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Configuring ECS application
Specific guide to configuring deployment for Amazon ECS application.

There are two main ways to deploy an Amazon ECS application.

  • Your application is a one-time or periodic batch job.
    • it's a standalone task.
    • you need to prepare TaskDefinition
  • Your application is deployed to run continuously or behind a load balancer.
    • you need to prepare TaskDefinition and Service

To deploy an Amazon ECS application, the TaskDefinition configuration file must be located in the application directory. This file contains all configuration for ECS TaskDefinition object and will be used by Piped agent while deploying your application/service to the ECS cluster.

To deploy your application to run continuously or to place it behind a load balancer, You need to create ECS Service. The Service configuration file also must be located in the application directory. This file contains all configurations for ECS Service object.

If you're not familiar with ECS, you can get examples for those files from here.

Quick sync

By default, when the pipeline was not specified, PipeCD triggers a quick sync deployment for the merged pull request. Quick sync for an ECS deployment will roll out the new version and switch all traffic to it immediately.

In case of standalone task, only Quick sync is supported.

Here is an example for Quick sync.

{{< tabpane >}} {{< tab lang="yaml" header="application" >}} apiVersion: kind: ECSApp spec: name: simple labels: env: example team: xyz input: # Path to Service configuration file in Yaml/JSON format. serviceDefinitionFile: servicedef.yaml # Path to TaskDefinition configuration file in Yaml/JSON format. # Default is taskdef.json taskDefinitionFile: taskdef.yaml targetGroups: primary: targetGroupArn: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:XXXX:targetgroup/ecs-lb/YYYY containerName: web containerPort: 80 {{< /tab >}} {{< tab lang="yaml" header="standalone task" >}} apiVersion: kind: ECSApp spec: name: standalonetask-fargate labels: env: example team: xyz input: # Path to TaskDefinition configuration file in Yaml/JSON format. # Default is taskdef.json taskDefinitionFile: taskdef.yaml clusterArn: arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:XXXX:cluster/test-cluster awsvpcConfiguration: assignPublicIp: ENABLED subnets: - subnet-YYYY - subnet-YYYY securityGroups: - sg-YYYY {{< /tab >}} {{< /tabpane >}}

Sync with the specified pipeline

The pipeline field in the application configuration is used to customize the way to do the deployment. You can add a manual approval before routing traffic to the new version or add an analysis stage the do some smoke tests against the new version before allowing them to receive the real traffic.

These are the provided stages for ECS application you can use to build your pipeline:

    • deploy workloads of the new version as CANARY variant, but it is still receiving no traffic.
    • deploy workloads of the new version as PRIMARY variant, but it is still receiving no traffic.
    • routing traffic to the specified variants.
    • destroy all workloads of CANARY variant.

and other common stages:

  • WAIT

See the description of each stage at Customize application deployment.

Here is an example that rolls out the new version gradually:

kind: ECSApp
    # Path to Service configuration file in Yaml/JSON format.
    serviceDefinitionFile: servicedef.yaml
    # Path to TaskDefinition configuration file in Yaml/JSON format.
    # Default is `taskdef.json`
    taskDefinitionFile: taskdef.yaml
        targetGroupArn: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:XXXX:targetgroup/ecs-canary-blue/YYYY
        containerName: web
        containerPort: 80
        targetGroupArn: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:XXXX:targetgroup/ecs-canary-green/YYYY
        containerName: web
        containerPort: 80
      # Deploy the workloads of CANARY variant, the number of workload
      # for CANARY variant is equal to 30% of PRIMARY's workload.
      # But this is still receiving no traffic.
      - name: ECS_CANARY_ROLLOUT
          scale: 30
      # Change the traffic routing state where
      # the CANARY workloads will receive the specified percentage of traffic.
      # This is known as multi-phase canary strategy.
          canary: 20
      # Optional: We can also add an ANALYSIS stage to verify the new version.
      # If this stage finds any not good metrics of the new version,
      # a rollback process to the previous version will be executed.
      - name: ANALYSIS
      # Update the workload of PRIMARY variant to the new version.
      # Change the traffic routing state where
      # the PRIMARY workloads will receive 100% of the traffic.
          primary: 100
      # Destroy all workloads of CANARY variant.
      - name: ECS_CANARY_CLEAN


See Configuration Reference for the full configuration.