.10"