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Kim Hao kimhao97
iOS Developer

Da Nang

Smith Dylan smith-business
Frontend Developer | React, TypeScript, Redux, Next.js, | Open Source | Passionate about flying 🛩️

Open Source

Wilson Silva wilsonsilva
Software architect lost in love with software engineering as a mode of intellectual exercise and expression. Progressively right > consistently wrong.

@poetic-justice Porto, Portugal

Win Than Htike win-than-htike
I love code.

Yangon, Myanmar(Burma)

Elfana, A | Elfaael elfaaels
Software Engineer, Mobile • UTC+7

Somewhere in Southeast Asia

Richard Loong SpawnageLoong

National University of Singapore Singapore

Huy Nguyen huynn109
Mobile dev

Ho Chi Minh city

Phuong phuwn
An apple full of ideas


Quet Almahdi Morris Oil3


Tony Thai trungthaihieu93-dev
Developer, Dreamer and Doer!

Innovation Labs Vietnam

PhucNT ngthanhphuc
Mobile Developer

@framgia, @sun-asterisk Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Duy Nguyn nqduy1999

GSM Ho Chi Minh City

Vaibhav Malaviya vaimalaviya1233
Backup & Android enthusiast.


Yunus Emre Taşdemir yetsdmr
Mobile Developer


Tom Tarnage
I am currently studying computer science at the University of Western Australia.

Perth, WA, Australia

Fai Fai
AI Engineer Intern (NLP) @ Botnoi, Software Engineer @ DreamMaker & JaiBud


Le Dien Phuc phucledien
iOS, macOS developer. In ❤️ with Swift

@dwarvesf @consolelabs Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

narakai narakai
Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Space base

Prabesh Dahal Prabeshpd


Runchana C. Jingjit lydiasama
Android, Flutter 🐞 Engineering Team Leader

Krungsri Nimble Bangkok, Thailand

John Tran johntranz
Learn from previous solutions, create better systems, and leave a bigger legacy for the next Software Engineers.

Stdio Asia Hue, Viet Nam, Earth

emTr0 emTr0
Security+, Google & ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity. Python, JavaScript, Cloud.

New Jersey, USA

Azizbek Rasulmetov AzizbekRasulmetov
software engineer | let me show you the code

Jafton Tashkent

Arnon Hongklay ArnonHongklay

CEO at @arnon-innovation, @burapha-corporation Pattaya

Dang Ngoc Phu dangphu2412
Im a backend developver with experiences in JS. Worked with Express, Nestjs. Im an easy-going person, funny and crazy. Love music and sport.
Trần Đình Nhật Trí cheesepp

University of Science - VNU Ho Chi Minh City

Nguyen Phi Truong truongnguyenptn
I'm a tech lover, I'm always push my self to the next level. I have skill in web development including frontend, backend, managing VPS and cloud.

Enouvo IT Solutions Danang

Lê Đình Hiếu Lindis0804
Coding, cooking and kamen rider


Le Quoc Thinh quocthinhle
Hi there, Software Engineer in Danang city. Java, Go, Docker, Ops, Algorithms.

Da Nang, VN

Boy Hoody boy12hoody
Self-taught Android App Developer

Uzbekistan, Tashkent