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Abhijeet Gokar abunickabhi
Development in FPGAs, particle physics and HEP Instrumentation.

@tifr Mumbai

Shuhei Omura shuhei444
WCA Regional delegate of Japan


suborange suborange
im a delicious orange. yum!yum!

Best Fruit Corp Florida

лавантиен lavantien
Buddhism Enjoyer, PhD in Xenology

Cariyaputta Jambudīpa

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Jorge Antezana j0rgedev
Hi there! I'm a junior web developer. My favorite stack includes Vue 3 and Spring Boot.

Lima, Perú

Finn McElroy OneAceOfHearts

Nepean, Ontario, Canada

Lemon2027 Lemon0307
A YouTuber that likes gaming, cubing and coding.

@Lemonadetv United Kingdom

Daniel Guimarães Leinadium
Computer Engineer Student at PUC-Rio

OceanPact S. A. Rio de Janeiro

Miles lxedge

Shenzhen, China

Y Kravitz TheAnalogyGuy
Just a dude who uses too many metaphors and has a passion for automating everything, including the automation of everything, and also the automation of that...


Python, JS, C, Go, Java.


David7ce David7ce
Web developer & open-source enthusiast

Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain)

Jiashun Wu 2016WUJI01
A cuber, maybe a geek

Ningbo, China

Filippos Marntirosian philmard
🔭 Student at National Technical University of Athens.


Jim Wang Wangj3743
i do things here sometimes

JAMHacks, RythmHacks, Clockhacks Ontario, Canada

Liangdi ligsnf

Melbourne, Australia

Juan Felipe Gómez López jfgomez0912
Data Engineer

@factoredai Medellín, Colombia

Jacob Marinas jzkyu
cs @ uc davis 25' discord: jzkyu

Davis, CA

Esther Marie EstherMarie
Front-end developer and Web Accessibility enthusiast
Mattia Pasquini Pasqui03
20 years old | Switzerland | Cuber | WCA Junior Delegate | Programmer

Ticino, Switzerland

Patrick pingham1991
I like to play on the computer

Portland, Oregon

Kotaro Terada kotarot
‣ Quanmatic - Director of Application Development ‣ Waseda Univ. - Researcher / Lecturer ‣ TORIBO - Software Engineer ‣ Apache NiFi Committer

Quanmatic Inc. / Waseda Univ. / TORIBO Japan

Sabin Subedi Sabin-Subedi
A passionate learner from Nepal. Interested in Javascript, Typescript, and Web Technologies.

Khalti kathmandu,Nepal


University of Western Ontario