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Georvic Tur J0hnG4lt
A computer scientist who is interested in data science, big data, distributed systems, and scalability.


Lorand Sandor lorandsandor
Senior Software Engineer | Backend | Ruby


Bartek Watrobinski bartoszwatrobinski
Software Developer - Python | PyTorch | React | Javascript

London, UK

Joel Biffin joelbiffin
Senior Software Engineer. Constantly messing around with JavaScript, Ruby, Python & Go

Cleo London, United Kingdom

Angela Guette agbinary

@meetcleo Berlin, Germany

sean clothier toypadlock
a software engineer, but at what cost?

Cleo London

Mike Mike-Heneghan

@theopensystemslab Edinburgh

George Allen GeorgeA93
Get me bloody video game

GridPanel United Kingdom

Bertie Wooles BertZZ
@makersacademy graduate. Ruby Developer @lavanda-uk

@lavanda-uk Cardiff