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Adeboye Famurewa fadarboye
🟢 Growth Mindset | Azure Kubernetes

Microsoft Dallas, Tx.

Sumit Kumar Soni zelfroster
Dev @riyalto | GSoC'23 @freifunk @RetroShare | Open Sourcerer

In a Dark Room Somewhere on Earth

Curiousity mentordotgit
Eternally curious | Effortlessly trying | Endlessly learning

@VectorDBCloud @ReguNav

Markus Eicher MarkusEicher
Software Development. AI. Opensource. Decentralization. Likes dogs and hockey. Now working on WebAssembly, Rust and NATS. Believer in lifelong learning.


Petros Kolyvas pkolyvas
Tinkerer, Musician, Cyclist & Open Source Product Leader

Montréal, QC

Chris Thomas chris-c-thomas
full stack software engineer

Chicago, IL

Kevin shubhammjha22
Debugging my way through the night
Phill Gibson phillipgibson
Sr. Product Manager @microsoft #OpenSource | #ServiceMesh, #Kubernetes , #Containers , #Serverless, #Microservices, #BBQ

@Microsoft Atlanta, GA

ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


Imon Roy unownone
Developer who loves tinkering with anything and everything.

@Mable-AI Kolkata, India

Ricardo Gaspar ricardogaspar2
Data Engineer with SysAdmin background, enthusiastic about: Big Data, distributed systems, computer networks and DevOps!

Cloudflare Lisbon, Portugal



Evgeniy Letenkov eletenkov
DevOps Engineer

@eletenkov Moscow

Laurent Gil angegar
Kubernetes Evangelist, DevOps Coach, SRE, Certified AWS Architect, Pipelines, IaC, DocAsCode, Everything as Code ✉

Eviden- BDS R&D France - Grenoble

Soma Szelpal shakahl
Full-Stack Architect • SWE • DevOps • SRE • Gopher „live long and prosper!” ― 🖖🏻 Spock

CEO at Shakahl Ltd. • SRE at • DevOps at • • • used to worked on Jasmin at Docler Holding • and more.... Budapest, Hungary

Priyanshu Singh reveurguy
GDSC Lead, Student, Open-source contributor. Contributor @jenkins-infra @getporter @cncf @kedacore @crossplane

New Delhi, India

camille epsxy
Time is a flat circle. Everything we've ever done or will do, we're gonna do over and over and over again.


Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
mdheller mdheller
Academic background in Quant. Finance with technical competency in Analytics, Big Data, Knowledge Management, Risk Management, and Systems Architecture & Design

@IBM @SocioProphet Planet Earth

CitrixMing CitrixMing
Free Software Engineer @linuxfoundation @cncf @apache @OpenStackweb @kubernetes @istio 专注于容器、云原生技术、虚拟化技术、开源爱好者。。。

San Francisco

Mateusz Szostok mszostok
doin' cloud-native stuff, the wacky kind ex-@kyma-project | ex-@capactio

@kubeshop | @kubernetes Poland

Yingrong Zhao VinozzZ
What should I have for breakfast?

Carolyn Van Slyck carolynvs
Professional Yak Shaver

@Azure Chicago, IL