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Peter Khalil Peter3Khalil
💼 Frontend Developer

Cairo Egypt

Michal Landsman landsman
{"bio": { "work": "ex-cto @graet; ex-cto @trisbee", "hobbies": " programming; sci-fi; rap; youngtimer cars; green-energy; linux; geek to the last byte!" }}

Prague, Czech Republic

Golden MAN profreelancer222
Program development is ART

Lina, Austria

Kirk Elliott dmvjs
JavaScript Engineer

IonQ Mantua, VA

Moein MoeinDeveloper92
MERN Stack Developer, and life long learner. Skills: 1:JavaScript 2:React/React-Native 3:MongoDB/Mongoose 5:NodeJs/ExpressJs/API/RESTAPI 6:Security skills


Yehezkiel Dio Sinolungan yehezkieldio
a full-stack impostor/engineer; with a perchance for the frontend.

Balikpapan, Indonesia

Yanis Benekaa YanisBenekaa
A young developper who enjoy code, art and culture 😎🏞🎷

Montpellier, France

Keiji Miyazaki miyahkun
Frontend developer

@raksul Tokyo, Japan

Yeahx1000 Yeahx1000
Web Design & Development. In a constant state of growth. Javascript, MERN & Rust


Lakshman Gope lgope
Passionate Software Engineer 👨🏻‍💻 | Talk to me about #Javascript #ReactJS #NodeJS

Ollyo Earth

Jonas jonasermert

Germany, Thüringen, Erfurt

Sid sidsurakanti
yr 11 hs

@sidsurakanti the solar system

Dhirendra Thapa drainthapa
Software Engineer | Full Stack | MERN & LAMP Stack | JavaScript & TypeScript | IT Consultant | Passionate about coding and problem-solving | Let's connect !!

@Techvision-IT-Solution Lumbini Province, Butwal Sub Metropolitan City-13,Rupandehi,Nepal

Prajwal Joshi Ojaspj
Software Engineer


Sibendra Timalsina Sibindra
Full Stack Developer and Software Engineer

Kathmandu, Nepal

Saroj Dahal isarojdahal

@28softwares Lokanthali, Bhaktapur

Haider haider-22
Full-stack web developer Python, Django, DRF, Redis, Postgres, Mysql, Bootstrap, Celery, React, Nextjs, Effector, Redux, NodeJs

@iraquna Iraq

Ahmed ahmed-hassan23
Frontend developer. React, NextJs, Sass, NodeJs, TS, JS

@iraquna Iraq

Stephanie Vital-Herne stephanie-vitalherne
React/React Native Developer #PassTheCROWN

New York, NY

Jesse Hernandez jessebubble
Focused on web standards and modern user experiences

DEVSA San Antonio, Texas

Melek Lassoued meleklassoued
👋 Hello, I'm Melek Lassoued, an experienced web developer specializing in creating high-quality websites using cutting-edge technologies.

@eDonec Tunisia

Abdel Kader Maguiraga Kader198
I am an enthusiastic, motivated, reliable, responsible individual, and a mature team player who is adaptable to challenging situations


Joseph coolheaded1
React | ReactNative | NextJS | TypeScript | TailwindCSS

@ourkicestapp @TheKrediBankSystem @xettasoft Lagos, Nigeria

Ram Murmu rammurmu
Founder & CEO @runash

@runash BOKARO JH INDIA 827014

Wizard of FullStack code-wizard21
Behold, I am a mighty wizard of the digital realm, a master of the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack! I possess the power to conjure extraordi

Freelancer House

Lin Thit LinThitHtwe
Constantly Learning and Improving

ACE Data Systems Yangon, Myanmar

Dushmanta dushmanta05
Passionate software engineer

@HyScaler Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Dalpat Rathore DalpatRathore
React.js | Next.js | MERN
