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Rhino Release Process

Prepare the repository

Update the version in to the new release version.

Update to include at least a summary of the major features of the release. (This is historical, but many find it helpful to have a single file in the repo that lists the major changes.)

Update to add a row to the table of releases that points to the GitHub release that we'll create in the next step (just follow the pattern that's there).

Now might be a good time to run "./gradlew publishToMavenLocal" and use the published JARs as a sanity check.

Update Native Compatibility Table

The offial Kangax "compat table" now supports Rhino, but it's convenient to have our own that shows progress across all releases. Here's how to update it:

git clone -b gh-pages
cd node-compat-table

Now, edit "" to include the new release -- it includes a series of lines that fetch old releases, and use your local build of the new one. Then, update the table:


The resulting "index.html" can be copied into "docs/compat/engines.html" in this repo.

Push the Release to GitHub

At this point, the current contents of your directory correspond to the new release. Prepare a pull request containing the changes, submit it, and merge it -- the result will be that the head of the "master" branch will build your new release.

Update to that branch and create a tag for the release, where XX is a number like "1_7_14":

git pull origin master
git tag Rhino_XX_Release
git push origin Rhino_XX_Release

Now, on the Rhino "Releases" tab in GitHub, create a release that corresponds to the new tag. Include the following:

  • A cut and paste of the part of added for the release
  • The three JARs created by "./gradlew.jar"
  • The ZIP file created by "./gradlew distZip"
  • A ZIP of the source will be included automatically by GitHub

Push the release to Maven Central

The "Publish to Maven Central" action on GitHub Actions will automatically build the release, sign the JARs, and push it to in the "org.mozilla" area. Log in to, verify that all the checks that happen there were successful, and "close" the release. It will appear on Maven Central a few hours later.

Update Homebrew

The Homebrew team for Mac does not necessarily pick up Rhino releases automatically. It may be necessary to submit a PR to the "homebrew/homebrew" repo in GitHub for a change to the file "Library/Formula/rhino.rb".

Update Kangax Compatibility Table

Check out kangax/compat-table and prepare a pull request to describe support in the new version of Rhino. First, add a new environment for the version to environments.json like so:

"rhino1_7_14": {
  "full": "Rhino 1.7.14",
  "short": "Rhino 1.7.14",
  "family": "Rhino",
  "platformtype": "engine",
  "release": "2022-01-06",
  "obsolete": true

Copy the most recent rhino JAR into the directory as rhino.jar. Next, run rhino.js. This will produce a number of messages indicating that failing tests now pass, or that new tests now have recorded results:

**** data-es2016plus ****

data-es2016plus -> Error.cause property -> AggregateError.prototype lacks cause: test result out of date, res: true, actual: false

Manually update each indicated data-*.js file with updated test data as indicated. For example, a test that failed in 1.7.13 and passed in 1.7.14 would have a res section with the following diff:

   res: {
     babel6corejs2: false,
     babel7corejs3: babel.corejs,
     /* ... */
     rhino1_7_13: false,
+    rhino1_7_14: true,

Rerun rhino.js and verify it produces no output. Then npm run build and submit your pull request.

Update Babel

Once the compat-table changes are merged, check out babel/babel and prepare a pull request to enable support for babel-preset-env in the new release.

  • Update COMPAT_TABLE_COMMIT in packages/babel-compat-data/scripts/ to correspond to the merge commit in compat-table.
  • Run npm run build.

Then submit the resulting patch as a pull request to Babel.

Update core-js-compat

Compatibility data for core-js, the babel polyfill engine, also needs to be updated.

  • Check out zloirock/core-js and npm install.
  • Copy the most recent rhino JAR into the directory as rhino.jar.
  • Edit tests/compat/tests.js by replacing all instances of GLOBAL with global.
  • Edit packages/core-js-compat/src/data.js to be a CommonJS module rather than a JSM. (Or find a better way to do this and edit this file.)
  • Edit tests/compat/node-runner.js by replacing console.log with print and by adding the following snippet to the bottom:
print("NOW SUPPORTED:");
var data = require("../../packages/core-js-compat/src/data").data;
for (var key2 in data) {
  if (data[key2].rhino === undefined && result[key2] === true) {
  • Run java -jar rhino.jar -version 200 -require tests/compat/node-runner.js.
  • Much like in compat-table, edit data.mjs to add a line rhino: 1.7.[XX] for any newly-passing test labeled as "NOW SUPPORTED."

Prepare for Next Release

Now it's time to move to the next "SNAPSHOT" release. Update, create a PR, and push the new PR. Now development can proceeed anew!