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executable file
59 lines (36 loc) · 2.04 KB


File metadata and controls

executable file
59 lines (36 loc) · 2.04 KB


For submitting code, use UTF-8 everywhere, unix-eol(LF) and set git --config core.autocrlf = input.

The typical development procedure is like this:

  1. Modify the sources in small, isolated and well-defined changes, i.e. adding a single feature, or fixing a specific bug.
  2. Add test-cases "proving" your code.
  3. Rerun all test-cases to ensure that you didn't break anything, and check their coverage remain above 80%:

    $ python test_code_cover


    You can enter just: python test_all instead of the above cmd-line since it has been aliased in the setup.cfg file. Check this file for more example commands to use during development.

  4. To see the rendered results of the documents, issue the following commands and read the result html at `build/sphinx/html/index.html`:

    $ python build_sphinx                  # Builds html docs
    $ python build_sphinx -b doctest       # Checks if python-code embeded in comments runs ok.
  5. If there are no problems, commit your changes with a descriptive message.
  6. Repeat this cycle for further modifications.
  7. If you made a rather important modification, update also documentation (i.e. README.rst) the CHANGES and AUTHORS.
  8. When you are finished, push the changes upstream to github and make a merge_request. You can check whether your merge-request indeed passed the tests by checking its build-status, on both integration site: Travis: , Appveyor: .