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Stefan Eligioo

@nimiq The Netherlands

Deiby Mejia Ruiz elmaedesistemas
Software Engineer

San José, Costa Rica

emre etherx-dev


Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


programORdie programORdie2
programORdie was taken https:/pod.stio.stio/projects


BxL BxL221

Budapest, HU

Javed Khan tuxcanfly
Core Developer

@bcoin-org @handshake-org Remote

dCodeX21 dCodeX21
Just a random dev.

Philippines, PH

Anton Livaja antonleviathan
Security Engineer and Open Source Developer @

Distrust Toronto

Enrique Ferrater selfcrypto

SELF Crypto

이준헌 leejoonhun


Oliver olipda
Software Developer
Crazy Money 1Crazymoney
Tu no sabes estoy loco?

@LocoPecunia+Inc.+D.A.O.+P.L.E. #AVA #BCH #BTC #Ecash #GTU #Golem #LTC #Metahash, #SLP

Bilgehan KAMBER bilgehankamber
@bkamber is my old github profile 🥇

@suitsoftware @kareofis Türkiye

tuanggolt tuanggolt
Bảo vệ

tuanltd@ Việt Nam

Perf5150 Perf5150
Lover of technology, Crypto enthusiast, Epistemophile, web3, design
Damon Oehlman DamonOehlman
Distractable dev. Serial werewolf. Generally likeable.

Gold Coast, Australia

Lars Morten Bek lmbek
CEO & Software Developer at Beksoft ApS | BSc in Computer Science & Informatics, Roskilde Univ | Web Dev(EUD). Viden Djurs |

Beksoft ApS Denmark