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Fedor Kapustin aerscs

Oxytocin Design Group Montenegro

N Tranced n-tranced Canada

Nilay Baranwal nilayb12
#include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Welcome to my corner of GitHub."); return 0; }

Reliance Jio InfoComm Ltd. Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra

Katsunori Kuroda nekodayo2222
Software Engineer from Japan.

Neko Room ( @neko-room ) / IdeaLike (@IdeaLike ) Japan

CoolColby CoolColby23



North Carolina

大连市汉字计算机字库设计技术创新中心 neumason

大连市汉字计算机字库设计技术创新中心 Dalian

Lorenzo Ginyard lnginyard
Developer, Creator & Designer; studying Computer Science @ SNHU!!!

Washington, D.C.

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Super super622
I am Software Developer. Cautious Attitude + Perfect Understanding + Quality Work + Fast Speed = Excellent Result + Business Success, this is my working style
Hush AilurusHush
☆ INFP ☆ (ノ *゚ー゚)ノ ♡ Pass Through Reality ♡ {I'm learning every day to allow the space between where I am & where I want to be to inspire me, not terrify me.}


Carles Belmonte crlxs
Networking TSR for the Google Cloud support project at Concentrix/Webhelp.

WebHelp Barcelona

Thiago Morais paracatuatomico

@saldaterrago Goiânia - GO

Allan allanlealluz
Web Developer | Back-End Developer | PHP | Python | Javascript | Bootstrap | React Open to work

São paulo

Gavin gi-b716
Godson Akampurira GodsonAkampurira
Python | Django | Web Development | Machine Learning/AI Software Engineer and Blogger On

Mbarara University Of Science And Technology Uganda

Tural Alisoy Tural
TAFT Foundry. Type, Logo designer.

TAFT Foundry Azerbaijan

Nate Averyheart nate-averyheart-hdllc
Where is my Star Trek future? Guess I'll have to build it... More building less politicizing.

Harbinger Dynamics LLC Seattle, WA

Loup_1234 Loup-1234
🌟 Aspiring code enthusiast with a weeb heart! Currently immersed in the captivating world of programming. 🚀
Phillip Durose PduroseXYRO
Computer Science Engineer, Electrical Engineer, and Mathematician with specific development focuses in Flutter and Unity.

Xyro, LLC Minneapolis, MN

Vale ValeriaCavallin
1st year CS Major
Ramiro Pistoia ramiropistoia


Gábor Parti partigabor
Post-doctoral researcher in linguistics, working towards digital philology.

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong