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280 lines (178 loc) · 8.21 KB

File metadata and controls

280 lines (178 loc) · 8.21 KB



The react-refresh/babel plugin provide support to directive comments out of the box.


/* @refresh reset */

This directive tells React Refresh to force reset state on every refresh (current file only). This can be useful, for example, to reset error boundary components' state, so it doesn't persist when new code is executed.


This plugin accepts a few options to tweak its behaviour.

In usual scenarios, you probably wouldn't have to reach for them - they exist specifically to enable integration in more advanced/complicated setups.


interface ReactRefreshPluginOptions {
  forceEnable?: boolean;
  exclude?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>;
  include?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>;
  library?: string;
  esModule?: boolean | ESModuleOptions;
  overlay?: boolean | ErrorOverlayOptions;


Type: boolean

Default: undefined

Enables the plugin forcefully.

It is useful if you want to:

  • Use the plugin in production;
  • Use the plugin with the none mode in Webpack without setting NODE_ENV;
  • Use the plugin in environments we do not support, such as electron-prerender (WARNING: Proceed at your own risk!).


Type: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>

Default: /node_modules/

Exclude files from being processed by the plugin. This is similar to the module.rules option in Webpack.


Type: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>

Default: /\.([jt]sx?|flow)$/i

Include files to be processed by the plugin. This is similar to the module.rules option in Webpack.


Type: string

Default: '', or output.uniqueName in Webpack 5, or output.library for both Webpack 4/5 if set

Sets a namespace for the React Refresh runtime. This is similar to the output.uniqueName in Webpack 5 or the output.library option in Webpack 4/5.

It is most useful when multiple instances of React Refresh is running together simultaneously.


Type: boolean | ESModuleOptions

Default: undefined (auto-detection)

Enables strict ES Modules compatible runtime. By default, the plugin will try to infer the module system same as Webpack 5, either via the type property in package.json (commonjs and module), or via the file extension (.cjs and .mjs).

It is most useful when you want to enforce output of native ESM code.

See the ESModuleOptions section below for more details on the object API.


Type: boolean | ErrorOverlayOptions


  entry: '@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin/client/ErrorOverlayEntry',
  module: '@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin/overlay',
  sockIntegration: 'wds',

Modifies behaviour of the plugin's error overlay integration:

  • If overlay is not provided or true, the DEFAULT behaviour will be used;
  • If overlay is false, the error overlay integration will be DISABLED;
  • If overlay is an object (ErrorOverlayOptions), it will act with respect to what is provided (*NOTE: This is targeted for ADVANCED use cases.).

See the ErrorOverlayOptions section below for more details on the object API.


interface ESModuleOptions {
  exclude?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>;
  include?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>;


Type: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>

Default: /node_modules/

Exclude files from being processed as ESM. This is similar to the module.rules option in Webpack.


Type: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>

Default: /\.([jt]sx?|flow)$/i

Include files to be processed as ESM. This is similar to the module.rules option in Webpack.


interface ErrorOverlayOptions {
  entry?: string | false;
  module?: string | false;
  sockIntegration?: 'wds' | 'whm' | 'wps' | false | string;
  sockHost?: string;
  sockPath?: string;
  sockPort?: number;
  sockProtocol?: 'http' | 'https' | 'ws' | 'wss';
  useURLPolyfill?: boolean;


Type: string | false

Default: '@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin/client/ErrorOverlayEntry'

The PATH to a file/module that sets up the error overlay integration. Both ABSOLUTE and RELATIVE paths are acceptable, but it is recommended to use the FORMER.

When set to false, no code will be injected for this stage.


Type: string | false

Default: '@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin/overlay'

The PATH to a file/module to be used as an error overlay (e.g. react-error-overlay). Both ABSOLUTE and RELATIVE paths are acceptable, but it is recommended to use the FORMER.

The provided file should contain two NAMED exports:

function handleRuntimeError(error: Error) {}
function clearRuntimeErrors() {}
  • handleRuntimeError is invoked when a RUNTIME error is CAUGHT (e.g. during module initialisation or execution);
  • clearRuntimeErrors is invoked when a module is RE-INITIALISED via "Fast Refresh".

If the default entry is used, the file should contain two more NAMED exports:

function showCompileError(webpackErrorMessage: string) {}
function clearCompileErrors() {}
  • showCompileError is invoked when an error occurred during a Webpack compilation (NOTE: webpackErrorMessage might be ANSI encoded depending on the integration);
  • clearCompileErrors is invoked when a new Webpack compilation is started (i.e. HMR rebuild).

Note: if you want to use react-error-overlay as a value to this option, you should instead use react-dev-utils/refreshOverlayInterop or implement a similar interop. The APIs expected by this plugin is slightly different from what react-error-overlay provides out-of-the-box.


Default: wds

Type: wds, whm, wps, false or string

The HMR integration that the error overlay will interact with - it can either be a short form name of the integration (wds, whm, wps), or a PATH to a file/module that sets up a connection to receive Webpack build messages. Both ABSOLUTE and RELATIVE paths are acceptable, but it is recommended to use the FORMER.

Common HMR integrations (for Webpack) are support by this plugin out-of-the-box:

  • For webpack-dev-server, you can skip this option or set it to wds;
  • For webpack-hot-middleware, set this option to whm;
  • For webpack-plugin-serve, set this option to wps.

If you use any other HMR integrations (e.g. custom ones), or if you want to customise how the connection is being setup, you will need to implement a message client in the provided file/module. You can reference implementations inside the sockets directory.


Default: Parsed from current URL

Type: string

This is relevant for webpack-dev-server only.

Set a custom host for the error overlay to listen to Webpack build messages. Useful if you set devServer.sockHost to something other than window.location.hostname.


Default: Parsed from current URL

Type: number

This is relevant for webpack-dev-server only.

Set a custom port for the error overlay to listen to Webpack build messages. Useful if you set devServer.sockPort to something other than window.location.port.


Default: /ws for WDS v4, /sockjs-node for WDS v3

Type: string

This is relevant for webpack-dev-server only.

Set a custom path for the error overlay to listen to Webpack build messages. Useful if you set devServer.sockPath to something other than /sockjs-node.


Default: Parsed from current URL

Type: http, https, ws or wss

This is relevant for webpack-dev-server only.

Force a protocol for the error overlay to listen for Webpack build messages. Useful if you want to enforce https communication, or if you're working under a non-HTTP path.


Default: Detected from availability in the global scope

Type: boolean

This is relevant for webpack-dev-server only.

Uses a polyfill for the DOM URL API to maintain compatibility in IE11. This is only applied to code from the plugin.