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File metadata and controls

212 lines (171 loc) · 11 KB


The easiest way to set your custom configuration is to include the default configuration and overwrite/appended to the default fields.

- ---------------------
- ---------------------

var config = require('./config.default');

config.addOns.enable = true;

module.exports = config;

Which configuration file is being used?

To use any other configuration than the default you need to set the environment variable NODE_ENV. When the server starts the configuration file at config/config.%NODE_ENV%.js will be loaded. If NODE_ENV is not set it falls back to loading config/config.default.js.

To start the server using the configuration above,


set NODE_ENV=mine && npm start


NODE_ENV=mine npm start


To configure the default behaviour of individual components (e.g. plugins, ui-widgets) that also support user settings - add the keys to the settings that you would like to overwrite inside of components.json. componentsGenericUIDefaults.json contains all the default settings for the generic UI. For more info about how the settings are resolved see Component Settings.

Configuration groups

  • config.addOn.enable = false
  • If true enables add-ons.
  • config.addOn.monitorTimeout = 5000
  • In milliseconds, the waiting time before add-ons (or the monitoring of such) is stopped after the last client leaves a branch.
  • config.addOn.basePaths = ['./src/addon/core']
  • Array of paths to custom add-ons. If you have an add-on at C:/SomeAddOns/MyAddOn/MyAddOn.js the path to append would be C:/SomeAddOns or a relative path (from the current working directory). N.B. this will also expose any other add-on in that directory, e.g. C:/SomeAddOns/MyOtherAddOn/MyOtherAddOn.js.
  • config.authentication.enable = false
  • If true certain parts will require that users are authenticated.
  • config.authentication.allowGuests = true
  • Generate a guest account for non-authenticated connections.
  • config.authentication.guestAccount = 'guest'
  • User account which non-authenticated connections will access the storage.
  • config.authentication.logOutUrl = '/'
  • Where clients are redirected after logout.
  • config.authentication.salts = 10
  • Strength of the salting of the users' passwords bcrypt.
  • config.authentication.jwt.cookieId = 'access_token'
  • Id of token used when placed inside of a cookie.
  • config.authentication.jwt.expiresIn = 3600 * 24 * 7
  • Lifetime of tokens in seconds.
  • config.authentication.jwt.renewBeforeExpires = 3600
  • Interval in seconds, if there is less time until expiration the token will be automatically renewed. (Set this to less or equal to 0 to disabled automatic renewal.)
  • config.authentication.jwt.privateKey = './src/server/middleware/auth/EXAMPLE_PRIVATE_KEY'
  • Private RSA256 key used when generating tokens (N.B. if authentication is turned on - the defaults must be changed and the keys must reside outside of the app's root-directory or alt. a rule should be added to config.server.extlibExcludes).
  • config.authentication.jwt.publicKey = './src/server/middleware/auth/EXAMPLE_PRIVATE_KEY'
  • Public RSA256 key used when evaluating tokens.
  • config.bin.log = see config
  • Logger settings when running bin scripts.
  • config.blob.type = 'FS'
  • Currently only FS (File System) is supported.
  • config.blob.fsDir = './blob-local-storage'
  • Directory where to store the blob files.
  • config.blob.s3 = {}
  • Not supported yet
  • config.client.appDir = './src/client'
  • Directory from where to serve the static files for the webapp. This should only be modified if you are using a custom UI.
  • config.client.log.level = 'debug'
  • When debug is activated in the browser (type localStorage.debug = gme* in the console and refresh the page) messages below this level will not be printed.
  • config.client.defaultConnectionRouter = 'basic3'
  • Default connection router to use when opening up a new model, available options (ordered by level of complexity and sophistication) are: 'basic', 'basic2' and 'basic3'.
  • config.core.enableCustomConstraints = false
  • If true will enable validation (which takes place on the server) of custom constraints defined in the meta nodes.
  • config.debug = false
  • If true will add extra debug messages and also enable experimental Visualizers, (URL equivalent (only on client side) ?debug=true).
  • config.executor.enable = false
  • If true will enable the executor.
  • config.executor.nonce = null
  • If defined this is the secret shared between the server and attached workers.
  • config.executor.workerRefreshInterval = 5000
  • Time interval in milliseconds that attached workers will request jobs from the server.
  • config.executor.clearOutputTimeout = 60000
  • Time in milliseconds that output is stored after a job has finished.
  • config.executor.clearOldDataAtStartUp = false
  • If true, all data stored for jobs (jobInfos, outputs, workerInfos, etc.) is cleared when the server starts.
  • config.executor.labelJobs = './labelJobs.json'
  • Path to configuration file for label jobs for the workers.
  • config.mongo.uri = 'mongodb://'
  • MongoDB connection uri
  • config.mongo.options = see config
  • Options for MongoClient.connect
  • config.plugin.allowBrowserExecution = true
  • If true will enable execution of plugins on the server.
  • config.plugin.allowServerExecution = false
  • If true will enable execution of plugins on the server.
  • config.plugin.basePaths = ['./src/plugin/coreplugins']
  • Same as for `config.addOns.basePath' [TODO: link to AddOns] but for plugins instead.
  • config.plugin.displayAll = false
  • If true there is no need to register plugins on the root-node of project - all will be available from the drop-down.
  • config.plugin.serverResultTimeout = 60000
  • Time, in milliseconds, results will be stored on the server after they have finished (when invoked via the REST api).
  • config.requirejsPaths = {}
  • Custom paths that will be added to the paths of requirejs configuration. Paths added here will also be served under the given key, i.e. {myPath: './aPath/aSubPath/'} will expose files at <host>/myPath/someFile.js.
  • = {}
  • Routing path (keys) from /rest/external/ and file-path (values) to custom REST components.
  • config.seedProjects.enable = true
  • Enables creation of new projects using seeds.
  • config.seedProjects.allowDuplication = true
  • Enables duplication of entire project with full history (requires at least mongodb 2.6).
  • config.seedProjects.defaultProject = 'EmptyProject'
  • Used by the GUI when highlighting/selecting the default project to seed from.
  • config.seedProjects.basePaths = ['./seeds']
  • List of directories where project seeds are stored.
  • config.server.port = 8888
  • Port the server is hosted from.
  • config.server.maxWorkers = 10
  • Maximum number of child process spawned for workers.
  • config.server.log = see config
  • Transports and options for the server (winston) logger.
  • config.server.extlibExcludes = ['.\.pem$', 'config\/config\..*\.js$']
  • Array of regular expressions that will hinder access to files via the '/extlib/' route. Requests to files matching any of the provided pattern will result in 403.
  • config.server.behindSecureProxy = false
  • Indicate if the webgme server is behind a secure proxy (needed for adding correct OG Metadata in index.html).
  • config.socketIO.clientOptions = see config
  • Options passed to the socketIO client when connecting to the sever.
  • config.socketIO.serverOptions = see config
  • Options passed to the socketIO server when attaching to the server.
  • = 2000
  • Number of core-objects stored before emptying cache (server side).
  • = 2000
  • Number of core-objects stored before emptying cache (client side).
  • = false
  • If true, events regarding project/branch creation/deletion are only broadcasted and not emitted back to the socket who made the change. Only modify this if you are writing a custom GUI.
  • = -1
  • If greater than -1, the maximum number of core objects that will be emitted to other clients. N.B. this only applies to newly created nodes, any modified data will always be sent as patches.
  • = 100
  • Size of bucket before triggering a load of objects from the server.
  • = 10
  • Time in milliseconds (after a new bucket has been created) before triggering a load of objects from the server.
  • = 'plainSha'
  • Algorithm used when hashing the objects in the database, can be 'plainSHA1', 'rand160Bits' or 'ZSSHA'.
  • = 'mongo'
  • Type of database to store the data (metadata e.g. _users is always stored in mongo), can be 'mongo', 'redis' or 'memory'.
  • = '{}'
  • Options passed to database client (unless mongo is specified, in that case config.mongo.options are used).
  • config.visualization.decoratorPaths = ['./src/client/decorators']
  • Array of paths to decorators that should be available.
  • config.visualization.decoratorToPreload = null
  • Array of decorators (by id) that should be downloaded from the server before the editor starts - when set to null all available decorators will be downloaded.
  • config.visualization.extraCss = []
  • Array of paths (in the requirejs sense) to css files that should be loaded at start up. (To use this option a path would typically have to be added at config.requirejsPaths.)
  • config.visualization.svgDirs = []
  • Array of paths to directories containing SVG-files that will be copied and made available as SVGs for decorators (ConstraintIcons is currently reserved).
  • config.visualization.visualizerDescriptors = ['../src/client/js/Visualizers.json']
  • Array of paths to json-files containing meta-data about the used visualizers.
  • config.visualization.panelPaths = ['../src/client/js/Panels']
  • Array of base paths that will be mapped from 'panels' in requirejs.
  • config.visualization.layout.default = 'DefaultLayout'
  • Specifies which layout to use (directory name must be present in any of the provided base-paths).
  • config.visualization.layout.basePaths = ['../src/client/js/Layouts']
  • Array of base paths for the layouts.