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Evangelos Pappas epappas
Trying to improve things, with one idea at a time.

epappas.eth Edinburgh | Athens | London

Felipe Bueno felipebueno
Born again christian, hacker, daydreamer. Enjoys life, people, nature and stuff. Writes code for a living.

Felipe Bueno Interior de SP, Brasil

Jiro Matsumoto codeninja819
Web3 or Nothing

Qitmeer Network Tokyo, Japan

Vaz vazw
Nostr :⚡

Northern, Thailand

Luiz Parreira luizParreira
Founder @bipa-app

@bipa-app Sao Paulo - Brazil

To be a builder.
DMT dmt-io
Explore unseen realities of Cryptocurrency, Data Science, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, and Emerging Tech. Join me for a consciousness-expanding journey.


S P palutz

Decentralised Mars

Mayemene Fomene Jean Vladimir vladimirfomene
Foodie, Bitcoinie and Sportie

@openMF Nairobi, Kenya

optout optout21
bitcoin, lightning, wallets Nostr: npub1kxgpwh80gp79j0chc925srk6rghw0akggduwau8fwdflslh9jvqqd3lecx
elbakkay ₿ ⚡ elbakkayg
96A0 94F5 06C9 AD76 72EB 5C57 BD30 F01E 2A38 7802


🎓 Telecom Engineer 🖥 SRE ⚙ DevOps 📚 Lifelong Learning

Buenas Aires,Argentina

Ruud Erie ruuderie
Software Engineer with 10 years experience. Interested in Bitcoin, Rust, and Ethereum

Oplyst International, LLC United States

Evolution mshankarrao
Blockchain Developer
MIZUKI Sonoko MizukiSonoko
Go / TypeScript / C++ / gRPC / Flutter / Solidity

Fukushima Pref Local Gov officer Aizu / Tokyo, Japan

이준헌 leejoonhun


Paulo Cunha pmrcunha

Copenhagen, Denmark

rob rustaceanrob
Rust and Swift developer

Kona, HI

Jijo Bose JijoBose
Software Developer @saeloun: Ruby on Rails, React Native

@Saeloun Bangalore

Fishcake fishcakeday
Your friendly neighborhood, Shiba Inu!
Toni Akinjiola toniton
Decentralization: DID, SSI, BTC.

@iZettle, @paypal Stockholm, Sweden.

freecritter freecritter
quillie ⚡️ quillie
fix the money, fix the world ⚡️
Yuki Kishimoto yukibtc
86F3 105A DFA8 AB58 7268 DCD7 8D3D CD04 2496 19D1
Kraftig KraftigSats
dunxen dunxen
9484 44FC E03B 05BA 5AB0 591E C37B 1C1D 44C7 86EE

@neXedworks South Africa

Daniel danboy22
i am daniel i am interested in stuff
m-m 8m-m8
Alexandre Castlenine Castlenine
Software Engineer — Cypherpunk — JS/CSS Wizard — PGP Fingerprint: 0BF3 247D 4E17 F8E7 4C95 3A28 65AA 98DA 686D FE7B

@dux-reserve Milky Way / Solar System / Earth