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Releases: preconstruct/preconstruct


29 Sep 01:50
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Patch Changes

  • #495 4e90c2b Thanks @mycroes! - The outDir and declarationDir tsconfig options are now ignored. These options are unnecessary for Preconstruct since it controls where the .d.ts files are emitted to. This fixes confusing errors if you had these options set.

  • eaa2fcc Thanks @mitchellhamilton! - Improved error when importing something with an extension that can't be imported


19 Jul 02:38
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Patch Changes

  • #476 3930466 Thanks @mitchellhamilton! - Using node: to import Node builtins no longer triggers a "package is not specified in dependencies or peerDependencies" error

  • #481 76f0163 Thanks @efoken! - Updated @rollup/plugin-node-resolve to ^11.2.1 in order to make direct imports resolveable, e.g. packages that use exports in their package.json


12 Jul 05:52
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Minor Changes

  • #474 a05414d Thanks @mitchellhamilton! - .d.ts files can now be written next to .js entrypoints and they will be appropriately written to the dist.


11 Jul 00:23
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Patch Changes


04 Jul 06:49
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Patch Changes

  • 3f202fd Thanks @mitchellhamilton! - Imports to @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/* will now be rewritten to @babel/runtime/helpers/* for CommonJS outputs. This fixes the CommonJS output in case you have ["@babel/plugin-transform-runtime", { "useESModules": true }]) in your Babel config.


30 Jun 23:42
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Patch Changes


29 Mar 06:28
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Major Changes

  • 8b740fe Thanks @mitchellhamilton! - @preconstruct/next now makes Next.js prefer the module field over the main for server-side bundles. This is different to the behaviour that Next.js provides by default, for that reason, this change is happening in a major release of @preconstruct/next. The module field is generally regarded by most package authors and tools like Preconstruct to only indicate module format and not Node vs browser. This resolves issues with using preconstruct dev with packages that have dependencies that ship Node ESM(in addition to CommonJS).


18 Nov 01:17
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01 Nov 00:43
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Patch Changes

  • #420 9fc0cf5 Thanks @bradbarrow! - Fixed support for Next.js 12. Note that in Next.js 11 and 12, Next will not read a Babel config from outside of the directory that the Next.js site is in. If you need it to to read your babel config, you will need to do something like this:

    // site/babel.config.js
    module.exports = require("../babel.config");


08 Oct 01:27
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Patch Changes

  • ad15ffa Thanks @mitchellhamilton! - Fixed resolving typescript package when using Yarn PnP and installing typescript at the root of a project