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SVG text to path documentation.

Providers and renderers

When converting text, the library tries to find a font for each char in font-family list. To get font sources, requests are made to font providers. Providers are passed in parameter providers. If no providers are found, they will be created from static property Session.defaultProviders and passed parameters (fontsUrl, useFontFace, ...).

The library implements two dependencies for rendering glyphs from a font: fontkit and opentype.js. The renderer to use is passed in parameter renderer. If not specified, it is taken from static property Session.defaultRenderer.

Advantages and disadvantages fontkit renderer:

  • supports variable fonts;
  • supports woff/woff2 fonts;
  • supports most features of fonts (smcp, onum, ...), opentype.js only supports liga and rlig;
  • but the disadvantage is that the bundle weighs two times more.

Availability of provider list and renderers depends on the import method.

Import variants


If using nodejs runtime just import default export of library. All providers and renderers are available in static properties.

import Session from 'svg-text-to-path';

console.log(Session.providers); // {ConfigProvider, FontFaceProvider, DirProvider, HttpProvider, GoogleProvider}
console.log(Session.renderers); // {FontkitFont, OpenTypeJsFont}


Default target import includes fontkit renderer, and all providers except DirProvider:

import Session from 'svg-text-to-path';
import Session from 'svg-text-to-path/entries/browser-fontkit.js'; // is equal to previous

console.log(Session.providers); // {ConfigProvider, FontFaceProvider, HttpProvider, GoogleProvider}
console.log(Session.renderers); // {FontkitFont}

Opentype.js variant:

import Session from 'svg-text-to-path/entries/browser-opentypejs.js';

console.log(Session.providers); // {ConfigProvider, FontFaceProvider, HttpProvider, GoogleProvider}
console.log(Session.renderers); // {OpenTypeJsFont}

If you want to build the bundle as light as possible and only import certain providers, use their own import:

import Session from 'svg-text-to-path/entries/browser.js';
import OpenTypeJsFont from 'svg-text-to-path/renderer/OpenTypeJsFont.js';
import ConfigProvider from 'svg-text-to-path/providers/config/ConfigProvider.js';

Session.defaultRenderer = OpenTypeJsFont;
Session.defaultProviders = [ConfigProvider];

You can also import in page already compiled bundles:

<script src="`dist/svg-text-to-path-fontkit.js"></script> <!-- with `fontkit` renderer variant -->
<script src="`dist/svg-text-to-path-opentypejs.js"></script> <!-- with `opentype.js` renderer variant -->

And use window.SvgTextToPath object:

console.log(SvgTextToPath.providers); // {ConfigProvider, FontFaceProvider, HttpProvider, GoogleProvider}
console.log(SvgTextToPath.renderers); // {FontkitFont/OpenTypeJsFont}

Session config

  • renderer {Font} - font rendering class;
  • providers {FontsProvider[]} - font providers;
  • fontCache {Cache} - font cache storage (can be created via createCache());
  • familyClasses {{[key: String]: String[]}} - dictionary of family categories (sans-serif, serif, ...) and corresponding array of families;
  • fallbackFamilies {String[]} - array of fallback families (if no suitable font is found);
  • fallbackGlyph {[String, String|Number]} - if no glyphs are found for a character in font-family list and fallbackFamilies, using family and codepoint or char for replace this glyph;
  • noFontAction {String} - if the font for the char is not found, and fallback glyph is not set: 'skipNode' - skip this <text> node, 'error' - stop processing file and throw error, another values - skip char;
  • split {Boolean} - split each glyph in separate path;
  • decimals {Number} - decimal places in <path> coordinates (default: 2);
  • textAttr {String} - save text content to attribute;
  • keepFontAttrs {Boolean} - keep font representation attributes (font-size, letter-spacing, ...);
  • stat {Boolean|String} - only for CLI and Server app, for CLI save statistics to json file (or output if true), for Server save stat to X-Svg-Text-To-Path header;
  • selector {String} - only for CLI and Server app, specify css selector for find and replace <text> nodes (default: 'text');
  • port {Number} - only for Server app, specify server port (default: 10000);
  • loadResources {Boolean} - only for CLI, load external resources in SVG (default: false);
  • fonts {FontSourceMap} - dictionary of array of font source (static create ConfigProvider);
  • useFontFace {Boolean} - enable parsing @font-face css rules to find paths to fonts (static create FontFaceProvider);
  • useFontFaceAjax {Boolean} - when stylesheet rules are not alllowed due CORS, rules will be load by ajax request (static create FontFaceProvider);
  • fontsDir {String} - path to fonts dir, dir structure variants: static fonts (./[family]/[wght][?i].[otf|ttf|woff|woff2]), variable fonts (./[family]/[axis],[from][?];[axis],[from][?].[otf|ttf|woff|woff2]) (static create DirProvider);
  • fontsDirCache {Number} - time to cache DirProvider (default: 0) (static create DirProvider);
  • fontsUrl {String} - font repository URL, two options are possible: if placeholder "--family--" is present, then the repository will be loaded for each family, web service should return an array of font source objects, otherwise, one request is used, in response must be a dictionary of array of font source (static create HttpProvider);
  • fontsUrlCache {String} - time to cache HttpProvider (default: 600000) (static create HttpProvider);
  • googleApiKey {String} - Google Fonts API Key (static create GoogleProvider);
  • googleCache {String} - time to cache GoogleProvider (default: 600000) (static create GoogleProvider);


import Session from 'svg-text-to-path';
  • constructor(svg[, params = {}]) - prepare replace session
    • svg {SVGSVGElement|String} - svg node or string (if provide a string in browser, svg node will be appended to document.body);
    • params {Object} - session parameters (see above);
  • get params() - return session params;
  • getSvgString() - return svg string;
    • @returns {String};
  • destroy() - destroy session (and remove helper svg-nodes from DOM);
  • getFontStyleForNode(node[, style]) - get FontStyle object with families list, variation axes and features;
    • node {SVGElement} - svg element;
    • style {CSSStyleDeclaration} - current computed style;
    • @returns {FontStyle}
      • families {String[]} - families list;
      • axes {Object} - variation dictionary;
      • features {Object} - font features;
  • replaceAll([selector = 'text']) - replace all <text> in svg;
    • selector {String} - css selector for fint <text> elements;
    • @returns {Promise<SessionStat>} - return statistics object;
  • replace(node) - replace <text> node;
    • node {SVGTextElement} - <text> element for replace;
    • @returns {Promise<SessionReplaceStat>} - return statistics object;
  • createCache(duration) - create cache object for using in fontCache session params;
    • duration {Number} cache duration in ms;
  • @static defaultRenderer {FontkitFont|OpenTypeJsFont} - renderer used if renderer param is not pass;
  • @static defaultProviders {FontsProvider[]} - array of provider class, if providers param is not pass;
  • @static providers {Object} - dictionary of allowed provider classes;
  • @static renderers {Object} - dictionary of allowed renderer classes;

Providers exports


Get font source objects from config. Will be created from Session.defaultProviders if parameter fonts is passed in session params:

"fonts": {
    "Fira Sans": [
            "wght": 400,
            "ital": 0,
            "source": "../fonts/Fira Sans/400.ttf"
    "Tourney": [
            "wdth": [75, 125],
            "wght": [100, 900],
            "source": "../fonts/Tourney/Tourney-Variable.ttf"
import ConfigProvider from 'svg-text-to-path/providers/config/ConfigProvider.js';
  • constructor(map);
    • map {Object} - font source dictionary;


Get font source objects from stylesheets @font-face. Will be created from Session.defaultProviders if parameter useFontFace is true in session params.

Warning! if an attempt to get rules from stylesheet fails due to CORS (for example, css from Google Fonts CSS API), then a AJAX-request will be made. To avoid reloading styles add crossorigin="anonymous" to your <link> tag.

import FontFaceProvider from 'svg-text-to-path/providers/font-face/FontFaceProvider.js';
  • constructor();


Find font in directory. Only for Node.js runtime. Directory structure variants:

  • static fonts: ./[family]/[wght][?i].[otf|ttf|woff|woff2]
  • variable fonts: ./[family]/[axis],[from][?];[axis],[from][?].[otf|ttf|woff|woff2]

Will be created from Session.defaultProviders if parameter fontsDir is passed in session params. Also can use fontsDirCache for specify cache duration.

import DirProvider from 'svg-text-to-path/providers/dir/DirProvider.js';
  • constructor(dir[, cache = 0]);
    • dir {String} - directory path;
    • cache {Number} - time to cache;


Makes a request for a list of available families and variants.

If repository url contains --family-- substring, then the provider will make request for each family. Response must be dictionary of font source object (see ConfigProvider), or array of source object (if --family-- substring used).

Will be created from Session.defaultProviders if parameter fontsUrl is passed in session params. Also can use fontsUrlCache for specify cache duration.

import HttpProvider from 'svg-text-to-path/providers/http/HttpProvider.js';
  • constructor(repoUrl[, cache]);
    • repoUrl {String} - repository url;
    • cache {Number} - time to cache (default cache - 600000ms);


Find font in Google Fonts repository. You must provide API key in googleApiKey.

For information on how to get the API key, see .

Note: Google Fonts API does not currently support variable fonts.

Will be created from Session.defaultProviders if parameter googleApiKey is passed in session params. Also can use googleCache for specify cache duration.

import GoogleProvider from 'svg-text-to-path/providers/google/GoogleProvider.js';
  • constructor(apiKey[, cache]);
    • apiKey {String} - google fonts api key;
    • cache {Number} - time to cache (default cache - 600000ms);