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Moscow, Russia

Viktor Borodulya VBorodulya
Data Analyst. There are only training projects here. Just for fun
Luiz Alexandre L-Alexandre
Graduando em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas na Estácio.

SP, Brasil

Solomon Chakaev veidlink
Data Scientist with a broad skill set in data analysis, machine and deep learning.


Rogovoy Maxim Norlet
Junior Data Enthusiast
Jenia evasilev

Russia, Moscow

Gukas mr-gukas
MIPT DREC Student ML/DS enjoyer

Moscow, Russia

Nail Shiyatov NailorSH

@bmstu-iu9 student Moscow, Russia

Aaron M. Thompson kollektivminds
PhD Candidate in Slavic Languages and Literatures and Digital Humanities @ University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA, USA

Seanghay Yath seanghay
RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 42.0 MiB

Digital Government Committee Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Canada, Toronto

Solomon Andryushenko strangecreator
I study at MIPT. I love self-development and eager to get more knowledge and experience in computer science.


Nasibullin Alan Maratovich lm-cyber
ML and DL engineer, 22 years old


Sergey Fox FlashWS
I am goal-oriented, sociable, capable to learn, open-minded; responsibility and active life position. I work in web since 2005 and done a tons of task.
Jaulie Goe jaulie
NLP enthusiast. NYU CS Grad.
Andrej Pawluczenko Marwolaeth
Media analyst, performance geek, tidiness maniac. Former (and perhaps future) academic social anthropologist. ‘Marwolaeth’ is my old online nickname 😌

RSpectre Communications Agency Moscow, Russia

Roman Prasad gblssroman
ML / DS / ITSec

moscow, russia

Murad Mammadzada MStan123
Moscow State University - Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Dmitrii dofiltra


Ilya G Mirin ilyamirin

Vladivostok, Russia

Danil Shidlovskiy AMRPH
Java Developer/Data Scientist, RTU MIREA student

Russia, Moscow

Nikolay Strekopytov nstrek
Researcher&Developer in Deep Learning My blog:
Roman Neronov RomiconEZ
Data Scientist, NLP Engineer; РИНЦ AuthorID: 1237843
