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jasonbla jason-hwang
Less is more. work for @onthelook

onthelook Seoul, Republic of Korea

Guillaume Loulier Guikingone
PHP developer @sensiolabs and forever learner, I teached the web of tomorrow at @OpenClassrooms. I share my knowledge through the web, oh and i love pizza

@sensiolabs Hautes-Alpes | France

Vladyslav vlady5lav
Science & Tech Enthusiast

Hobbyist Developer & System Administrator Andromeda Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, Laniakea Supercluster

Inline Assembly abdielsudiro
Whatever Developer


Minh Hiếu hieuminh1810
Mobile Developer Hà Nội

Charles Thomas DIATTA Kassoumaye
Etudiant en Administrateur Système DevOps à la recherche d'un stage de fin d'étude pour la période du 02 Septembre au 13 Novembre 2024

g2r-formation Paris 11 Philippe Auguste

Miguel Medina Ballesteros Maximetinu
I'm the kind of person who wakes up in the middle of the night and has been dreaming about coding and design patterns.

@Sophya Granada, Spain

Iris Kerr IrisKerr
Hi, I'm Iris Kerremans. I'm a web developer, based in Paris, and an alumni from O'clock. はじめまして !


Margaux De Filippis MargauxDF
Junior web developper in the making. Node/React JS, Typescript. @WildCodeSchool

Wild Code School Lyon

Wisner WisnerMartinez
Estudiante en Formacion
Roopesh Saravanan roopeshsn
I am open to software engineering roles, GSoC'23 @InternetHealthReport

Bengaluru, KA, IN

Abbas Tolgay Yılmaz streamerd
🌍 Peacemaker

@stateful-art Antalya

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
fliodhais fliodhais
Full Stack Developer



@ethereum United States of America

Shalki Mishra shaksmish
Front-end engineer


Padhie padhie
- German - Software Developer - Gamer

- Germany



Alexandre Saint-Prix Alexandre-st
Front-End Developer


George Kwan georgekwan
░░▄▀▀▀▄░▄▄░░░░░░╠▓░░░░ ░░░▄▀▀▄█▄░▀▄░░░▓╬▓▓▓░░ ░░▀░░░░█░▀▄░░░▓▓╬▓▓▓▓░ ░░░░░░▐▌░░░░▀▀███████▀ ▒▒▄██████▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒

Calgary, AB

xtechnology XTechnology-TR

X Technology İstanbul

Miguel Angel MichellMurallas
Soy Ingeniero Electrónico pero... Me gusta el Software mas que los Circuitos.

@No_Country Colombia

Facundo N. Corona Martínez facucorona
FullStack Web Developer with formation in Pentest and Ethical Hacking. I've worked with NodeJS, React, Redux, SQL, Sequelize, Express, and several others.

Córdoba, Argentina

Carlos Flores carlos-ssh
Software Developer | Homebrewer. Ruby, Rails, JS, REACT, PG, MySQL, MongoDB.

@laruby2 Querétaro, Mx.

Nliver Nliver
If you start striving now, the worst outcome is still becoming a late bloomer. 如果你现在开始努力,最坏的结果不过是大器晚成。


Chinan Yin yinchinan010
a .NET full stack programmer. (Keep Healthy, Dream Big, Work Smart, Deliver Fast, Be Happy)

ZhongShan YD Crystal Group ZhongShan, China

Harshit Gakhar harshit860
Reactjs | Redux | React-Native | JavaScript | Python | DSA.

TVS Next Bangalore,India


Bordeaux, Fr

Ferdinand Coumau FerdinandCoumau
Head of sales & Partnership @ NuxtLabs !

NuxtLabs Paris

Vaseto VasetoSoft
Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
IT guy pistolla


Nayleen nayleen
Eurobeat, cats and coffee.

Berlin, Germany