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Miguel Ángel Ordóñez Moya miguemoya
no soy nadie..Me gusta Gnu/Debian, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ICEZUM-Alhambra, la ecología, la filosofía y la economía a escala humana.

Andalucía, España

Zephyr (David B.M.) dbm03
UC3M Computer Science and Engineering student

Nhost Madrid, Spain

Simon Jones simojo
Hardware Engineer Intern

Gumband Pittsburgh

Konstantin Pahheb
Computer Science & Engineering || UC3M || 2026
Jorge Adrian Saghin Dudulea Z4na14
Dunno what im doing with my life


Jorge Lizcano Jorgelzn
All we have to decide is what to code with the time that is given us.

UPM Madrid, Spain

Gabriel Morales gmorales08
Studying computer science and informatic engineering.

Madrid, Spain

Alberto Nuñez Rotlerxd
Comp. Science UC3M


Gery Escalier geryescalier
Data Networks | IPv6 | SoftwareLibre| Mozilla | Miembro Activo Mozilla Hispano | Bike Urban | eltiempoesrelativo, y viendo tanto #anime es + xD


Eduardo Cortés Fhirsvv
I'm a student at 42 Madrid & studying electronic engineering at UC3M

42 Madrid

Lucía Moya-Sans lmoyasans
Computational Neuroscience PhD Student working on non-invasive neurostimulation and neural mass models

IT'IS Research Foundation Zurich, Switzerland

Luis Daniel Casais Mezquida ldcas-uc3m
Studying a Bachelor's Degree on Computer Science and Engineering @ uc3m

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Madrid