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ipywidgets not working in Python 2.7 #1040

Kully opened this issue Jun 26, 2018 · 9 comments

ipywidgets not working in Python 2.7 #1040

Kully opened this issue Jun 26, 2018 · 9 comments


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Kully commented Jun 26, 2018

re: #942

Issue: FigureWidget is not showing up in the python 2.7 notebook.

venv: python 2.7.12.

jupyter labextension list

output is:

JupyterLab v0.32.1
Known labextensions:
   app dir: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/share/jupyter/lab
        @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager v0.35.0  enabled  OK
        plotlywidget v0.1.0  enabled  OK


jupyter nbextension list
output is:

Known nbextensions:
  config dir: /Users/adamkulidjian/.jupyter/nbconfig
    notebook section
      jupyter-js-widgets/extension  enabled 
      - Validating: OK
  config dir: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/etc/jupyter/nbconfig
    notebook section
      jupyter-js-widgets/extension  enabled 
      - Validating: OK

pip list returns:

Package                                Version    
-------------------------------------- -----------
aem-cmd                                0.14.5     
altgraph                               0.14       
appdirs                                1.4.3      
appnope                                0.1.0      
appscript                              1.0.1      
asn1crypto                             0.24.0     
astroid                                1.5.3      
atomicfile                             1.0        
backports-abc                          0.5        
backports.functools-lru-cache          1.5        
backports.shutil-get-terminal-size     1.0.0      
basemap                                1.0.7      
bcrypt                                 3.1.4      
bdist-mpkg                             0.5.0      
beautifulsoup4                         4.5.3      
bleach                                 2.0.0      
bonjour-py                             0.3        
boto                                   2.48.0     
bs4                                    0.0.1      
bundle                                 1.1.2      
certifi                                2018.4.16  
cffi                                   1.11.4     
chardet                                3.0.4      
click                                  6.7        
click-plugins                          1.0.3      
cligj                                  0.4.0      
cmocean                                1.1        
colorlover                             0.2.1      
configparser                           3.5.0      
cryptography                           2.1.4      
cufflinks                              0.8.2      
cx-Freeze                              5.0.2      
cycler                                 0.10.0     
dash-core-components                   0.5.0      
dash-html-components                   0.6.0      
dash-renderer                          0.7.0                                0.17.0     
dask                                   0.11.0     
decorator                              4.3.0      
descartes                              1.1.0      
entrypoints                            0.2.2      
enum34                                 1.1.6      
eyeD3                                  0.8.4      
feather-format                         0.4.0      
finsymbols                             1.1.1      
Fiona                                  1.7.11     
flake8                                 3.5.0      
Flask                                  0.12.2     
Flask-Caching                          1.2.0      
Flask-Compress                         1.4.0      
Flask-Cors                             3.0.2      
Flask-SeaSurf                          0.2.2      
funcsigs                               1.0.2      
functools32                            3.2.3.post2
futures                                3.2.0      
geopandas                              0.3.0      
gi                                     1.2        
googlemaps                             2.4.4      
gunicorn                               19.6.0     
html5lib                               0.999999999
idna                                   2.6        
igraph                                 0.1.11     
ipaddress                              1.0.19     
ipdb                                   0.11       
ipykernel                              4.6.1      
ipython                                5.3.0      
ipython-genutils                       0.2.0      
ipywidgets                             6.0.0      
isort                                  4.2.15     
itsdangerous                           0.24       
jgraph                                 0.2.1      
Jinja2                                 2.10       
jsonschema                             2.6.0      
jupyter                                1.0.0      
jupyter-client                         5.0.1      
jupyter-console                        5.1.0      
jupyter-core                           4.4.0      
jupyterlab                             0.32.1     
jupyterlab-launcher                    0.10.5     
keyring                                12.2.1     
keyrings.alt                           3.1        
kiwisolver                             1.0.1      
latexcodec                             1.0.3      
lazy-object-proxy                      1.3.1      
lmfit                                  0.9.5      
lxml                                   4.1.1      
macholib                               1.8        
MarkupSafe                             1.0        
matplotlib                             2.2.2      
mccabe                                 0.6.1      
mistune                                0.7.4      
mock                                   2.0.0      
modulegraph                            0.15       
monty                                  0.9.5      
mpl-finance                            0.10.0     
munch                                  2.2.0      
nbconvert                              5.2.1      
nbformat                               4.4.0      
ndg-httpsclient                        0.4.4      
netCDF4                                1.3.1      
networkx                               1.11       
nose                                   1.3.7      
notebook                               5.0.0      
numpy                                  1.14.3     
OSR                                    0.0.1      
packaging                              16.8       
pandas                                 0.21.0     
pandas-datareader                      0.5.0      
pandocfilters                          1.4.1      
paramiko                               2.3.1      
pathlib                                1.0.1      
pathlib2                               2.2.1      
patsy                                  0.5.0      
pbr                                    4.0.1      
PeakUtils                              1.0.3      
pep8                                   1.7.0      
pexpect                                4.2.1      
pickleshare                            0.7.4      
Pillow                                 3.3.1      
pip                                    10.0.1     
pisa                                   3.0.33     
pkginfo                                1.4.2      
plotly                                 3.0.0rc9   
plotlyhtmlexporter                     0.0.1      
plyfile                                0.5        
prompt-toolkit                         1.0.14     
psutil                                 5.4.6      
psycopg2                               2.7.4      
ptyprocess                             0.5.1      
publisher                              0.11       
py2app                                 0.14       
pyarrow                                0.8.0      
pyasn1                                 0.3.7      
pybtex                                 0.20.1     
pycodestyle                            2.3.1      
pycparser                              2.18       
pyflakes                               1.6.0      
pygame                                 1.9.3      
pyglet                                 1.1.4      
Pygments                               2.2.0      
pylint                                 1.7.4      
pymatgen                               4.3.1      
PyNaCl                                 1.2.0      
pyobjc-core                            2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-Accounts              2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-AddressBook           2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-AppleScriptKit        2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-AppleScriptObjC       2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-Automator             2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-CFNetwork             2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-Cocoa                 2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-Collaboration         2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-CoreData              2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-CoreLocation          2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-CoreText              2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-DictionaryServices    2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-EventKit              2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-ExceptionHandling     2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-FSEvents              2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-InputMethodKit        2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-InstallerPlugins      2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-InstantMessage        2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-LatentSemanticMapping 2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-LaunchServices        2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-Message               2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-OpenDirectory         2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-PreferencePanes       2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-PubSub                2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-QTKit                 2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-Quartz                2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-ScreenSaver           2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-ScriptingBridge       2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-SearchKit             2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-ServiceManagement     2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-Social                2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-SyncServices          2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-SystemConfiguration   2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-WebKit                2.5.1      
pyOpenSSL                              17.5.0     
pyorbital                              1.1.1      
pyparsing                              2.2.0      
pyPdf                                  1.13       
PyPDF2                                 1.26.0     
pyshp                                  1.2.10     
python-dateutil                        2.7.3      
python-magic                           0.4.15     
pytz                                   2018.4     
PyYAML                                 3.12       
pyzmq                                  16.0.2     
qtconsole                              4.3.0      
redis                                  2.10.5     
reportlab                              3.4.0      
requests                               2.10.0     
requests-file                          1.4.2      
requests-ftp                           0.3.1      
requests-toolbelt                      0.8.0      
retrying                               1.3.3      
scandir                                1.5        
scikit-image                           0.12.3     
scikit-learn                           0.19.1     
scipy                                  1.1.0      
seaborn                                0.7.1      
setuptools                             39.2.0     
Shapely                                1.6.3      
simplegeneric                          0.8.1      
six                                    1.11.0     
sklearn                                0.0        
spglib                                 1.9.5      
SQLAlchemy                             1.2.8      
squarify                               0.3.0      
statsmodels                            0.9.0      
subprocess32                           3.5.1      
tabulate                               0.7.5      
terminado                              0.6        
testpath                               0.3.1      
toolz                                  0.8.0      
tornado                                4.5.1      
tqdm                                   4.23.4     
traitlets                              4.3.2      
twine                                  1.11.0     
urllib3                                1.22       
vboxapi                                1.0        
virtualenv                             15.1.0     
wcwidth                                0.1.7      
webencodings                           0.5.1      
Werkzeug                               0.13       
wget                                   3.2        
wheel                                  0.26.0     
widgetsnbextension                     2.0.0      
wrapt                                  1.10.11    
xarray                                 0.10.0     
xattr                                  0.6.4      
xhtml2pdf                              0.0.6      
xlwings                                0.11.8     
yapf                                   0.20.2     
yolk                                   0.4.3      
zope.interface                         4.1.1  

cc. @jmmease

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Somehow you ended up with old versions of notebook and ipywidgets. I just updated the instructions in #942 to include version constraints.

See if that does the trick.

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Kully commented Jun 26, 2018

I ran through all of it and it did not work. In addition to the commands you wrote I also ran

export NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096

which I got from jupyterlab/jupyterlab#4325 before the

jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager

command to avoid the javascript memory heap error I was getting.

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Are you trying in both the classic notebook and JupyterLab?

Could you dump out the same info from your original post for this new environment?

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Kully commented Jun 26, 2018

Same output:
screen shot 2018-06-26 at 2 52 44 pm

pip list:

Package                                Version    
-------------------------------------- -----------
aem-cmd                                0.14.5     
altgraph                               0.14       
appdirs                                1.4.3      
appnope                                0.1.0      
appscript                              1.0.1      
asn1crypto                             0.24.0     
astroid                                1.5.3      
atomicfile                             1.0        
backports-abc                          0.5        
backports.functools-lru-cache          1.5        
backports.shutil-get-terminal-size     1.0.0      
basemap                                1.0.7      
bcrypt                                 3.1.4      
bdist-mpkg                             0.5.0      
beautifulsoup4                         4.5.3      
bleach                                 2.0.0      
bonjour-py                             0.3        
boto                                   2.48.0     
bs4                                    0.0.1      
bundle                                 1.1.2      
certifi                                2018.4.16  
cffi                                   1.11.4     
chardet                                3.0.4      
click                                  6.7        
click-plugins                          1.0.3      
cligj                                  0.4.0      
cmocean                                1.1        
colorlover                             0.2.1      
configparser                           3.5.0      
cryptography                           2.1.4      
cufflinks                              0.8.2      
cx-Freeze                              5.0.2      
cycler                                 0.10.0     
dash-core-components                   0.5.0      
dash-html-components                   0.6.0      
dash-renderer                          0.7.0                                0.17.0     
dask                                   0.11.0     
decorator                              4.3.0      
descartes                              1.1.0      
entrypoints                            0.2.2      
enum34                                 1.1.6      
eyeD3                                  0.8.4      
feather-format                         0.4.0      
finsymbols                             1.1.1      
Fiona                                  1.7.11     
flake8                                 3.5.0      
Flask                                  0.12.2     
Flask-Caching                          1.2.0      
Flask-Compress                         1.4.0      
Flask-Cors                             3.0.2      
Flask-SeaSurf                          0.2.2      
funcsigs                               1.0.2      
functools32                            3.2.3.post2
futures                                3.2.0      
geopandas                              0.3.0      
gi                                     1.2        
googlemaps                             2.4.4      
gunicorn                               19.6.0     
html5lib                               0.999999999
idna                                   2.6        
igraph                                 0.1.11     
ipaddress                              1.0.19     
ipdb                                   0.11       
ipykernel                              4.6.1      
ipython                                5.3.0      
ipython-genutils                       0.2.0      
ipywidgets                             6.0.0      
isort                                  4.2.15     
itsdangerous                           0.24       
jgraph                                 0.2.1      
Jinja2                                 2.10       
jsonschema                             2.6.0      
jupyter                                1.0.0      
jupyter-client                         5.0.1      
jupyter-console                        5.1.0      
jupyter-core                           4.4.0      
jupyterlab                             0.32.1     
jupyterlab-launcher                    0.10.5     
keyring                                12.2.1     
keyrings.alt                           3.1        
kiwisolver                             1.0.1      
latexcodec                             1.0.3      
lazy-object-proxy                      1.3.1      
lmfit                                  0.9.5      
lxml                                   4.1.1      
macholib                               1.8        
MarkupSafe                             1.0        
matplotlib                             2.2.2      
mccabe                                 0.6.1      
mistune                                0.7.4      
mock                                   2.0.0      
modulegraph                            0.15       
monty                                  0.9.5      
mpl-finance                            0.10.0     
munch                                  2.2.0      
nbconvert                              5.2.1      
nbformat                               4.4.0      
ndg-httpsclient                        0.4.4      
netCDF4                                1.3.1      
networkx                               1.11       
nose                                   1.3.7      
notebook                               5.0.0      
numpy                                  1.14.3     
OSR                                    0.0.1      
packaging                              16.8       
pandas                                 0.21.0     
pandas-datareader                      0.5.0      
pandocfilters                          1.4.1      
paramiko                               2.3.1      
pathlib                                1.0.1      
pathlib2                               2.2.1      
patsy                                  0.5.0      
pbr                                    4.0.1      
PeakUtils                              1.0.3      
pep8                                   1.7.0      
pexpect                                4.2.1      
pickleshare                            0.7.4      
Pillow                                 3.3.1      
pip                                    10.0.1     
pisa                                   3.0.33     
pkginfo                                1.4.2      
plotly                                 3.0.0rc9   
plotlyhtmlexporter                     0.0.1      
plyfile                                0.5        
prompt-toolkit                         1.0.14     
psutil                                 5.4.6      
psycopg2                               2.7.4      
ptyprocess                             0.5.1      
publisher                              0.11       
py2app                                 0.14       
pyarrow                                0.8.0      
pyasn1                                 0.3.7      
pybtex                                 0.20.1     
pycodestyle                            2.3.1      
pycparser                              2.18       
pyflakes                               1.6.0      
pygame                                 1.9.3      
pyglet                                 1.1.4      
Pygments                               2.2.0      
pylint                                 1.7.4      
pymatgen                               4.3.1      
PyNaCl                                 1.2.0      
pyobjc-core                            2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-Accounts              2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-AddressBook           2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-AppleScriptKit        2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-AppleScriptObjC       2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-Automator             2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-CFNetwork             2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-Cocoa                 2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-Collaboration         2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-CoreData              2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-CoreLocation          2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-CoreText              2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-DictionaryServices    2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-EventKit              2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-ExceptionHandling     2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-FSEvents              2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-InputMethodKit        2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-InstallerPlugins      2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-InstantMessage        2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-LatentSemanticMapping 2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-LaunchServices        2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-Message               2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-OpenDirectory         2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-PreferencePanes       2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-PubSub                2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-QTKit                 2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-Quartz                2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-ScreenSaver           2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-ScriptingBridge       2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-SearchKit             2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-ServiceManagement     2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-Social                2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-SyncServices          2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-SystemConfiguration   2.5.1      
pyobjc-framework-WebKit                2.5.1      
pyOpenSSL                              17.5.0     
pyorbital                              1.1.1      
pyparsing                              2.2.0      
pyPdf                                  1.13       
PyPDF2                                 1.26.0     
pyshp                                  1.2.10     
python-dateutil                        2.7.3      
python-magic                           0.4.15     
pytz                                   2018.4     
PyYAML                                 3.12       
pyzmq                                  16.0.2     
qtconsole                              4.3.0      
redis                                  2.10.5     
reportlab                              3.4.0      
requests                               2.10.0     
requests-file                          1.4.2      
requests-ftp                           0.3.1      
requests-toolbelt                      0.8.0      
retrying                               1.3.3      
scandir                                1.5        
scikit-image                           0.12.3     
scikit-learn                           0.19.1     
scipy                                  1.1.0      
seaborn                                0.7.1      
setuptools                             39.2.0     
Shapely                                1.6.3      
simplegeneric                          0.8.1      
six                                    1.11.0     
sklearn                                0.0        
spglib                                 1.9.5      
SQLAlchemy                             1.2.8      
squarify                               0.3.0      
statsmodels                            0.9.0      
subprocess32                           3.5.1      
tabulate                               0.7.5      
terminado                              0.6        
testpath                               0.3.1      
toolz                                  0.8.0      
tornado                                4.5.1      
tqdm                                   4.23.4     
traitlets                              4.3.2      
twine                                  1.11.0     
urllib3                                1.22       
vboxapi                                1.0        
virtualenv                             15.1.0     
wcwidth                                0.1.7      
webencodings                           0.5.1      
Werkzeug                               0.13       
wget                                   3.2        
wheel                                  0.26.0     
widgetsnbextension                     2.0.0      
wrapt                                  1.10.11    
xarray                                 0.10.0     
xattr                                  0.6.4      
xhtml2pdf                              0.0.6      
xlwings                                0.11.8     
yapf                                   0.20.2     
yolk                                   0.4.3      
zope.interface                         4.1.1     

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Kully commented Jun 26, 2018

And what you asked for...

  1. jupyter labextension list
JupyterLab v0.32.1
Known labextensions:
   app dir: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/share/jupyter/lab
        @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager v0.35.0  enabled  OK
        plotlywidget v0.1.0  enabled  OK
  1. jupyter nbextension list
Known nbextensions:
  config dir: /Users/adamkulidjian/.jupyter/nbconfig
    notebook section
      jupyter-js-widgets/extension  enabled 
      - Validating: OK
  config dir: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/etc/jupyter/nbconfig
    notebook section
      jupyter-js-widgets/extension  enabled 
      - Validating: OK
      plotlywidget/extension  enabled 
      - Validating: OK

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Hmm, your versions of ipywidgets and notebook are still too old. You have ipywidgets 6.0.0 and you need >=7.2 . And you have notebook 5.0 and you need >=5.3.

Maybe start over and check the versions of these two libraries after each step to see if something is causing them to be downgraded. Also, I just added double quotes around the libraries in the install command in case the > characters were messing things up.

pip install "notebook>=5.3" "ipywidgets>=7.2"

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Kully commented Jun 26, 2018

Excellent, that was indeed the issue. The correct versions have been installed and it is working now. Thank you!

@Kully Kully closed this as completed Jun 26, 2018
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(From another thread) I did:

 pip install -U pip setuptools twine

and then another

pip install ipywidgets

And it worked.

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