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Luigi SphereLaboratories
CTO @Sphere-Laboratories. Here for the journey and people.
Hashversion Hashversion
I build and break things with computers.
simon le serve geosynapse
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Student Cosmos

Magniflex99 Magniflex99
The wind rises... we must try to live.

Alpha Centauri

Sensei De Elite SenseiDeElite
Psalms 150:1 “Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.” King James Version (KJV)


Nick Schonning nschonni
Please don't email me, use the issue tracker

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Guillaume Vincke gvne
C++/Python Developer. Audio programming enthusiast.

France, Nantes

Prashanth StarOne01
Trying to create new things
Hanshuo Tan hstan

@atlassian Sydney, Australia

Abdhilahi R. Wabwire AbdhilahiRWabwire
Software Developer

Hyaena Technologies

Brent brent0den

Internet Denmark

Uzzal Hossen iamuzzalhossen
Professional Web Designer | Developer | WordPress Expert

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Aminda Suomalainen ⚧ Mikaela
I am a Highly Sensitive Autistic Pirate with Linux experience since 2008. ⚧

Helsinki, Finland

joshua! skttlock
am real person like helping others getting used to this whole "computer" and "technology" thing
DeanDark D3anDark


Anastasios3 Anastasios3
Software Engineer


Bryan Ramsey bryancramsey
Student in Computer Programming and Development
Nguyen Phu Huy nphuhuy

Worldwide Ho Chi Minh

CoolColby CoolColby23


Srijan Srijnnn17
Passionate about everything i com across... Enjoying the process..

Ranchi , Jharkhand