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Plone Code Quality tool

Plone Code Quality tool

Docker Image Version (latest semver) GitHub Repo stars license badge


This tool looks for configuration in a pyproject.tomlfile in the root of the codebase being analysed.

The default configuration values are:

checkers = ["black", "flake8", "isort", "pyroma", "zpretty"]
formatters = ["black", "isort", "zpretty"]
paths = "."
paths_pyroma = "."
paths_black = "."
paths_flake8 = "."
paths_isort = "."
paths_pyroma = "."
paths_zpretty = "."

If you want to change only the paths, you should add to your pyproject.toml the following settings:

paths = "src/"

Also, it is possible to change the paths used for individual tools:

paths_black = "src/ tests/"
paths_flake8 = "src/"

Or explicitly set checkers or formatters to be used:

checkers = ["black", "flake8", "isort", "pyroma", ]
formatters = ["black", "isort",]

Tools configuration

To configure black, flake8 (via flakeheaven) and isort, also use the pyproject.toml file in the root of the directory you are mounting.

An example configuration, used by this image, follows:

line-length = 88
target-version = ['py38']
include = '\.pyi?$'

profile = "black"
force_alphabetical_sort = true
force_single_line = true
lines_after_imports = 2
line_length = 120


pycodestyle = ["+*"]
pyflakes = ["+*"]
"flake8-*" = ["+*"]

paths = " src/ src/plone_code_analysis tests/fixtures/packages/ok tests/package tests/"
paths_pyroma = "src/ tests/fixtures/packages/ok"


First, go to the repository you want to check or format.

Checks / Linter

Run all Checks

Using the configuration available in pyproject.toml, run:

docker run --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest check

Check with black

Check with pyproject.toml settings:

docker run --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest check black

Explicitly check src directory and file.

docker run --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest check black src

Check with flake8

Flake8 checks, using flakeheaven configuration format.

Current plugins in use:

Check with pyproject.toml settings:

docker run --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest check flake8

Explicitly check src directory and file.

docker run --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest check flake8 src

Check with isort

Check with pyproject.toml settings:

docker run --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest check isort

Explicitly check src directory and file.

docker run --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest check isort src

Check with pyroma

Check with pyproject.toml settings:

docker run --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest check pyroma

Explicitly check src/mypackage directory .

docker run --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest check pyroma src/mypackage

Check with zpretty

Check with pyproject.toml settings:

docker run --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest check zpretty

Explicitly check src directory .

docker run --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest check zpretty src


To avoid rewriting the owner and group information of the formatted files, we need to pass the correct --user option to the docker run command.

In all examples bellow we use the "$(id -u $(whoami)):$(getent group $(whoami)|cut -d: -f3)" snippet to set the --user option to the current user running the formatter.

Run all formatters

Using the configuration available in pyproject.toml, run:

docker run --user="$(id -u $(whoami)):$(getent group $(whoami)|cut -d: -f3)" --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest format

Format with black

Format with pyproject.toml settings:

docker run --user="$(id -u $(whoami)):$(getent group $(whoami)|cut -d: -f3)" --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest format black

Explicitly format src directory and file.

docker run --user="$(id -u $(whoami)):$(getent group $(whoami)|cut -d: -f3)" --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest format src

Format with isort

Format with pyproject.toml settings:

docker run --user="$(id -u $(whoami)):$(getent group $(whoami)|cut -d: -f3)" --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest format isort

Explicitly format src directory and file.

docker run --user="$(id -u $(whoami)):$(getent group $(whoami)|cut -d: -f3)" --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest format src

Format with zpretty

Format with pyproject.toml settings:

docker run --user="$(id -u $(whoami)):$(getent group $(whoami)|cut -d: -f3)" --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest format zpretty

Explicitly format the src directory .

docker run --user="$(id -u $(whoami)):$(getent group $(whoami)|cut -d: -f3)" --rm -v "${PWD}":/github/workspace plone/code-quality:latest format src


Please DO NOT commit to version branches directly. Even for the smallest and most trivial fix.

ALWAYS open a pull request and ask somebody else to merge your code. NEVER merge it yourself.

Running linters on this codebase

Use this tool to lint its own codebase:

make lint-all

You can also increase the verbosity with:

LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG make lint-all

Running formatters on this codebase

Use this tool to format its own codebase:

make format

You can also increase the verbosity with:

LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG make format

Running local tests

Tests are implemented with pytest and can be run with:

make build
make test


Based on a solution originally developed by kitconcept GmbH.

Plone Foundation


The project is licensed under the GPLv2.