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Angular + Electron Example

This repository contains an example desktop application built using Angular and Electron. It consists of 4 modules - common, backend, frontend and electron.



The common module contains type definitions and logic shared between all other modules to facilitate communication and logging.


The frontend module contains Angular application, which uses NgRx store to manage state and communicates with backend through IPC or WebSockets. The application is rendered in the Electron renderer process.


The backend module provides the IPC or WebSocket server and handles DB access, business logic and local machine resources access through Node.js APIs or native library bindings.

Important events (like profile creation) can be emitted to the EventBus and received by services within the backend, frontend or electron module.

A logging service is configured to support a strictly typed log messages, which can easily be internationalized or distinguished.


The electron module bootstraps the application by initializing the backend server in IPC mode and creating a single application window. The behaviour can be tweaked to support multiple windows.


The fastest way to start development is to install dependencies, run the build and link local packages:

yarn install
yarn build
yarn configure:local-pkgs

Yarn by default does not create symbolic links for packages with local references (e.g. file:../), but instead copies their content. We need to instruct Yarn to create symbolic links for the local versions of packages.


To start application in development mode, open two terminal sessions and in one of them run

cd app-frontend && yarn serve

Once the Angular application is built, in the other terminal run

cd app-electron && yarn start


The Angular application will automatically rebuild on changes and reload contents in the Electron window. If you make changes to common, you need to rebuild it:

cd app-common && yarn build

Afterwards, or if you make changes in backend, you need to rebuild backend:

cd app-backend && yarn build

The electron is always build on start, so you can simply restart it:

cd app-electron && yarn start

You can also do the above three in a single command:

cd app-electron && yarn start:rebuild

Running without Electron

The project is configured in such a way that you can run backend and frontend without running Electron. This might be useful, e.g., when you need to debug frontend in Chrome, for any reason.

First ensure that common module is up-to-date:

cd app-common && yarn build

Start the backend server in standalone mode:

cd app-backend && yarn serve

Start the frontend server:

cd app-frontend && yarn serve

Finally, open http://localhost:4200 in your browser.


To prepare for the packaging, first build the application:

yarn build

It will be assembled into build/desktop directory. Next, you can run

yarn package:desktop

to create an installation package specific to your OS in dist folder, or

yarn release:desktop

to upload the new version to your update site. Please note, that update site specific to your application must be configured in app-electron/electron-builder.json