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Mostafa Gholami mst-ghi
Back-end and Front-end Developer with over 7 years of experience.

Backend & Frontend Developer Iran / Isfahan

Anaël.R AnaelR
French web dev, student at Les Gobelins

Akaru Studio France

Mark A Garcia bitsmithrick

Bitsmith Solutions LLC Orange County, CA

steven周威 zw2582
少言空洞浮躁之词,多行求真务实之举 Don’t say words that are empty and impetuous, multiple lines of seeking truth and being pragmatic

火理财 上海

Mike Travis travmi

Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin

Florian Thienel ftl
Code Clean or Die Tryin'
Lsk liushangkun
my bio ..hah

@alibaba China. Hangzhou


Jeju, Korea

arpu arpu

1170 Vienna

Ronny Kunze ShinjiLE

Rechenwerk Computermuseum Halle Leipzig

Tachun Wu tachunwu
Ex-Google DSC Lead / Brobridge Software Eng Founder of Rainforest

Awareness Labs Taoyuan

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing


Coders in UA Ukraine

Hyeonsoo Lee civilizeddev
A cultured and versatile developer

Busan, Republic of Korea

A metalearner
Rowan GENG ViGeng
MPhil Student @HKUST(GZ)

HKUST Guangzhou, CN

xiaoyiyu alonelucky


ALOSER aloser6
Lying flat is justice!
Kenan Yararbas kenanyararbas
A person who is trying to learn and enjoying it


Skkeye Skkeye
I'm dying inside
Chengjie Hu cjie888
Done is better than perfect.

Baidu Beijing


localhost The martian

Bikram Sarkar sarkarbikram90
Go and Kubernetes enthusiast. Working as an Infrastructure monitoring, Incident Management/Change Management.

NA India

mvni.null matiasdev30

ITGest Luanda Angola

Romain Théry rthery
Game Dev and Open Source Enthusiast

@Quell-Tech France