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Christoph Grabo asaaki
Holistic Engineer. Methodical Deep Thinker. {he, they} 🦄👨🏼‍💻 at @contentful

@markentier Berlin, Germany

Martin Welcker mwelcker

codecentric AG Leipzig

Zoo Sky zoosky
Just learning now.
Warcop Warcop
Cloud Innovation Architect. Open Source advocate in ProAV, Media, and Broadcast. Tech Field Day delegate. Executive Advisor for Cloud | Networking | Security

diversified Atlanta

Ni Jannasch NJannasch


Isaac Wyatt iwyatt
Built Growth Systems @ Google, HashiCorp, New Relic etc. | Strat & Ops + Code 🦀🐍
Bill Bensing BillBensing
I build things that build things

@attestify St. Petersburg, FL

Adam Friswell adamfriswell
Software Engineer at @NewDayStratus, 1st Class UEA Mathematics Graduate

@NewDayStratus UK

Jon Velando rigzba21
SysAdmin and Ops automation. OS and network tinkerer. Software-defined radio (SDR) enthusiast 📻
nextify tianzx
nextify your saas


:) Octogonapus
Software at Leuko


Brad Lugo BradLugo
Software Engineer, Kubernetes & Container Security

@RedHatOfficial Oregon, USA

Lorenzo Pieri LRNZ09
Senior Software Engineer

@helio Lugano

zhanhai zhanhai

Ubankers Shanghai, China

Cam camerondurham
SDE2 @amzn working on the listing platform. Prev: @teslamotors, @oracle , @csci104

@amzn PHX

Haiko Schol haikoschol
On a mission to increase the cat content on the internet. 😻

international association of nomadic couch potatoes Thailand

Wilson Craig wilsonrcraig

Mindshare PR Los Altos, CA

Tinkerer & Creator of GitUI & - Founder of Rustunit! Now mainly Rust, Go, C# and D in the past - This-Week-In-Rust-Editor 🦀


Richard Nixon trickyearlobe

@HSBC (Previously @Chef and GE) Wakefield, UK


Nuremberg, Germany

Cameron Smith cameronraysmith

Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, USA

Phani Rithvij phanirithvij
@phanirithvij2000 is me, also don't follow me ... around like a stalker (unless you watched the 1979 movie)
Hao snowsky
Engineers / Father / Love to learn interesting stuff!


零号方舟 yinjake

SM nanjing-CHINA

Oussama EL GHANNAMI iamoeg
Just a nerd doing nerdy things 🤖


Luke van der Hoeven plukevdh
In theory, there’s no difference between theory and practice.

Highwing Beaufort, SC

Endang Suwarna edsuwarna
DevOps Engineer | Building HomeLab for learning infrastructure


Cole Lavallee colelavallee
Just a guy who loves cats.

Boston, MA

Aryan Delloson MasterPupoy
Life is just one huge skill issue
