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Immanuel Daviel A. Garcia AlexDev404
Understand who you are – then become who you can be

The University of Belize Belmopan, BZ

Kazunori Nanji torotiti

BeXide Inc. Tokyo, JAPAN

Emanuele Signoretta signorettae
23 yo. Vibo Valentia, Calabria, Italy. Studying Electronics and Communication Engineering at Politecnico di Torino.

Calabria, Italy

Simon Justesen sjustesen
Software Developer, FOSS Enthusiast


μῦ 畝578沫 mu578
Сен аны сезген жоксуң. Мындай тагдырды ким жазганын билбейм. мындай тагдырды, Жазганын билбейм кудайдын. Мындай тагдырды эч кимге тушуктурбасын. ᠬᠥᠬᠡᠬᠣᠲᠠ

A doorstep to somewhere

chuck todd stickbreaker

twin falls, idaho, usa

Dario Greggio dariogreggio
a genius, sometimes working with computers siti così di merda come github ti fan capire che cazzo di mondo è questo. CREPATE!

Dario's Automation Liverpool

Sandy smiffer67
30+ years in IT. Currently a system admin with the SNHS looking after the LIMS system running on IBMs AIX 7.2. Huge Acorn fan as well as DIY computer building.

SNHS Scotland

Lisias Lisias
Night will fall and the dark will rise. When a good man goes to war. Demons run, but count the cost. The battle's won, but the child is lost.


Zeck zZeck
Analyzing systems to preserve or extend them. Always looking for better concepts to achieve this more quickly and maintainably for more people.
Kenny Maytum KRSynthWorx
Retired Electronic Systems Engineer, FAA Certificated Flight Instructor, Instrument Instructor, Charter Pilot

KRSynthWorx Pueblo, Colorado

Backwoods Bob BOBBYWY
I have no idea what I am doing here.
Steven Robertson stever
Software Developer; 25 years+ industry experience; Collaborative inventor; JavaScript; Python; C#; C; Java