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almokhtar almokhtarbr
Software Developer
Andrew Khassapov AndrewKhassapov
Automation, apps and whatnot from Melbourne, Australia.

State Government Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Simon Thiboutôt masterT
Web Developer - Team Lead at @Kimoby. Security enthusiast.

@Kimoby Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Nicolas Puchois Nicolas-Puchois

Arras, Hauts-de-France, France

Loc Nguyen loctn

ValleyMatch Greater Sacramento

Gabriela A. Sanchez sabgaby
COO at nanotech startup in CH

Swiss Cluster Bern, Switzerland

Devin Schumacher devinschumacher
widely recognized as the world's best SEO & grumpy cat impersonator.

@serp-ai USA

Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

Dev Mukherjee devraj

@anomaly Canberra, ACT Australia

Hakan Emre Kartal AIntelligent
Soft.Eng., Inventor, Researcher. "Hiç bilenlerle bilmeyenler bir olur mu (Are those who know and those who don't know the same?)"

NulaSoft, OMLET

Melvin Quick melvinquick
Anime Addict | System Administrator | Weightlifter

Boyd Gaming Corporation Clearfield, PA

Luan Analista de TI </> UX/UI Designer LuanDesigner
🛡️ Analista de Segurança da Informação 👨‍💻 Ethical Hacker 🔒 Cyber Security 🛠️ Software Developer ☕️ Coding • Tech • Hacking • Design

Salvador - BA

Aron Merkestijn amerkestijn
Highly inefficient coder

Odimm Gouda cheese

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Chris Hahn codingwithchris
Actor, Engineer, former Theatre Owner: I build magical things and tell impactful stories for a living ✨

@the-nerve Chicago, Illinois

ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


Hugo Weber w-hugo
Software Engineer


LeroyK LeroyK111
Don't give up on code. 代码就是不断学习。

Software and hardware integration development engineer shanghai

Pier-Luc Gendreau Zertz
♥ TypeScript + React


JScheffer JoostScheffer
Physics student from the Netherlands

Delft, Netherlands

Cactus erbanku
写代码是热爱,写到世界充满爱!Contributing to the World's Open Source Projects.

@cactusinc @cactus-open-source San Francisco, CA