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Mwala Zechariah Mulenga mwala-zm
Leader of the Shirai Ryu. (Rust, Python, Ruby, C++ and whatever the internet is hyping)

Rose pine, Neovim

Nazarii Sabadash sabbadash
🎓 Computing Student @ Edinburgh Napier Uni 💻 Aspiring Software Developer

Edinburgh, Scotland

YNSRC ynsrc
Electrical-Electronics Engineer
Angelo Souza AngeloSouza1
Olá! Sou um desenvolvedor backend dedicado à construção de soluções eficientes para aplicativos web/mobile.
Jonas Silva j0jds
system analysis and development student

Recife, Pernambuco

Gabriel Moraes GabrielM33
Passionate about technology and healthcare. Creating tech for a better world.
Travis Ravert Oglopf
Software Engineer. One of the maintainers of Open OnDemand.

The Ohio Supercomputer Center Seattle, Washington


New York, NY

octimizer octimizer
Ruby on Rails developer.


Factorx Mergendicer
The Jedi (^ / )

Factorx The Netherlands

Toheeb Badru TBadru
Software Engineer

Greenhithe, Kent

Pete Warnock pwarnock

Southern California

Dragoș Haiduc drakiula

București, România

Dhruv Solanki dhruv-solanki
Software Engineer


Alex Daniel ZaikoXander
Desenvolvedor Full-stack na @zimobi. Estudante de Tecnologia, cursando Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas. ⏳ 👨‍💻️

@zimobi SP - Brasil

Alan Reid alan-at-work
Dad. Developer. Photographer.

Somewhere in the UK

HUAN CAPITAL nguyenvanhuan243
Contact for work

RubyDevTeam Viet Nam

Lợi Nguyễn rubyhcm
Try your best to get your dream !!!

RubyDevTeam Viet Nam

Brolin Remunyanga brolinr
Full-stack Developer at Jalappeno

Jalappeno Zimbabwe

nette nyette
Olivier Kitenge kitenge
Developer, developer, developer!

New York, NY

Sergio Oseko osksergio
Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript student / Programmer Delphi / User Linux

TI Gestor Brasil / São Paulo / Birigui

Osiris Mariano OsirisMariano
Me dedicando à área de programação web e utilizando todas as tecnologias possíveis para criar software de qualidade.

Freelancer Brazil

Roberto Martins da Silva b0bd3v
Ruby On Rails | Next.js | Golang

Reclame Aqui Brazil

J. Igor Melo jigordev
Founder of @Digital-Age

@Digital-Age Brazil

Marcelo Campanelli marcelocampanelli
Sem tempo irmão!

Reclame Aqui Valparaíso, São Paulo, Brasil