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    Iterable<any>|Promise<Iterable<any>> input,
    function(any value, int index, int arrayLength) mapper
) -> Promise<Array<any>>

Given an Iterable (an array, for example), or a promise of an Iterable, iterates serially over all the values in it, executing the given mapper on each element. If an element is a promise, the mapper will wait for it before proceeding. The mapper function has signature (value, index, arrayLength) where value is the current element (or its resolved value if it is a promise).

If, at any step:

  • The mapper returns a promise or a thenable, it is awaited before continuing to the next iteration.

  • The current element of the iteration is a pending promise, that promise will be awaited before running the mapper.

  • The current element of the iteration is a rejected promise, the iteration will stop and be rejected as well (with the same reason).

If all iterations resolve successfully, the Promise.mapSeries call resolves to a new array containing the results of each mapper execution, in order.

Promise.mapSeries is very similar to Promise.each. The difference between Promise.each and Promise.mapSeries is their resolution value. Promise.mapSeries resolves with an array as explained above, while Promise.each resolves with an array containing the resolved values of the input elements (ignoring the outputs of the iteration steps). This way, Promise.each is meant to be mainly used for side-effect operations (since the outputs of the iterator are essentially discarded), just like the native .forEach() method of arrays, while is meant to be used as an async version of the native .map() method of arrays.

Basic example:

// The array to be mapped over can be a mix of values and promises.
var fileNames = ["1.txt", Promise.resolve("2.txt"), "3.txt", Promise.delay(3000, "4.txt"), "5.txt"];

Promise.mapSeries(fileNames, function(fileName, index, arrayLength) {
    // The iteration will be performed sequentially, awaiting for any
    // promises in the process.
    return fs.readFileAsync(fileName).then(function(fileContents) {
        // ...
        return fileName + "!";
}).then(function(result) {
    // This will run after the last step is done
    console.log(result); // ["1.txt!", "2.txt!", "3.txt!", "4.txt!", "5.txt!"]

Example with a rejected promise in the array:

// If one of the promises in the original array rejects,
// the iteration will stop once it reaches it
var items = ["A", Promise.delay(8000, "B"), Promise.reject("C"), "D"];

Promise.each(items, function(item) {
    return Promise.delay(4000).then(function() {
        console.log("On mapper: " + item);
}).then(function(result) {
    // This not run
}).catch(function(rejection) {
    console.log("Catch: " + rejection);

// The code above outputs the following after 12 seconds (not 16!):
// On mapper: A
// On mapper: B
// Catch: C

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