From eb3eb71b49de36f778141bdf6b6081a3fcac4d72 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Micha=C5=82=20=C5=81=C4=99picki?= Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2019 10:34:35 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Fix references in guides (#3251) * Remove invalid link to Logger in Contexts guide Logger.Backends does not exist at all. Logger.Config is a private module - the link should not be generated at all, but that's ex_doc issue * Fix references to ecto_sql modules in guides * link to recent Elixir modules versions * link to recent Plug documentation; let ex_doc generate link --- guides/ | 4 ++-- guides/ | 2 +- guides/ | 2 +- guides/introduction/ | 4 ++-- guides/ | 4 ++-- guides/testing/ | 4 ++-- guides/testing/ | 2 +- guides/ | 2 +- 8 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/guides/ b/guides/ index b96a7ef91b..4e72744765 100644 --- a/guides/ +++ b/guides/ @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ end ### A New Template -Phoenix templates are just that, templates into which data can be rendered. The standard templating engine Phoenix uses is EEx, which stands for [Embedded Elixir]( Phoenix enhances EEx to include automatic escaping of values. This protects you from security vulnerabilities like Cross-Site-Scripting with no extra work on your part. All of our template files will have the `.eex` file extension. +Phoenix templates are just that, templates into which data can be rendered. The standard templating engine Phoenix uses is `EEx`, which stands for Embedded Elixir. Phoenix enhances EEx to include automatic escaping of values. This protects you from security vulnerabilities like Cross-Site-Scripting with no extra work on your part. All of our template files will have the `.eex` file extension. Templates are scoped to a view, which are scoped to controller. Phoenix creates a `lib/hello_web/templates` directory where we can put all these. It is best to namespace these for organization, so for our hello page, that means we need to create a `hello` directory under `lib/hello_web/templates` and then create an `index.html.eex` file within it. @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ scope "/", HelloWeb do get "/hello/:messenger", HelloController, :show end ``` -Notice that we put the atom `:messenger` in the path. Phoenix will take whatever value that appears in that position in the URL and pass a [Map]( with the key `messenger` pointing to that value to the controller. +Notice that we put the atom `:messenger` in the path. Phoenix will take whatever value that appears in that position in the URL and pass a `Map` with the key `messenger` pointing to that value to the controller. For example, if we point the browser at: [http://localhost:4000/hello/Frank](http://localhost:4000/hello/Frank), the value of ":messenger" will be "Frank". diff --git a/guides/ b/guides/ index eb4a26eaf9..232002763e 100644 --- a/guides/ +++ b/guides/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Using the context generators is a great way for beginners and intermediate Elixi ## Thinking about design -Contexts are dedicated modules that expose and group related functionality. For example, anytime you call Elixir's standard library, be it `` or ``, you are accessing different contexts. Internally, Elixir's logger is made of multiple modules, such as `Logger.Config` and `Logger.Backends`, but we never interact with those modules directly. We call the `Logger` module the context, exactly because it exposes and groups all of the logging functionality. +Contexts are dedicated modules that expose and group related functionality. For example, anytime you call Elixir's standard library, be it `` or ``, you are accessing different contexts. Internally, Elixir's logger is made of multiple modules, but we never interact with those modules directly. We call the `Logger` module the context, exactly because it exposes and groups all of the logging functionality. Phoenix projects are structured like Elixir and any other Elixir project – we split our code into contexts. A context will group related functionality, such as posts and comments, often encapsulating patterns such as data access and data validation. By using contexts, we decouple and isolate our systems into manageable, independent parts. diff --git a/guides/ b/guides/ index eee95bad97..df64032e0a 100644 --- a/guides/ +++ b/guides/ @@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ For a list of valid content mime-types, please see the [mime.types](https://gith We can also set the HTTP status code of a response similarly to the way we set the content type. The `Plug.Conn` module, imported into all controllers, has a `put_status/2` function to do this. -`put_status/2` takes `conn` as the first parameter and as the second parameter either an integer or a "friendly name" used as an atom for the status code we want to set. Here is the list of supported [friendly names]( Please note that the rule to convert a "friendly name" to an atom follows [this rule]( For example, `I'm a teapot` becomes `:im_a_teapot`. +`Plug.Conn.put_status/2` takes `conn` as the first parameter and as the second parameter either an integer or a "friendly name" used as an atom for the status code we want to set. The list of status code atom representations can be found in `Plug.Conn.Status.code/1` documentation. Let's change the status in our `PageController` `index` action. diff --git a/guides/introduction/ b/guides/introduction/ index b072e652fb..7eec2447da 100644 --- a/guides/introduction/ +++ b/guides/introduction/ @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ The project which contains many HTML helper functions used in Phoenix. - [Documentation]( ## ExUnit -- [Documentation]( +- [Documentation]( ## Cowboy The webserver Phoenix is based on. @@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ The webserver Phoenix is based on. ## EEx The default templating system for Phoenix. - [Source Code and Readme]( -- [Documentation]( +- [Documentation]( diff --git a/guides/ b/guides/ index e5fed5f894..846b9189ed 100644 --- a/guides/ +++ b/guides/ @@ -774,9 +774,9 @@ $ mix ecto.gen.migration -r OurCustom.Repo add_users * creating priv/repo/migrations/20150318172927_add_users.exs ``` For more information on how to modify your database schema please refer to the -ecto's migration dsl [ecto migration docs]( +ecto's migration dsl [ecto migration docs]( For example, to alter an existing schema see the documentation on ecto’s -[`alter/2`]( function. +[`alter/2`]( function. That's it! We're ready to run our migration. diff --git a/guides/testing/ b/guides/testing/ index 604a667225..67e286d8ca 100644 --- a/guides/testing/ +++ b/guides/testing/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Testing has become integral to the software development process, and the ability to easily write meaningful tests is an indispensable feature for any modern web framework. Phoenix takes this seriously, providing support files to make all the major components of the framework easy to test. It also generates test modules with real-world examples alongside any generated modules to help get us going. -Elixir ships with a built-in testing framework called [ExUnit]( ExUnit strives to be clear and explicit, keeping magic to a minimum. Phoenix uses ExUnit for all of its testing, and we will use it here as well. +Elixir ships with a built-in testing framework called [ExUnit]( ExUnit strives to be clear and explicit, keeping magic to a minimum. Phoenix uses ExUnit for all of its testing, and we will use it here as well. ExUnit refers to a test module as a "test case", and we will do the same. @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ defmodule HelloWeb.ErrorViewTest do end ``` -`HelloWeb.ErrorViewTest` sets `async: true` which means that this test case will be run in parallel with other test cases. While individual tests within the case still run serially, this can greatly increase overall test speeds. It is possible to encounter strange behavior with asynchronous tests, but thanks to the [`Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox`](, async tests involving a database can be done without worry. This means that the vast majority of tests in your Phoenix application will be able to be run asynchronously. +`HelloWeb.ErrorViewTest` sets `async: true` which means that this test case will be run in parallel with other test cases. While individual tests within the case still run serially, this can greatly increase overall test speeds. It is possible to encounter strange behavior with asynchronous tests, but thanks to the [`Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox`](, async tests involving a database can be done without worry. This means that the vast majority of tests in your Phoenix application will be able to be run asynchronously. It also imports `Phoenix.View` in order to use the `render_to_string/3` function. With that, all the assertions can be simple string equality tests. diff --git a/guides/testing/ b/guides/testing/ index 909bd674c4..02f1b50315 100644 --- a/guides/testing/ +++ b/guides/testing/ @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ defmodule HelloWeb.UserControllerTest do end ``` -Let's take a look at what's going on here. First we alias `Hello.Accounts`, the context module that provides us with our repository manipulation functions. When we use the `HelloWeb.ConnCase` module, it sets things up such that each connection is wrapped in a transaction, *and* all of the database interactions inside of the test use the same database connection and transaction. This module also sets up a `conn` attribute in our ExUnit context, using `Phoenix.ConnCase.build_conn/0`. We then pattern match this to use it in each test case. For details, take a look at the file `test/support/conn_case.ex`, as well as the [Ecto documentation for SQL.Sandbox]( We could put a `build_conn/0` call inside of each test, but it is cleaner to use a setup block to do it. +Let's take a look at what's going on here. First we alias `Hello.Accounts`, the context module that provides us with our repository manipulation functions. When we use the `HelloWeb.ConnCase` module, it sets things up such that each connection is wrapped in a transaction, *and* all of the database interactions inside of the test use the same database connection and transaction. This module also sets up a `conn` attribute in our ExUnit context, using `Phoenix.ConnCase.build_conn/0`. We then pattern match this to use it in each test case. For details, take a look at the file `test/support/conn_case.ex`, as well as the [Ecto documentation for SQL.Sandbox]( We could put a `build_conn/0` call inside of each test, but it is cleaner to use a setup block to do it. The index test then hooks into the context to extract the contents of the `:conn` key. We then create two users using the `Hello.Accounts.create_user/1` function. Again, note that this function accesses the test repo, but even though we don't pass the `conn` variable to the call, it still uses the same connection and puts these new users inside the same database transaction. Next the `conn` is piped to a `get` function to make a `GET` request to our `UserController` index action, which is in turn piped into `json_response/2` along with the expected HTTP status code. This will return the JSON from the response body, when everything is wired up properly. We represent the JSON we want the controller action to return with the variable `expected`, and assert that the `response` and `expected` are the same. diff --git a/guides/ b/guides/ index 8eac156a23..5f00d30410 100644 --- a/guides/ +++ b/guides/ @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ end When we reload the Welcome to Phoenix page, we should see our new title. -The `<%=` and `%>` are from the Elixir [EEx]( project. They enclose executable Elixir code within a template. The `=` tells EEx to print the result. If the `=` is not there, EEx will still execute the code, but there will be no output. In our example, we are calling the `title/0` function from our `LayoutView` and printing the output into the title tag. +The `<%=` and `%>` are from the Elixir [EEx]( project. They enclose executable Elixir code within a template. The `=` tells EEx to print the result. If the `=` is not there, EEx will still execute the code, but there will be no output. In our example, we are calling the `title/0` function from our `LayoutView` and printing the output into the title tag. Note that we didn't need to fully qualify `title/0` with `HelloWeb.LayoutView` because our `LayoutView` actually does the rendering. In fact, "templates" in Phoenix are really just function definitions on their view module. You can try this out by temporarily deleting your `lib/hello_web/templates/page/index.html.eex` file and adding this function clause to your `PageView` module in `lib/hello_web/views/page_view.ex`.