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API Reference Intro

This website documents the public API of Shiny (for Python). See the Getting Started tutorial for a more approachable introduction to the API. The left-hand sidebar lists the full public API, without any grouping, but the sections below (linked to the right-hand sidebar) break it into semantically similar groups. Most of the reference pages include a live example app at the bottom, or at least mention another page with a relevant example. See here for more on how to these basic apps are able to run purely in the browser (no server required) on a statically hosted site (more complex apps may require a server).

We've intentionally designed Shiny's API so that you can from shiny import * to get access to most of what you need for most apps without introducing an excessive amount of namespace pollution. Namely, it gives you:

  • User interface (UI/HTML) helpers, available via the ui subpackage.
    • To avoid clashing with this ui namespace when you do from shiny import *, you'll want to name you UI object something else, like app_ui.
  • Reactive programming utilities, available via the reactive subpackage.
  • Decorators for rendering output, available via the render subpackage.
    • 3rd party packages that want to implement their own rendering functions are encouraged to use a @render_foo() naming convention so users may import with from mypkg import render_foo.
  • A handful of other things you'll want for most apps (e.g., App, Module, etc).
  • If you're using type checking, you'll also want to use the Inputs, Outputs, and Session Classes to type the instances supplied to your server function, for example:

from shiny import *

app_ui = ui.page_fluid(

ui.input_slider("n", "Value of n", min=1, max=10, value=5), ui.output_text("n2")


def server(input: Inputs, output: Outputs, session: Session) -> None:

@output @render.text def n2(): return f"The value of n*2 is {input.n() * 2}"

app = App(app_ui, server)

API Reference


Page containers

Create a user interface page container.

ui.page_navbar ui.page_fluid ui.page_fixed ui.page_bootstrap

UI Layout

Control the layout of multiple UI components.

ui.layout_sidebar ui.panel_sidebar ui.panel_main ui.column ui.row

UI Inputs

Create UI that prompts the user for input values or interaction.

ui.input_select ui.input_selectize ui.input_slider ui.input_date ui.input_date_range ui.input_checkbox ui.input_checkbox_group ui.input_radio_buttons ui.input_numeric ui.input_text ui.input_text_area ui.input_password ui.input_action_button ui.input_action_link

Update inputs

Programmatically update input values

ui.update_select ui.update_selectize ui.update_slider ui.update_date ui.update_date_range ui.update_checkbox ui.update_checkbox_group ui.update_radio_buttons ui.update_numeric ui.update_text ui.update_text_area ui.update_navs

Navigation (tab) panels

Create segments of UI content.

ui.nav ui.nav_control ui.nav_spacer ui.nav_menu ui.navset_tab ui.navset_tab_card ui.navset_pill ui.navset_pill_card ui.navset_pill_list

UI panels

Visually group together a section of UI components.

ui.panel_absolute ui.panel_fixed ui.panel_conditional ui.panel_title ui.panel_well

Uploads & downloads

Allows users to upload and download files.

ui.input_file ui.download_button

Custom UI

Lower-level UI functions for creating custom HTML/CSS/JS.




ui.markdown ui.insert_ui ui.remove_ui

Rendering outputs

UI (output_*()) and server (render)ing functions for generating content server-side.

ui.output_plot render.plot ui.output_image render.image ui.output_text ui.output_text_verbatim render.text ui.output_ui render.ui

Reactive programming

Reactive programming facilities for Python.

reactive.Calc reactive.Effect


reactive.isolate reactive.invalidate_later reactive.flush event

Create and run applications

Create, run, stop, and hook into the lifecycle of Shiny applications.


App Inputs Outputs Session

Display messages

Display messages to the user.

ui.help_text ui.notification_show ui.notification_remove ui.modal ui.modal_show ui.modal_remove ui.modal_button


Error validation

Control how errors are shown to the user.


types.SilentException types.SilentCancelOutputException types.SafeException


Control application complexity by namespacing UI and server code.

module_ui module_server

Type hints

Classes for type hinting input/output values.

types.FileInfo types.ImgData

Developer facing tools

Tools for Shiny developers.

session.get_current_session session.require_active_session session.session_context reactive.get_current_context input_handler.input_handlers