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Bastien Vélitchkine bvelitchkine
Freelance Growth Engineer. Author of Growth Engineered (📨 newsletter). Bulldozer member.

Bastien Vélitchkine Paris

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Michael Demarais mikedemarais
cofounder @rainbow-me

@rainbow-me New York, NY

AllyPry AllyPry
They'll be told the truth in the movies and lied to in real life. They'll be completely lost.


#Javascript #python #blockchain
Founder, Kolektivo Labs. Steward, CeloPG. Guardian, SafeDAO.

Kolektivo Labs The Netherlands

LowK lowk3v
Blockchain Security Engineer

Ho Chi Minh city, VietNam

jaybuidl jaybuidl
Builder @kleros

@kleros asia-grid19-shard3

Luca G.F. 0xpanoramix
Learning stuff about exotic tech. I will never contact you to ask you to invest in my project, I will never contact you to send me money or anything similar.


Golden Granger GxLenesky
Once you have tasted the taste of the sky, you will forever look up.

University of Oxford Hogwarts

jnssn jnssn
Full stack developer
ant 0xdevant
privacy and cryptography // sc engineer

Hong Kong

Dhruv Malik dhruvmalik007
buildL / consultant for web3 , generative AI and security auditor

Frontier-tech Europe

bigq yum0e
tech lover interested in privacy, ai and distributed systems
Ryan Goree ryangoree

@delvtech San Antonio, TX

Reppelin Tom tomrpl
DevRel @morpho-labs

@morpho-labs @morpho-dao Paris

webstar Osub
Deepu blackbeard002
Blockchain enthusiast


Dist Bit distbit0
Interested in econ, cryptoecon, agents, finance, epistemology, liberty.
Pranesh A S PraneshASP
EVM | DeFi | Soldity | Rust


Alex dekuluss
I'm the Web3 future developer.
Unicorn♘ UnicorNn1
Trusted Validator ♠ Cosmos Ecosystem ♠ Threador🧵Web3 Contributor♥ Full-time enthusiast Content Creator♛ at Web3

Germany Edinburgh

Felipe Novaes F Rocha kamikazebr
Blockchain Dev <> Solidity Security Researcher Nomad at Brazil

Cooper Maruyama coopermaruyama
Co-Founder @CoinCircle

@CoinCircle Los Angeles, California, USA

Roman RomanHiden
crypto enthusiast, engineering defi future

Planet Earth

Philippe Gonday pgonday
Senior software engineer | Smart Contract Hacker | Alyra Alumni | Prev. freelance @morpho-labs 🦋 | Builder at Davensi


Merlin Egalite MerlinEgalite
Commoning finance @morpho-labs Cofounder 🦋 Former Smart Contract Hacker @kleros ⚖️ & Web3 Dev @commons-stack 🌱

Morpho Labs Earth

Julien THOMAS julien-devatom
I create bugs, and I resolve them. Co-founder & lead dev at Morpho labs With provencal roots

Morpho Labs Provence, France